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Super Muppets


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
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New chapter post!
Chapter 4: Confessions (and an Evil plot)

“Well?” Ashley said, hands on hips. “Did you guys have a party or something?”

Kermit swallowed. “Well Ashley, something strange has happened to the gang here.”

Ashley took a seat on the floor. “Ooh, this is going to be a good one, Ramona!” she told her friend.

Ramona sat, too. The Muppets then began to tell the two girls about what happened, from Bunsen’s liquid splashing on them to their new powers.

Ramona stood up. “Okay you guys,” she said. “I know you guys must feel like it’s cool to have these new powers, whether it’s Piggy’s super strength, Rowlf’s wall-crawling…,”

“Hello, down there!” Rowlf said from the ceiling, on which he was crawling.

“…Gonzo’s super speed…” Ramona went on.

“Hey, Ashley,” Gonzo whispered to the tiny girl. “Ask me how the President is.”

Ashley sighed. “How is the…?” she started, but Gonzo had already bolted away.

He came back seconds later with an “I Love DC” mug. “He’s fine,” he told her.

“Dr. Teeth’s sonic scream, Johnny’s fire, Floyd’s ice powers, Janice’s invisibility, Fozzie’s healing, Zoot and Sabrina’s telepathy….”

“Cut it out!” Zoot yelled as Sabrina used her psychic ability to make him slap himself.

“Stop hitting yourself!” Sabrina taunted.

“…The twins’ shape shifting, Pepe’s stretching….ow!” Ramona paused for a minute, and saw one of Pepe’s hands stretching back away from her backside. The little prawn chuckled. Ramona just shot him an annoyed look, but went right on with her speech. “…Bean Bunny’s…uh, super-amazing ability to rapidly grow his fingernails…”

The little rabbit looked at his paw, extended his fingernails a few inches, and then sighed sadly.

“Anyway, you guys might think that these new powers are cool, but you should understand that with those powers come responsibilities.”

Gonzo looked at her, sipping from his mug. “You stole that from Spider-Man,” he scolded.

Ramona rolled her eyes. “You’re kind of missing the point,” she told him.

Ashley shook her head. “Oh, blah, blah, responsibility,” she grumbled. “Your powers are all wicked cool, you guys.” She turned to Sam. “Hey, Sammy, flap your wing.”

“No,” Sam said flatly.

“Okay, then,” Ashley conceded. But then, she leaned over to Sam, and began to sing:
“I know a song
That gets on everybody’s nerves,
Everybody’s nerves,
Everybody’s nerves.
I know-“

She was cut off when Sam flapped his blue wing, and a small tornado formed, blowing Ashley into the wall.

“Cool,” she said, dazed.

Ramona pulled her friend out of the wall and set her onto her feet. “Just be careful with your powers, guys,” she told the Muppets.

“Ramona’s right,” Kermit said. “Don’t go showing off or doing anything to hurt yourselves or anyone else, everyone.”

“Hey!” Skeeter yelped as Clifford zapped her in the backside with his heat vision. Angered, she morphed into a tigress, and growled at him.

“Just testing,” Clifford said nervously.

“Okay, everybody go about your day as normally as you can,” Kermit told everyone. The Muppets dispersed. Kermit then turned to the girls. “I think you guys should go home. I have to figure out some way to deal with this.”

“Okay, Kermit,” Ramona said. She started to walk out the door, but noticed that Ashley wasn’t following.

“Aw, do we have to leave?” Ashley complained. “I want to exploit the band’s powers to annoy Sammy.”

“Goodbye, Ashley!” Kermit said, nodding to Ramona, who pulled her tiny friend out the door.

Meanwhile, across town, at Walters Bunkers, Inc., Walters sat at his desk, admiring his robot schematics. The robots themselves were in the final stages of being built.

He pressed the intercom button on his desk. “Grace,” he said into it.

“Yes, Mr. Walters?” Grace, Walters’ secretary, replied.

“Send the three employees who‘ve sold the lowest number of bunkers this year to my office immediately!” Walters ordered.

“Yes, sir,” Grace replied. A few moments later, Walters’ door opened, and in walked a goat, a lobster, and a green blob (you guessed it, the three main pirates from MTI).

“Mr. Walters, I know we haven’t been selling enough,” Polly said. “But you’re not going to fire us, are you?”

Walters chuckled. “Don’t be ridiculous, my boy,” he said. “You three are actually going to be my collaborators on my new plan to sell millions of bunkers to this town.”

Clueless looked confused (which he was, a not-small portion of the time). “Uh, how are we going to do that?”

