I really like this show. I liked the segment from the last episode of the first season where Rob Schnieder is living with the lady of the lake.
Some of my other favortie moments from this show:
•Andy asks random people if they can discribe him in one word or less.
•andy keeps getting sruck by lightening, and when he pulls the lightening to tell the cloud not to strike him, the cloud says, "dude, I would have stopped if you wouldn't be such a baby about it".
•Carson daily complaisn to andy on his TV show and sticks his arm out of the TV set. Andy turns it off. He gets people to pay five dollars to kiss the hand. His freind ralph wands a hand sandwhich. carson finally manages to pull his arm out, has a skeleton for an arm, and doesn't mind (and tells this joke, "What's up with lindsey Lohan? She's not married, and she's not pregnant. What's up with that?").
•Andy plays a few games with some rapper, and every time he beats the rapper, the rapper gets angry and breaks the games. Andy tells the rapper that he should controll his anger. Then they play candyland, and when he loses, the rapper calmly tears up the game. Andy beleives that he can cotroll his anger, and the rapper tears andy apart.
I also like the theme song. Lots of funny lines. "when life gives me lemons I make beef stew".