See you.
*teleport to the MIB; look around for Fang or anyone else*
Hello? Fang? Anyone?
*hear someone entering the room and turn around; it was an agent but it was certainly not Fang; for one, it was a female with
bright red hair in curly pigtails and green eyes*
Female agent: "Hello, can I help you?"
Uh yes, do you know where Fang is?
Female agent: "Sorry no but maybe I can help you. I'm Vanille, by the way. And you are? I could have sworn I saw you here more oftrn than not."
I'm Yuna. My husband and I come here often. And well, I need to borrow a flashything.
*Vanille looks at me in confusion*
That memory eraser thingy.
Vanille: "Oh I see. Why do you need one?"
*explain the situation*
Vanille: "Hm, I guess I can give you one. Just bring it back as soon as possible." *goes to get one and gives it to me*
Thank you. I will return it soon.
*teleport back to the apartments*
(Edit: ziffeled
