Bill Bubble Guy said:
I hope you're not feeling blue Skye. I know the skye is usually blue in colour but that doesn't mean you have to feel blue meaning depressed as well. You're a cheerful, bright, sunny blue skye, aren't you?
Hehe, I most certainly am, Marty!

And I must say that I am feeling better today than I was yesterday... ahh yes, no more extremely-sad blue Skye here! Yes, the clouds are clearing, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining! And I believe it'll just keep getting better!
And thanks again, you guys... thanks for helping to cheer me up, and thanks for caring!
I love Beth and Marty's last ones. That's right, y'all..... we're all just dancing our cares away down at
The Barry Lee Thread as King Barry sits on his throne!!