Teenage Mayhem S1 E1


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May 7, 2012
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(Authors Note)
Teenage Mayhem, starring human, teenage versions of: :big_grin::sing::flirt::cool::halo::ouch::dreamy::wink::confused::eek:
This series will include, ZootxJanice and LipsxTrumpet girl.
The reason Trumpet girl is in this is because in the episode with Kaye Ballard, Floyd said she was part of the band.
Lips is there because, I wanted him to have a past with the band.
Scooter is there because in "The Muppet movie", he was they're manager.
Bunsen and Beaker are there to make effects from explosions, to laser lights.
I know Animal seems like Floyd's pet, but I'm gonna pretend he's Zoot's.
The warehouse was Mayhemist's idea.

Appearing on a big, bright stage are silhouettes of: A girl with curly hair holding a trumbone, A boy with an afro holding a trumpet, A boy with a hat holding a saxophone, A girl with long hair holding a guitar, A boy with wild hair sitting behind some drums holding drumsticks, And finally appearing behind a keyboard was none other than Dr. Teeth! While the crowd was cheering he shouted,
"One, two, and a half!" That was the cue for the band to start jammin. Right in the middle of the song the good doctor haulted,
"Hold it, hold it! Now I can't do this without my homeboy!" The silhouettes looked at eachother.
"That's right! My bestest friend in the whole, dang, universe! Everybody give it up for Floyd Pepper!" A young looking Floyd appeared from a cloud of smoke and said,
"Let's show 'em what a band sounds like!" With that they continued until the drummer accidentally popped a symbol which caused to land in Floyd's face! Dr.Teeth ran over to him and shouted,
"Floyd! You okay? Wake up! Wake up!" That echoed until Floyd was starting to wake up and realize he was dreaming, and it was his manager Scooter who was shouting,
"5 minutes! The concert starts in five minutes Floyd! So get up will ya?" With that being said he ran out of the room, leaving Floyd to realize that today was the day! The day that he would perform with his idol Dr. Teeth. So he had to get dressed quickly! The bassist was so excited he changed into his sunglasses, red collared shirt and a pair of blue shorts in 30 seconds flat! He didn't have time to climb down the ladder leading to the downstairs lobby of they're warehouse, so he slid down it not seeing


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May 7, 2012
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Beaker at the bottom. After you know what happened Floyd apoligized.
"Sorry Beaker, I didn't see ya."
'Meep meep meep." Beaker said in a 'it happens tone.
"Allright Bunsen is your thingymabober all set?" Floyd asked his third nerdy friend Bunsen Honeydew.
"Oh no Floyd. This isn't what you call a 'thingymabober it's called the digitalizer, and as soon as Zoot and Lips are done connecting it's wire to our satellite dish, you will be digitally transported into Tokyo with Dr. Teeth. Simple right?"
"Uh, yeah sounds.."
"Cool" Dr. Teeth said.
"Man first I'm driving a bus what's next? I'll start flying a blimp?"
"Do you have a blimp?" His manager asked.
"Get Dr. Teeth a blimp!"
"Oh I was just talking, I can't fly a blimp."
"And blimp flying lessons! Allright before you go on stage I need to introduce you to the emperor of Tokyo!"
"Oh, uh o-okay." Back at the warehouse A teenage Janice was talking to her nerdy best friend Skeeter.
"Hey Skeeter? will like, watching this make you homesick?" Skeeter not sounding too offended replied,
"Not at all. Especially since Scooter and me were born in Columbus, Ohio."
"Like really? My nannie's Columbian!" Skeeter turned to his twin brother and asked,
"Do you think we'll be more popular if we spoke Columbian?" Scooter thought and said,
"Si." meanwhile Trumbone girl came in and shouted to the skylight,
"Zoot and Lips! You guys okay up there?!" once the skylight door opened Zoot and Lips climbed down a rope.
"Don't 'cha worry it's all hooked up to the satellite!" Zoot said.
'Hey Zoot, you were sure to tie the rope back right?" Lips asked
"Oh, uh. No." With that being said they fell down. They were lucky there were some beanbags below. Once Zoot got up Janice ran over, hugged him and asked,
"Zoot! Don't you ever scare me like that. I'd be rully sad if something bad happened to you." While blushing Zoot answered back,
"o-okay." Zoot said nervously Getting past that Bunsen said,
"All right before you get transported to Tokyo, Beaker will test it. Right Beakie?"
"Meep, meep, meep, meep!" Beaker said in a 'I don't want to tone, while shaking his head.
"I'll take that as a yes." With that Bunsen pulled Beaker in front of the digitalizer's lense.
