Kiwi: Yes, we are a varied group.
Rachel: If you would not mind, can you try and remember just what happened when you got attacked?
Alan: Oh, sure. I'll try
*Alan shuts his eyes and thinks hard.*
Alan: I'm not...getting anything. Ugh.
Maybe you've had your memory blocked by whatever attacked you? That happened to us.
Alan: Memory blocked...that's it. That's it!
Alan: I was searching for some connection to a partially blocked memory that I had just uncovered, one of some friends to my parents who had gone missing before strange things strange things started happening to the Dual-Changer population when I was attacked.
I'm confused.
Rachel: What Alan is referring to, is the time when the Dual-Changers started to disappear for months only to suddenly re-appear acting strangely. Not much is known about this time, but what is known is that, eventually, the Dual-Changers almost disappeared as a species. I think that is is because the Dual-Changers were getting used in scientific experiments, of a sort, and were then released to travel back to their homes to infect their friends and family as a sort of extended science experiment.
Oh my.