The Fanfic Research Thread


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Y'ever get stuck on a detail while writing a fanfic? Want to ask for a reality check from other fanfic authors? This just might be the thread for you. I've got questions, and anyone else is free to chime in with answers and questions of their own.

So--in Muppet Babies, what do the characters drink out of? So any of them use bottles or sippy cups? If none of the main characters use those, have they had any "visitors" who did?


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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I don't really remember them drinking out of anything, 'course I haven't seen all the episodes. But in one I remember them drinking sippy cups. Hope that helps you!
My Question: Was there ever any fraggle couples? I heard a lot about Mokey and boober, or something like that.:stick_out_tongue: I never really watched a lot of Fraggle Rock. Supposedly they are making a movie coming out in 2013. But with Disney, who knows?:big_grin:

Muppet fan 123

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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I don't really remember them drinking out of anything, 'course I haven't seen all the episodes. But in one I remember them drinking sippy cups. Hope that helps you!
My Question: Was there ever any fraggle couples? I heard a lot about Mokey and boober, or something like that.:stick_out_tongue: I never really watched a lot of Fraggle Rock. Supposedly they are making a movie coming out in 2013. But with Disney, who knows?:big_grin:
Disney doesn't own Fraggle Rock. It's still owned by Henson.
No one really knows what's going on with that movie, new news pops up every so often, no release date for it yet!


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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1. The Disney company doesn't own Fraggle Rock; the Henson company still owns the rights. There is still a movie allegedly in development with New Regency Films, but it's very early and tenuous.

2. As for couples in Fraggle Rock, there are a lot of different opinions on who should be paired up with who, if at all, but nothing is explicitly stated in the show. The two most common pairings on this board's stories appear to be Gobo/Red and Boober/Mokey, and there are some moments in the show where you could certainly "read between the lines" and see that affection played out. There's a lot of room for freedom if you wanted to write a certain pairing that's a little uncommon, but I'd suggest watching a lot of the show first, because it'll give you a feel for the characters and the show is mind-bogglingly amazing.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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There are no canon couples among the Fraggles. You can see affection, definitely, but the closest we get to a couple is Traveling Matt and The Storyteller, and Matt seems to be oblivious to her. But maybe he's not completely oblivious, according to Terry Angus.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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Uh... I hate to correct you, but Disney doesn't own Fraggle Rock. As for your question, there were never any official pairings, but:

  • There is evidence for Boober/Mokey, Gobo/Mokey, and Gobo/Red, so take your pick .
  • Boober was known to admire a Fraggle called Tosh.
  • Wembley had a friend named Lou, but other than the romance in "we Love You, Wembley," she faded into the background. Most people pair them up anyway, If he has a pairing at all.
Does this mean you're writing a Fraggle Rock fic? Bet it'd be good.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Thanks guys, I din't mean to put Disney, I meant to put the Jim Henson Company, I'm also on Disney at the moment. Sorry for being side tracked.:stick_out_tongue::wink:


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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OK, what does Camilla, (Gonzo's chicken girlfriend) eat? is that revealed in any episodes? Bird seed? Chicken feed?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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I've seen her pecking at corn in one ep (their first big date, though I forget what ep). She is, however, allergic to I'm guessing no seed-foraging!



Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Yeah, found it! Okay, so I has the questions, h'okay, which I kinda started asking in Ru's Kermie's Girl fic (sorry! :embarrassed: Super excited!:super:), but I'll ask here and then maybe give the reasons of why I asked. Wanna make sure before I delve in - yet another fandom - I is prepared.

Okay? Okay!

#1. Is Scooter's real name Scooter?
So I asked this in the KG thread and The Count mentioned that it probably was, in order to differeniate from the nickname on Dinosaurs, which makes sense, however Slackbot also mentions that, like me, Scooter doesn't seem like an actual birth certificate name, you know? My thought is that it's a childhood nickname and I just came up with an idea to explain that. :search:

#2. Is Fozzie's real name Fozzie?
For some reason, I think this is the same case as Scooter and I seem to remember that in the Muppet Family Christmas, his mom calls him by his full name. Now, my memory is sometimes suspect, especially when trying to remember things that I saw as a kid.:embarrassed:

#3. Is The Muppet Movie true?
By that I mean, is it a true story or a Hollywood true story? I ask because I've been thinking about it and while I believe - in my heart of hearts - it's a movie based on a true story, I think the movie itself is Hollywood true story.

#4. Are Muppet Studios on the same lot/adjacent to Muppet Theater?
I ask because of the new movie; see, I always thought the studio and the theater were in two different locations, but in Muppets 2011, at the very beginning when Walter has his inside Muppet Studio tour book, it looks like the theater is surrounded by the different attractions of the studios. I'm gonna watch it again and maybe screen shot it, but wanted to know if something was said shown that is different than this

#5. Is Muppet Babies canon?
Let me say that, I love MB first of all and I'm not saying that those events never happened, however...the reason TMTM had been my favorite Muppet movie was because of the Muppet Babies scene (OMG Rowlf is the most adorable thing, ever! :excited:), so of course as a kid, I never thought anything about it. So, after watching the movie as an adult, I realized that MB technically is an alt universe because Piggy states that she wished she had met Kermit much earlier. Sometimes my adult mind and inner child have different interpretations of stuff that I then have to muddle through. :rolleyes:

#6. (last question, I swear!) Is Kermit and Piggy's house one story or two?
I mean the house they apparently shared in Muppets 2011. It looks kind two story on the outside, but inside it looks one story.

Okay, I think that's it. So, I'm well aware that I can pretty much make my own interpretations on all things Muppet, within reason of course, I just want to clarify and ask before I delve into a fic (especially when I should be working on other fics :embarrassed:) and that it makes sense and stuffs.

Oh and many Garcias in advance for the help!