"Ready Beaky?"
"All right, let's take you someplace simple like the dark and ominous forest with no cell signal across town."
"Meep?!" When Bunsen pressed a button that said 'transported there. Beaker was looking around until he saw a furry thing staring at him. Beaker jumped in fear and ran out of the forest with the animal right behind him.
"All right it should be safe enough everybody in front of the lense." Bunsen said. Back in Tokyo Dr. Teeth was walking on the stage when an unknown voice announced,
"Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for DR. TEETH!" The doctor appeared behind his keyboard looking a little depressed. When the band was in front of the lense bunsen once again pressed the button. Everyone got transported on stage with Dr. Teeth as silhouettes, like in Floyd's dream. The unknown voice then said,
"One, two, and a," The doctor then interrupted,
"Hold it, hold it. Hang on a sec." Floyd then said,
"Something's wrong."
"I'm sorry people. I just can't do it." The doctor sadly said. The band members looked at eachother. As the doctor walked away Floyd's jaw literally dropped to the floor. Once they were transported back to the warehouse Floyd ran into his room and slammed the door. Scooter was saying,
"I don't get it. Why would Dr. Teeth just walk off the stage like that?" Janice replied,
"Like, I don't know. Floyd must be rully heart broken." Bunsen then asked,
"There's another more thing I'm wondering whatever happened to Beaker?" His question was answered when Beaker and the creature came through through the door. Beaker accidentally tripped when the creature got close we see that it's a naked version of Animal. Animal then said,
"You, drop, pen." Once Beaker took it he replied,
"Uh, meep, meep." Animal was a bit startled by this and backed away. Janice spoke up.
"Maybe I can calm him down." Janice walked closer to the furry little thing and said softly
"Like hi." Animal replied,
"Like what's your name hun?"
"A- an-i-mal."
"Animal. okay" Animal pulled Janice into a soft hug.
"See guys? He's cool. He just wanted to give back that pen."
"Ohhhh." said everyone.
"Like can I keep him?"
"Would you even know how to raise him?" Lips asked
"he seems to be under control just fine now, and besides he might be able to play an instrument. Do you play any instruments Animal?" Animal thought for a bit and said,
"I- play- drums." Janice then said,
"See? We haven't had a drummer in a long time. He could finally give our songs a beat."
"All right. Allright I'll go speak with Floyd. You get Animal to play for him." Skeeter proposed.
While hugging Animal Janice said,
"Yayyyyy. We'll be right back I'm gonna get him into some clothes." Skeeter knocked on Floyd's door.
"Floyd? Can I come in?" Floyd sadly responded,
"Sure. Don't let the door hit ya, like the knife that hit my heart." Skeeter slowly opened and closed the door. She saw Floyd was lying in his bed.
"Can I sit down?"
"I guess. So what's up?"
"Well I have some good news."
"What good news could cheer me up now?"
"Well come downstairs and I'll show you."
"I'm sorry but I'm gonna stay up here."
"C'mon you'll feel better."
"I'm sorry Skeeter but I'm not leaving this bed."
"Floyd, please don't make me take you downstairs."
"Skeeter, my mind is set. I'm staying here." Skeeter now agrivated with the bassist, took one of his pillows and smacked him on the back with it.
"Get up."
"Ehhhhh." she smacked him again. Her voice was getting louder.
"Get up!"
"Noooo." Now Skeeter was furious! She started smacking him repeatedly until she was hitting and chasing him out of his room. Once Floyd was downstairs he yelled,
"What!? What is it you want me to see!?" When he saw Animal his eyes widened. Janice said to Floyd,
"Isn't he cute? He came running in here to return Beaker's pen."
"What is he?"
"His names Animal. Like his clothes? Those were mine, but I didn't like them much."
"Let me guess. You wanna keep him?"
"Oh could I? Please?"
"Can he play an instrument?"
"Yeah he can play the drums really good. Like show him what you can do!" Animal excitedely said,
"Okay! Okay!" Once Animal was behind a drum-kit he gave a drumroll, then started playing in rhythm (see the drum competition between Animal and Travis Parker on Jimmy Kimmel). Once he was done Floyd commented,
"Man that was amazing! How long have you been playing?"
"Oh uh..." To count years he bonked his head on a drum.
"Four." Animal paused for a moment until,
"Five. Five years?"
"Well... if you really wanna keep him, you can Janice."
"Rully?! Ya mean it?!"
"Sure. As long as he wants to be our drummer." Animal got too excited and ran over to Floyd, pinned him to the ground and licked his face.
