Yes! The only Don Bluth movie with otherwise was the underrated a Troll in Central Park where he plays the star. I enjoy all his movies except Titan AE, and Dragon's Lair which to this day I have not seen.
Dragons Lair is a video game. Like certain Sega CD games, that is, where you have to press buttons in a certain succession in relevance to what's happening on the screen. One wrong move, and you have to start over.
There was a VERY rare DVD-Rom release that had the game edited together to make a movie without having to actually do anything to change the action, but it was impossible to find when it came out, and I can only tell how expensive it is on amazon. I really wanted to see the movie without having to press buttons timed to perfection every 5 seconds.
I also enjoyed Bluth's animation growing up. I particularly like that he tried to steer away from the typical Disney formula. It didn't always work. The stories were hit-or miss, but the animation was always gorgeous and I've left his films playing on mute while I've turned on a music mix. They work remarkably well that way!
Bluth's a genius in my book... but the films that he did in the 90's were, as respectful as I can phrase this, disappointing. Thumbellina was
terrible. I only saw that for the Animaniacs short at the beginning. Anastasia was pretty good, but it missed something to it. There's just something very magical about LBT, AT, and especially SON that just didn't come through in those later movies. But I'd blame the studios for that one. They were trying to force the Princess movie on him with those two. So much so that Anastasia has a misconception of being a Disney movie in some circles. Didn't actually see Titan A.E. But that's our American "cartoon movies are for kids" mindset. That totally ravaged Cool World... Ralph Bakshi supposedly punched a studio head in the face for rewriting the script behind his back on that one.
I long for the day the US gets a home grown animated film for older audiences once again. And I don't mean South Park/Aqua Teen Hunger Force/Beavis and Butt-head type stuff. Something with action and high violence you'd see in a live Action film.