*Smiles slightly* Trying to figure out what creatures to send to the past and the future, who to put together, who to kill....but first I think that I should explain a few things.
*Takes a deep breath*
In the story that I am working on, I am sending a group of creatures to the past and the future. That is, I'm sending some to the future and some to the past. At the part that I am currently working on, I have a group of creatures in the past and a group in the future. Oh, and when I say creature, I mean both plant and animal, but no humans. Anyway, I am having trouble figuring out what to do to my creatures. I have already decided to have the past creatures endure an earthquake, but I am unsure of how to split my creatures up.
What I mean is that this story is a...well...game changer for my creatures. But, in order for that to happen, I need to separate my creatures into smaller groups...and I'm not entirely sure of how to do that.
(My apologies. When I talk about my series I tend to "lecture", as my brother calls it.