"Okay! Okay dude! Get off me Buddy!" He let Floyd up. Everything was cool until Scooter said,
"Glad to see you're out of that funk about Dr. Teeth quitting music." Furious everyone shouted,
"DUDE!" Without saying a word Floyd grabbed his jacket and walked toward the door.
"Floyd wait!" Skeeter shouted, but he was already out the door. Everyone gave glares at Scooter.
"he he, oops." With that he climbed the fastest he could up the ladder to the upstairs. Poor Floyd was walking with his head down in the rain. While passing a pawnshop Floyd looked in the window and saw something that caught his eye. It was a keyboard, but it was different he'd seen this one before. It was Dr. Teeth's Keyboard Floyd quickly rushed inside to see the pawnshop owner Clifford.
"Hey Clifford!"
"Oh hey Floyd! What's up man?"
"Everythings cool. Hey! Is that Dr. Teeth's keyboard?"
"Nope that guy over there just brought it in." Clifford was pointing to a man in a hoodie.
"Dang! I shoulda known. Man, what was I thinking? Dr. Teeth would never come back to this boring old town. Since he already gave up on the music."
"You down about that?"
"Well what would'ya do if Dr. Teeth was to walk in through that door right now?"
"Man I'd take that bass and shout 'Let's show 'em what a band sounds like!"
"Oh is that so?"
"Man you already know."
"You know, you remind me of a kid I knew who used to come in here after school. When my dad was running the place. He had crazy schemes, and hopes and dreams that he was looking for."
"Did he ever find it?"
"I don't know. I never could tell if those dreams is what he really wanted."
"Well, how do you know he didn't find it?"
"Because watch." The man in the hoodie walked up to the counter and said,
"Hey Clifford I'll just take..." Clifford pointed the counter fan towards him causing his hood to fall off. When the hood was off it revealed to be Dr. Teeth! Floyd's eyes were really widened.
"D-d-Dr. T-Teeth?" The doctor responded with.
"Hey what's up buddy?" After that Floyd simply fainted.
"What was he gonna say again?" Clifford responded with,
"I believe it was 'Let's show 'em what a band sounds like!"


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2012
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When Floyd finally woke up from his knockout Dr. Teeth asked him,
"Are you allright uhh.."
"Floyd Pepper sir. I'm your biggest fan!"
"Uh okay Floyd. How's your head."
"Full of questions for you. Like: Why'd you walk off that stage in Tokyo? Where you been? And where your mama liv.."
"Whoa whoa man. Clifford told me you were cool so.."
"Clifford. You told him I was cool?"
"You were on my floor so long, I thought you were dead. It's what I say at funerals."
"Dr. Teeth Why did you walk off thet stage earlier?"
"Floyd I realized that I ought to go back to my roots and stay for a while."Dr. Teeth then turned around walking to leave until Floyd asked,
"What? In this boring old place?" Dr. Teeth quickly turned around and exclaimed,
"Boring?! Boy this place was where I hung out and got my inspiration!"
"Nah this place is hip. I'm talking about the rest of the town. I can't wait to get outta here."
"Nah man you got this town all wrong, this place is great."
"Yeah well, I hate to break it to ya but, Even if you dragged me out that door I would never see what you see in this town."
"Suit yourself." With that he walked out the door and it immediately turned from rainy weather to sunny. Floyd couldn't just stand there so he ran out after him. Anything the doctor was doing Floyd was doing for instance, When Dr. Teeth was hopping through a hopscotch court Floyd was. When the doctor did a flip off a brick wall Floyd tried to but ended up landing flat on his face.
"Oh now, what 'cha doin?" Dr. Teeth asked.
"I'm trying to see what you see in this boring old town." Floyd responded muffled.
"Look man, if you wanna see what I see in this "boring" old place then look. See that clothes store? That's where I learned how to dress."
"Oh! That's where you got the idea for that vest."
"It's a rug man." Dr. Teeth said proudly.
"See that organic food store? I could get all of my favorite foods there for a fair price."
"Man, usually what I find in there is the smell of burnt pumpkins and honeysuckle.
"Yeah that too. C'mon." Once inside there was a girl with long brown hair who's name was wendy (See the muppet show S1 E3, you can see her sitting at a table with Dr. Teeth)
"Teeth?! I haven't seen you in Weeks!" she said before giving him a hug.
"It's been about a year at least on my account."
"I've really missed you." Wendy said softly.
"Well, I've missed you too." They stared into eachother's eyes until Floyd broke the silence,
"Ah-em, Excuse me but, you were showing me what makes this town great?" Dr. Teeth now focused replied,
"Oh right. So Wendy I need these supplies. You remember my address right?"
