BeakerSqueedom said:
Aw, good-bye, Chubbacca.
Wookie: Reooww....-Walks away-
Biggy: I recent that mark. *head points up like a richy person, walks off backstage*
Yakky: Finally. Jeeze. Thank you Scooter.
Kyle W: *walks onto the stage* This is nice. *looking around*
Yakky: Now what?
Kyle W: *sees Yakky* Oh sorry. Didn't know anyone was up here.
Yakky: We are tring to rehearse here.
Kyle W: That's where i've seen you from. Your that yak from "The Moppet's Family" show. I really love you. Your one of my favorite characters.
Yakky: Oh, really?
Kyle W: Yes. Remember the first time you were on there. You didn't have any lines. You made a sound like...
Yakky: Huremp.
Kyle W: That's it! Oh wow! Your just......
Yakky: Security!