Walters stood up. “Well, as I am speaking,” he began, showing the three his schematics. “The finishing touches are being put on four robots that will destroy parts of the city.” He began to pace around his three employees. “Once these robots are released on the town, everyone will be scrambling to buy our bunkers.” He walked back to his desk and slammed his hands onto it. “Are you all in? Or are you all fired?”

Once he had heard the word “fired”, Polly stood up. “I’m in!”

“I’m in!” Monty agreed.

Clueless thought for a minute. “Uh, won’t people get hurt?” he asked Walters.

“Of course not, my boy,” Walters assured him. “It will just scare people enough that they’ll be sure to buy our merchandise. Plus, if you help…” He dangled a tin can over Clueless’ head.

Clueless grabbed the can. “I’m in!” he said, and then he hungrily began to eat it.

Walters rubbed his hands together. “Excellent,” he purred, and then he began to laugh maniacally.

The three employees looked at each other, shrugged, and then joined their boss’s maniacal laughter.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Any chance of this neat little story getting updated? :batty:


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
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Any chance of this neat little story getting updated? :batty:
I lost my outline. :frown: But since there's interest in this story, I can get a new one together and start working on it again. I've never really given up on it; as most young adults do, I just got busy.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Good... Look forward to it. It reminds me of muppetwriter's crossover comic film fics and it's an interesting idea to see how the Muppets would act when inserted into the roles of various well-known superheroes. So, post when you can. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2005
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Man, tis story is off to a good start so far, and I wish you can continue on with it. :smile:

I mean i thought the Muppets were crazy before, but nothing like this. So please do keep up the good work upon such a great idea.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
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It's been a while. I want to have the next chapter up pretty soon. Summer's coming, so I'll have more time to work on this. Just to be clear, here are all the Muppets affected by the chemical, and the power it gave each of them:

Piggy-flight and superstrength
Fozzie-X-ray vision and laser eyes
Gonzo- super speed
Rizzo- super bite (through anything except for pure diamond)
Scooter and Skeeter- shapeshifting (a la Wonder twins)
Rowlf- Wall-crawling
Clifford-energy blasts from his hands
Dr. Teeth- Sonic scream
Floyd- Ice powers (I'm debating whether or not to use any ice-related puns)
Zoot and Sabrina-Mental abilities (telekinesis, telepathy, etc.)
Janice- Invisibility and force fields
Animal- Electricity
Johnny- Fire
Sal- Duplication
Sam- Weather and wind control
Pepe- Elasticity
Robin- Super jump
Bean Bunny- Ability to grow his fingernails (yes, I did borrow that from Family Guy. I figured it made sense because Bean is sort of the Meg Griffin of the Muppets; getting picked on constantly for no apparent reason)
Lew Zealand- Water control (of course)


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
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(Drumroll) And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, Chapter 5 of Super Muppets.

Super Muppets

Chapter Five: Meet the Robot

The next evening, after all of his other employees had gone home, Walters and his three collaborators headed for the elevator.

“The robots are in the parking lot, men," he said.

“That’d be a pretty hard thing for anyone to miss," Polly told his boss.

Walters laughed. “You’d think so," he said.

When the men reached the ground floor, they headed toward the parking lot. Walters stopped in front of what seemed to be an ordinary company minivan.

Clueless looked around. “Uh, boss, where’s the robot?" he asked.

Walters gestured toward the minivan. “You’re looking at it," he said proudly.

“Oh," Clueless said, nodding. “It looks like a minivan.”

Polly slapped his forehead (or some semblance thereof). “It is a minivan, stupid!" he snapped. To Walters, he said, “How is a company minivan going to destroy anything?"

Walters smiled. “All I’ll tell you boys is to drive this minivan into town, and press the yellow button next to the steering wheel," he told them. His expression turned serious. “As soon as you do that, you must jump out of the van IMMEDIATELY.”

“Why?" the three employees asked in unison.

Walters smiled again. “You’ll see," he chortled, tossing them a set of car keys. He turned and walked back into the office building.

Monty took the keys. “I’ll drive!" he announced.

Clueless pouted. “I want to drive!" he complained.

Polly grabbed the keys. “I’m driving," he corrected them both. “You two are in the back.” He and his coworkers hopped into the van. “This is no way to make a living," he griped. The three employees drove into the city.

Elsewhere in town, at a semi-fancy bistro, three Muppet couples (Johnny & Sabrina, Floyd & Janice, and Clifford & Skeeter, to be exact) were having a triple date.

Sabrina took a sip of her latte. “What’s the point of having super powers if we can’t show them off?" she complained.