"Sure do! Just follow the music!"
"So about the fair price I was telling you about. She lets you pay her in shiny beads. All right catch ya later Wendy!"
"Well where we goin now?"
"Sorry man. I don't know where your goin but I'm goin home."
"What? No! I wanna go and do the stuff that you did!"
"No man. You don't wanna do the stuff I did. Besides music is a waste of time."
"Nah man Dr. Teeth never says music is a waste of time! Imagine my feelings are you really that selfish?"
"Hey man just because your in my face, doesn't mean I'll let ya in my head." With that Dr. Teeth got into his bus (Whatever you think it was there before) and drove away. Leaving Floyd to yell,
"I could ride in the trunk if you want!" Then Wendy commented,
"It's such a pretty bus." Back at the warehouse the young 'electric mayhem' members were playing their instruments until Floyd ran in yelling,
"Guys! I Met Dr. Teeth and he's moved back here!"
"Really? What happened? Did he say he was going back to the music?" Zoot asked.
"Umm, no. No he didn't say.... that. He actually said he was quitting the music." Everybody was questionally exclaiming but Floyd interrupted,
"Hey! It's okay 'cause I'm determined to find out exactly why."
"Like, how?" Janice asked. Suddenly a light bulb lit on the top of his head, which was really a lamp behind him.
"Follow me!" after the hippie and smart teen group ran out, Trumbone girl turned off the lamp, then skipped out the door happily. While walking down a sidewalk Scooter asked,
"So why are we walking down this part of town Floyd?"
"This is the way Dr. Teeth drove, and the only way we'll find his place is if we follow the music."
"How will we know if it's Dr. Teeth's music?"
"Hmm, Bunsen and Beaker. Did you bring any super hearing devices?"
"Unfortunately no, but we could always try using our ears." With open ears the gang heard music inside a nearby apartment. Once inside they heard the music coming from behind a trash can.
"Like, what would Dr. Teeth be doing behind that trash can?" Janice wondered
"I know what Dr. Teeth COULD be doing behind that trash can." Zoot piped. When the trash can was moved it appeared to be a rabbit listening to a radio.
"Meep meep meep meep." said Beaker
"Your right Beakie. That was anti-climactic." Floyd listened down the hallway and heard what appeared to be keyboard music.
"Hey guys, this way." After knocking on the door it opened slowly. Inside it appeared to be a room with sheets over furniture except one box that was glowing. It appeared to have musical instruments.
"I hope there's a Trumbone in here." Trumbone girl wondered. she threw out instruments that she didn't need such as: A bass, A lead guitar, a saxophone, some drums, a trumpet, and finally a trumbone,
"This'll do." Before blowing the instrument in rythm. Before you could ask they all played the instruments that they catched until Dr. Teeth barged in shouting,
"Hold up!"
"Hey Dr. Teeth, wanna jam with us?" After shooting Floyd a glare they were all kicked out of the building.
"Well, I'll take that as a know." Skeeter trying to brighten the mood said,
"At least we aren't wet." Being proven wrong they got splashed with water by a passing car.
Once they got back Zoot was discussing with Floyd,
"Now where was I?"
"That you can't believe Dr. Teeth still doesn't want to go back to the music."
"Nah that's not it. Oh yeah! See the thing I don't get about Leia is her sovergnty. I mean if you were her wouldn't you take her mom's place? I mean you would be queen at that point."
"Nah man, her mom was dead before they blew up Alderaan, so she would be queen already."
"Ah, that whole series is flood. Like that Lightsaber stuff. It goes about 10 feet high, how does it know when to stop?"
"Uhh, the Force?"
"Man, that's your answer to everything."
"So what should we do to get Dr. Teeth back into the funk?"
"Hmmm. How about we show him how good we can play?"
"That couldn't possibly fail. Wait, wasn't there a park with a gazebo in front of that apartment?"
"I think so. Why?"
"We could play in there, so everyone in town could hear how good we sound!"
"Well that's serendippitydop."
"Hey everyone! I have one final plan to get Dr. Teeth..."
"For pete sake's Floyd! We've had enough of your plans! Dr. Teeth won't come back to the music, Just accept it!" scooter yelled. Floyd glared thinking,
"Fine, I tried asking now I use force." That force was knocking everybody out and dragging them in a sack all the way to the park. For the second time Dr. Teeth walked into Clifford's pawn shop holding the box that had the instruments in it,
"Hey Clifford, I'm giving these back, since I won't need 'em."
"Awww, what? Not these instruments."
"Sorry man, but my descision's final."
