Off topic slightly, but I might as well post this. I have been buying a lot of bootlegged Japanese videos from a Korean market recently. Maily One Piece and Kochikame. They have the commercials in tact.
Now, they also have McD's advertisements too. One item was a Japanese/American style of Hamburger. It was 2 patties with cheese some weird sauce and...
Remember the Good Morning Burger from the Simpsons? Same thought went through my mind.
Apparently, I found out, Japanese-style Hamburgers are just that. A hamburger patty in sauce (a different one than the one fatured in the McD's burger) with an egg on top- No bun.
But still... a burger with an egg on it? Kinda odd. I mean, steak and eggs make sense, and this shouldn't be too different. must be some cultural gap or something. Cuz we eat eggs for breakfast.
But back on subject, I really miss the McRib. I had it once, and it was pretty good. Would have done without the pickle, though. That was back when the first Flintstones movie came out.