Floyd looked up from his soup. “You sure that you and Zoot are related?" he asked Sabrina.

Johnny shook his head. ‘Never mind that, babe," he said to Sabrina. “Remember? We have a wedding to plan. Besides, who knows? Maybe they’ll wear off if we don’t use them.”

Skeeter choked on her latte. She turned to Clifford. “My coffee’s cold," she told him.

“Oh, let me take care of that, baby," Clifford said. He zapped the latte with a laser beam from his finger.

Skeeter sipped from it. “Much better!" she said.

Meanwhile, Walters’ men pulled up a block away from the bistro in their minivan.

Polly hit the yellow button by the steering wheel. “Okay, guys, you remember what the boss said; jump out of the car.” He jumped out of the car, as did his coworkers.

“What now?" Clueless asked.

“Hide!" Polly told him.

“In case anyone saw us!" And so the three evil minions darted behind a blue van. They watched as the van they were driving transmogrified into a 12-foot-tall robot, decked out with missiles and lasers.

“Wow!" Clueless exclaimed.

“Nice!" Monty said.

“The boss outdid himself!" Polly agreed.

Passersby stopped and stared in awe and fear.

‘What is that thing?"
“Where did it come from?"
“Do you think it’s dangerous?"

The last question was answered when the robot fired a small missile at the car that Walters’ minions were hiding behind, reducing it to a pile of ash.

“Run!" Polly shouted, and he and his coworkers ran down the block and into the semi-fancy bistro where the three Muppet couples were dining.

Clueless looked around. “Are we having dinner here?"

Polly rolled his eyes. “No, dummy!" he whispered harshly. “We’re at a safe enough place where we can see what that robot can do.”

The robot was already causing something of a commotion, to say the least. Luckily, no one had been hurt, but everyone who saw the hulking machine ran for their lives.

The six Muppets heard the hubbub outside.

“Like, what’s going on out there?" Janice wondered aloud.

Johnny left money for the check on the table. ‘I don’t know, but it doesn’t sound good," he said.

“Let’s check it out," Clifford said, heading for the door. His five friends followed him outside, where they were met by a screaming, running, crowd of people.

Floyd stopped a frightened young man who was running. “Hey, man, where’s the fire?" he asked.

The man stared at the six Muppets with wide-eyed terror written all over his face. “What’re you people doing?" he cried. “Run for your lives! There’s a robot attacking the city!" He turned and ran away, screaming.

Skeeter laughed. “Some people watch too many movies," she said. “There’s no way a giant robot could be-“ she was cut off as a giant metal leg crashed onto the ground in front of the group. The six of them looked up to see the robot.

“Woah," Johnny said, shocked.

“You took the words right out of my mouth," Sabrina muttered.

“This….could be a problem," Skeeter said.

“Like, understatement of the year," Janice told her.

“Uh, why are we still talking and not running away?" Sabrina inquired.

“You know, we could use our powers to destroy it," Clifford pointed out.

Floyd shook his head. “You remember what green stuff said, man," he said. “He told us not to use them in public.” Just then, the bassist was flambéed by a laser on the robot’s shoulder.

Janice ran over to him. “You okay, honey?"

The Kentucky fried musician uttered a smoky cough. “Then again, doing the opposite couldn’t hurt. Let’s go, gang!"

And so, the six friends each took a position to surround the robot. What they didn’t know was that they were being watched.

Polly’s jaw dropped. “Wait, who are those guys?"he wondered aloud.

“And why are they standing around the robot?" Monty added. “They should be running for their lives!"

Outside, the six Muppets had started to attack the robot. Sabrina used her telekinesis to levitate the machine into the air, then drop in suddenly. The robot landed on its backside.

“Ha, ha! Stupid bucket of….” Sabrina’s gloating was cut off as the robot backhand slapped her into the bistro’s wall. “Ow…” she muttered.

Angered, Johnny used a flame from his hand to fire at the robot’s face, barbequing it. The robot moved its hand to its face, as Johnny ran to his girlfriend’s aide.

“You all right?" he asked her.

Sabrina stood up and brushed herself off. “I’m fine,u201D she said. “Come on. we can beat this…” She was cut off again as she noticed that the robot was preparing to fire a laser at the two of them. Johnny and Sabrina huddled together and braced themselves, but luckily, Janice dove in front of them and put a force field around the three of them. It fortunately blocked the laser attack.

Walters’ three employees still watched from inside the battered bistro.

“Wow! They’re superheroes!" Clueless exclaimed.

Polly cast his coworker an irritated glance. “This isn’t a good thing!" he whispered. “If they destroy it, we’ll be fired!"

