Thank you for saying that. I've tried to watch Once Upon a Time and I just don't get it. It plays out like bad fan fiction. It's just too absurd yet far from interesting. I don't understand the appeal or how they've attracted talented actors. Grimm is not my type of show, but I can see it's appeal.
I don't dig the trend of these new super serious dark fairy tale projects. Once Upon a Time seems to be the only successful one. I have to admit, this is just as bad as the goofy parody fairy tale trend started by Shrek.
Ah, I guess it was him that said that. Maybe he means movies or Disney Channel programs. Still, I can't see how anyone who's actually watched several episodes of Glee could equate it to HSM. Maybe their commercials look similar.
Wasn't Glee created to be the antithesis of the saccharine, Saved by the Bell-esque cartoony portrait of High Schoolers anyway? That's what it seems to me. A angsty swipe at HSM with outcasts and jocks being jerks instead of singing during basketball games. Still, I watched like 2 and it didn't hold my interest. I was pretty disappointed by the Rocky Horror episode. And I like Jane Lynch... just not so much on that show. I actually thought she was funnier on 2.5 Men. She certainly made
that show funnier.
As for Nashville... I don't see the connection to Glee. It's all about inside industry stuff and backstabbing and eh... I'd liken it more to Dreamgirls, if anything. Smash seems like it came out of, if not inspired by, Burlesque. Glee and HSM at least have a "they take place in High School" link.
But going back to Family Guy... the show has vastly improved the last couple of seasons, but there's something special when it was one of those products of the 1999 primetime animation boom. Anyone remember that? We had all these weird adult cartoon shows and most of them went no where. I find Dilbert to be the sadly underrated treasure of the group. I never cared much for that comic until the cartoon. But Family Guy and Futurama were the only ones that walked out of that. And they weren't canceled as quickly either. I'm far more the Futurama fan than most of the prime time cartoons out there.
But Family Guy really was something special when it started out. There's so much stuff in the classic episodes I miss. Like the fact they were humane to Meg. Remember there was an episode where Lois wanted to get revenge on a bunch of Queen Bee girls because they picked on Meg? Or Peter being at least a little competent and not turning into a manchild? And my personal favorite, how the pop culture characters co-existed with them without cutaway scenes and they were drawn in FG style. And the one thing that bugs me... how come they keep merchandising evil Stewie shirts and hats when he hasn't been evil since like 5th season?