I've been away from this thread for a while now and after reading through a number of the responses here, there have been a number of good points made.
I don't care to dredge up old posts now although there are things I could respond to, but I don't think I need to reiterate myself.
The bottom line that is worth reiterating comes down to this.
I am a Christian and by that term, I mean that I am a follower of Jesus Christ and believe Him when He said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life in John 14:6. (It's one of my favorite verses and thus I use it as part of my signature.)
People can take The Bible at face value and believe what it says and trust that God truly divinely inspired men to write it down and that all of His Word is true. Of course, I think everyone should and that all of The Bible should be believed as literal, except for parts where it is made obvious that an allegory or parable is being told.
I believe everyone should let The Bible speak for itself and that it is its own best interpreter. And The Holy Spirit enlightens people in its reading as 1 Corinthians 2:14 makes clear that the natural man without The Spirit can't understand the things that are Spiritually discerned.
I'm well aware of and familiar with other religious texts and having compared them with Christ, what is most reasonable to me is that Jesus is who He said He is and that He is the only God.
And His death and Resurrection paid for all sins ever commited by anyone. And that only by accepting the free gift He's offered us in grace can anyone get to Heaven. I also believe that those who reject this offer will be eternally separated from God in a burning lake of fire.
Thus, it is out of obedience to Jesus per His instructions in Matthew 28:18-20 to preach The Gospel in all the world and out of love and concern for others that I share Christ's message of grace that is available. I don't want to scare anyone with any message of eternal torment, but I do want people to be aware of the gravity of the situation.
I try to do this with gentleness and respect of course, as Christ commanded. I'm sorry for any times when I fail in this. I fail in many things and many times, as I am a wretched man of sin as Romans 7 describes. But praise to Jesus Christ- He has rescued me from this! Even though I still fall sometimes, He is always there to forgive me and remind that His grace is still enough. (1 John 1:9)
All that said, I also realize that many do not agree with this stance and do not accept Christ. And that is of course their choice. I don't believe in foisting or forcing anything on anyone. And I definitely respect and love everyone, whether they agree or disagree with me because Christ loves everyone. And if I truly love and follow Him, then I should love the people He created. (Especially since He commanded it.)
And how can I be called loving toward people if I neglect to warn them about the reality of an eternal place of torment apart from God and tell them the wonderful great Good News that Jesus loves us so much that He paid for our wrongs so we would never have to go there and that through trusting Him as Savior we can go to an eternity in Heaven with Him instead?
Would you honestly not want to be told of this so you can consider it? (Note I said "told", not barraged, bombarded or bamboozled with. I get that some folks feel that it's all a lie, or a myth or misinterpretation or whatever and that they've heard it all before and are tired of hearing it. But with eternity at stake, I think it bears repeating.)
Like I said, you can choose to believe it or disregard it and that is fully your choice. I just want to make sure people truly understand what God has said and what He has done for us first, since I certainly don't want anyone to suffer eternally but rather to come to repentance and live an eternal life of happiness instead!
Yes, we all need to enjoy this current physical life that God has given us and live it the way He intended for us to do so- through loving Him with all we've got foremost and loving our neighbor as ourselves- and that includes loving our enemies and praying for them. But we also need to make sure we are prepared for eternity as well.
That is why Christians preach The Gospel so that everyone can hear. If you've heard it and believe and know Christ as Savior- Amen! That's awesome! If you've heard it and chosen not to believe or just aren't sure yet, that's your option too- I wish you would come to know Christ, but you must make your own decision.
Anyway, that's where I stand. And also let me say that no matter what anyone chooses to believe or not believe, everyone is a beautiful person made in the image of God (Ecclesiastes 3:11 and Genesis 1) and everyone is infinitely important and loved by God as He's demonstrated through Christ.
So here's to people of different beliefs and positions who are open to presenting different viewpoints with mutual love and respect and able to agree and/or disagree agreeably without slamming anyone or their beliefs. And as Tiny Tim observed, God bless us, everyone.
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