The Communist Party


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2002
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i decided 2 ditch that "phil and washington" thing and just make a sketch comedy with puppets. this is gonna be my first sketch...THE COMMUNIST PARTY!


TITLE: One day all the greatest dead communists decided to throw a party up in heaven....a COMMUNIST PARTY....Fidel Castro was there too somehow, they invited him up.

Fidel Castro: Hey man, your one of my heroes!
Karl Marx: But Fidel, my ideas are barely anything like what you do in your country!
Castro: Yeah, but it’s still communism.
Marx: But my idea was for everybody to be equal, including the government. You need to stop oppressing your people!
Ho Chi Minh: How about the way I ran Vietnam?
Marx: You made some mistakes but otherwise, not half bad. I think it was the biggest mistake for the U.S to go to war with you.
Castro: Ha! Tell me about it!
Marx: Not to mention, you’re country has some of the hottest chicks ever! Same goes for you, Fidel!
Che Guevara: (offstage) FIDEL!!!!!!!
Castro: (jumps up and turns around)
Che: No! Over here!
Castro: (turns to the side) CHE!
Che: (goes up to Fidel and does a ghetto-rapper handshake) Hey Fidel, I’m in need of one of your cigars!
Castro: (gives Che a cigar and lights it)

(goes to another part of the house, shows Friedrich Engels, Mao Zedong, and Salvador
Allende Gossens on the couch)

Friedrich: Well well well, if it isn’t Mao Zedong!
Mao: Hello Friedrich.
Friedrich: There’s something I’ve been wanting to clear up. Dude, first you wanted China to be communist then you change your mind and say “let’s make it a republic!”
Salvador: Yeah, what the **** are you? A republican? We should’ve invited Reagan or George Dubya Bush over here!
Mao: Hey dont be mean!
(Vladimar Ilich Lenin enters)
Lenin: Hey you guys! Guess what!
Salvador: What??
Lenin: The Russian Dancing Girls are gonna be hear any second now! Take a look at em!
(shows the guys a pic of 5 girls in red bikinis with hammer & sickles on them)
Mao: They hot!!!
Friedrich: Tell me about it!

(theres a knock on the door)
Lenin: That’s probably them right now!

(Adolf Hitler barges in with some SS Officers and music stops and everybody looks athim)
Lenin: Those aren’t dancing girls! That’s Adolf Hitler and those are SS Officers!
Hitler: Well, well, well. A COMMUNIST party! HAHA. (walks up to Mao Zedong) ha, Asian fool! You’re car window is smashed. Well, that’s cause I smashed it! (walks up to
Karl Marx) Karl Marx!
Marx: Adolf Hitler.
Hitler: **** Jew. Mwahaha, if only you were alive for the holocaust.
Marx: If only, I’d probably end it.
Hitler: You??’re a pacifist! What the **** would you do?
Marx: I’m a pacifist...but an angry one. (starts kicking Hitler’s ***)
(everyone gathers around)
Hitler: (escapes, has 2 black eyes and a missing tooth) I’m gonna leave cuz you disgust me too much. You’re a weak fighter. (to SS Officers) - hey, guys, help me back into the mercedes.
SS Officers: (carry hitler over, they exit)
Marx: Woo, now i need some russian beer!
(knock on the door)
Marx: Who could that be?
Lenin: It’s probably those Russian dancers!
Marx: Dancers? Thank god! I’m a bit tired of being surrounded by guys, i feel like its a gay party!
Lenin: (answers door, Russian girls enter) Why hello ladies. Go over and do your stuff!
(girls go jump on the table and start dancing)

TITLE: And so the comrades enjoyed they’re party and they all got drunk with russian beer and had a blast. The End!

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Did you post that for suggestions, or for critiquing, or what?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2002
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Fozzie Bear said:
Did you post that for suggestions, or for critiquing, or what?
i guess both. what do u guys think of it? any suggestions? any other commies i should put in there? cuz theres this one chick ive been wondering about, she was like, the leader of Argentina. she was all "anti-upper class". i read about her in this one book at Borders book store, it was a book with a whole bunch of revolutionaries. what was that girls name?

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I dunno.

To be honest, I didn't understand it.

Are you making fun of them all, or trying to be enlightening, or educational; for or against them.

I guess I'm wanting to know what your purpose for this script is before I can offer more information on it.

It seems to be all about them meeting up, but there isn't any story or plot as far as I can tell, and that is essential to a script.

It reminds me of a stage play I was working on once where all the blues singers throughout history who have made a change end up at the same theater, from Robert Johnson to BB King.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2002
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I dunno.

To be honest, I didn't understand it.
well its basically, like, a pun. instead of communist party as in the political party of communists, i meant a party with beer and music and guys hanging out having fun, and theyre all famous commies!

Are you making fun of them all, or trying to be enlightening, or educational; for or against them.
well i do like all those people (except 4 mao and fidel, even tho they did a FEW good things). its like that monty python sketch with marx, lenin, che, and mao all on a game show. or this Mad TV sketch with Saddam Hussein throwing a party, it had the leader of france (even tho france isnt pro-saddam but is anti-bush), kim jong II, among others.

It seems to be all about them meeting up, but there isn't any story or plot as far as I can tell, and that is essential to a script.
the storyline is a bunch of communists united at a party. it's just a thing that commies and socialists can watch and have a good laugh.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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on a side note, Fishbone, is that BERT in the middle of the crop circle?? LOL!

Punkn, I'd first of all change the title to "The Communist's Party" so that "Communist" then becomes possessive of the word 'party.' That'd make it clearer that it is a party for communists.

Secondly, read-thru it several more times, because the punchlines have no build up and there aren't any zingers to capture attention.

I will say that it's an artistic piece, how well it'll go over with an audience I dunno, but you can try it. I did find it funny that they were all communists and while being such they were all very inconsistent in their beliefs about how to run their communistic countries (maybe you should play more on that idea); and that they all get into a fight at the end is funny.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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punkNpuppets said:
i guess both. what do u guys think of it? any suggestions? any other commies i should put in there? cuz theres this one chick ive been wondering about, she was like, the leader of Argentina. she was all "anti-upper class". i read about her in this one book at Borders book store, it was a book with a whole bunch of revolutionaries. what was that girls name?
I think you are thinking of Eva Perone. She was the 1st Lady of Argentina.
