A traditionally animated version of Froud's beautiful drawings just isn't in the cards these days.
That said, I could dig a 2-D Clone Wars/ Samurai Jack style animated program as expressed in the drawings here, but with some alterations. I need to say there's a lot in this I
do like.
My main issue is that the artist is allowing the style to
eclipse the charm and spark of the source material in key areas when it should
emphasize these things instead.
Jen is a heroic gelfling, but he's a smaller, quieter figure - not this hulking warrior as depicted. He's a
reluctant hero. That goes to the heart of the entire story. If the artist doesn't understand that, he should be replaced.
Kira just looks dim, unattractive and uncomfortably sexualized here. Back to the drawing board completely with her design. And remember
not to give gelflings people noses! That's another key to the design.
The Mystic looks great. The artist managed to retain the fluidity of character within the inherent angular style. A+
The Skesis isn't quite right in the
face. I'd say they need to go back to the
original puppet and work forward from there.
I know this series is probably nixed, but those are my notes. What we're seeing are l
ikely very early drafts so it's a treat that probably isn't ready to be critiqued. I'd check it out. With those marked changes and some good writing it could be something cool.