"Either I play music now or I won't play ever." Floyd told everyone who then groaned,
"Ohhh, okay." They started playing an instrumental version of "Can you picture that?" Dr. Teeth heard it and said,
"That sounds so familiar."
"Of course it does. It's music man." Clifford added. The song came to a stop when Janice interrupted,
"Okay this is like, pointless. There's nobody listening."
"I'm listening." Dr. Teeth pointed out
"Man what took you so long?" Floyd asked.
"You remind me of me when I was a kid."
"Except a lot better." he said slyly,
"You wanna get better? You got a lot to learn."
"Like what?"
"Like, You gotta show 'em what a band sounds like! Oh yeah! Whoo! Everybody's lover, everybody's brother, I wanna be your lifetime friend! Crazy as a rocket, nothin in my pocket, I keep it at the rainbow's end! I never think of money, I think of milk 'n honey, grinning like a cheshire cat! I focus on the pleasure, somethin I can treasure, can you picture that? Can you picture that? Oh yeah! Whoo! Ha! Hey Floyd, take a verse!"
:sing: "Let me take your picture, add it to the mixture there it is I got ya now! There's really nothin to it, anyone can do it, it's easy and we all know how, now begins the changin, mental rearrangin, nothin really where it's at!"
:big_grin: "Now the Eiffel tower's holdin up a flower, I gave it to a Texas cat!"
:flirt::cool:" Fact is there's nothin out there you can't do, yeah even Santa Claus believes in you!"
:big_grin:"Break down the walls, begin, believe, behold, begat!"
:sing:"Be a better drummer, be a up and comer, can you picture that?"
:halo:" Can you picture that?! Rahhh!"
:flirt:"Oh really?"
:sing:"All of us are winnin, pickin and a grinnin, lordy but I love to jam!"
:flirt:"Jelly belly gigglin, dancin and a wigglin, honey that's the way I am!"
:big_grin:"I lost my heart in Texas, Northern lights affect us, I keep it underneath my hat! Aurora Borealis, shining down on Dallas, Can you picture that? Can you picture that?"
:big_grin::sing::flirt::cool::halo::ouch::dreamy:"Can you picture?"
:big_grin:"You gotta see it in your mind!"
:big_grin::sing::flirt::cool::halo::ouch::dreamy:"Can you picture?"
:sing:"What's quick and easy to find!"
:big_grin:"Can you picture?"
:flirt:"You don't have to buy a frame!"
:big_grin::sing::flirt::cool::halo::ouch::dreamy:"Can you picture? Can you picture that? Can you picture that?"
:sing:"Use it if you need it!"
:big_grin:"But don't forget to feed it!"
:big_grin::sing::flirt::cool::halo::ouch::dreamy:"Can you picture that?"
"So docta, since you know so much about music and you wanna lay low, how about running us through, so we can become famous like you did? As far as we can tell, that's about as low as you can lay." Suddenly a limo pulled up and out walked Dr. Teeth's manager exclaiming,
"Dr. Teeth! There you are! I've been looking all over for you! I knew I'd find you, all I had to do was follow the music!" and off they went. Later in the downstairs lobby of their home Floyd was mopingly compositioning,
"Well, since Dr. Teeth left, I guess I have no inspiration." there was a knock on the door and when it was opened Dr. Teeth was standing there smiling. Everyone cheered for his prescence.
"Dude we've gotta stop meeting like this." Floyd commented
"Yeah that's how I like it."
"But you walked out on us earlier, you got in that limo with that person." Trumbone girl said.
"Yeah I did but then I realized something, when we were playing that song I realized that it's hard to run away from music. And I knew then That's why walked off of that stage in Japan, I stopped having fun. When my manager offered me a two night, 200 city tour, whoo! I decided to come home once and for all to.." Everybody said together,
"To follow the music."
"So here's what I'll do, if ya'll let me hang out here for a while, and you promise to bring the fun, I will show you how to put the K on it." Everyone questioned,
"Oh! Like, I've always liked chinese food!"
"No I meant funk, ya'll have got a lot to learn, and I'm just the man to teach it to ya." Everyone cheered until Floyd interrupted,
"Hold up! I got somethin to say, Let's show 'em what a band sounds like!" Can you picture that was once again being played as the sun set behind the warehouse.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2012
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Sorry the last part was late, I was thinking about what should happen next. But now that episode 1 is here I'll try to have most of episode 2 today, the episode will have the song "Love ya to death".

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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That was great! I loved it! The story's over? Oh well, great job, ZootxJanice2468. I love your Electric Mayhem story. Keep it up, dude!