Outside, Floyd blew a small beam of snow and ice at the robot’s chest, encasing it in a block of ice. The robot started to prepare to blast him, but a large orange elephant with glasses charged into the machine from behind, knocking it to the ground.

The orange elephant then transmogrified back into Skeeter. “Finish him off!" she called to Clifford.

“Right!" Clifford replied, firing laser beams at the robot through his hands. In no time, the robot was reduced to a smoldering pile of ash.

The six Muppets regrouped in front of the bistro.

“Everyone okay?" Floyd asked. Everyone confirmed that they were fine.

A small group of people who had fled the scene came out of hiding.

A tall woman spoke up. “You…you guys destroyed the robot?" she asked them.

Floyd, Janice, Johnny, Sabrina, Clifford, and Skeeter all exchanged concerned looks.

“Uh…yeah, I guess we did," Johnny said to her.

The crowd cheered wildly for the six friends.

“You destroyed the robot!"

“You saved our lives!"

“They saved the town!"

“Let’s beat it before we draw too much attention," Clifford said to his friends. They all nodded in agreement, and the six of them snuck away.

Unknown to them, Walters’ minions had seen the entire thing.

Polly clenched his fists (er, claws) in rage. “The boss is going to kill us!" he told his coworkers.

Monty shook his head. “He never has to find out," he said.

Polly’s cell phone began to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket. “WHAT?" he yelled into the phone. His tone changed as he realized who was on the other end. “oh…hi, boss. What? You saw the whole thing?"

In his office, Walters talked with Polly while batting a stress ball between his hands. “Yes, and I don’t exactly like the idea of my plans being spoiled by a bunch of super-powered freaks.”

“Oh, of course not, sir," Polly agreed.

“I know who those people were, and where they live," Walters said, squeezing down on his stress ball. “Come back to the office. I’ll give you their address, and tomorrow, we’ll make our plans.” He snickered evilly.

“Right, boss," Polly said, snapping his cell phone shut. He looked at his coworkers. “Is it me, or does the boss end just about every speech with sinister laughing?"

Clueless and Monty just shrugged.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Heh... Thanks for the update, great to see each Muppet use their distinct hero abilities. *Is worried for what Walters has planned next. More please?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
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Chapter 6: When Plumbers Strike

About 45 minutes later, Walters’ three employees stood nervously before him in front of his desk. Walters himself paced behind his desk.

“Men," he began. “You may not have known this, but I implanted a small camera inside of that robot so that I could see if anything-heaven forbid-happened to go wrong.”

“Oh," Polly said. “so that’s how you knew that something did.”

Walters stopped pacing and glared at the lobster. “Shut up" he snapped sternly.

“Yes, sir," Polly replied.

Walters started to pace again. “That also happens to be how I saw those six super-powered freaks destroy my beautiful machine," he continued. “If there are anymore of them, they could destroy my other robots as well! Fortunately, I happen to recognize the six of them from the theater downtown, and I know that they and a large group of other….weirdoes like them happen to live in the city.” He slipped each of the three a small slip of paper with the same address written across each of each of them. “Here’s their address. Tomorrow, I want you to go to this address, and tell me about any kind of super-powered weirdness you see.”

“But how are we going to get in?" Monty inquired.

Walters banged his fists on his desk. “I don’t care!" he shouted. “Put on disguises of some sort! Just report anything you see to me!" He sat at his desk in a huff.

His three henchmen saluted him. “Yes, sir!" they said in unison, and the three of them left the office to go home for the night.

Walters turned his office chair toward the window to face the setting sun. “No one will get in my way," he muttered, before squeezing his stress ball to bits.

The next day was Saturday, and Ramona and Ashley were over for breakfast once again, since they didn’t have any classes.

Gonzo tapped Ashley on the shoulder, which caused her to drop a spoonful of cereal. “Hey, Ashley, want to see me run up to the third floor and back?"

Ashley rolled her eyes. “Gonzo, I’m trying…” but Gonzo had already bolted upstairs and back into his seat next to Ashley.

“Want to see me do it again?" he asked, wearing an old hat he’d apparently found in the attic.

Ashley shook her head. “The novelty of your super power is wearing thin," she told him.

Ramona picked up a community newspaper, which arrived every Saturday morning. What she saw made her nearly choke on her orange juice.

“Kermit, I think you better take a look at this!" She handed the newspaper across the table to the frog.

Kermit grabbed the newspaper. “Ramona, whatever you saw couldn’t be…” he stopped and gasped. He scrunched his face up and called “Floyd! Janice! