The "Best" of Sesame Street....


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Okay... who esle has seen this? Someone posted a thread somewhere about E-bay selling these, and I've seen them in stores.

Do not let the titles fool you.

This is basically a "Collection" of bulk DVD's like Great Numbers kgame or Alphabet Hunt... basically a reissue box set of the same DVD's on the Market, just not any of the good ones...

When we hear or see "Best of Sesame Street" we'd automatically think... Oooh! Classic skits we haven't seen in years (well.. great numbers game has Pinball Number Count... that's probably worth something...). We'd think clips of the Baker, Jazzy Spies, experimental 1969 Muppet skits, and classic moments from the street, the Muppets or anything else...

Just a reissue of the same boring DVD's...

Not very good, not even best... :boo: :sleep:


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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I thought that same thing when I saw "The Great Numbers Game!" I looked at the listing on the back of the package, and it listed Country Two, Alligator King #7, and Pinball Number Count. But on the front, it said, "The Best of Sesame Street's CLASSIC Cartoons." Classic? Yeah, right. A good portion of the material that's on it is newer, from the 90s. But it will be worth something one point in the future. But if you want classics, you should get the video "Learning About Numbers." Also, the CD-Rom "Sesame Street: Numbers", I posted in another thread all the stuff it has on it.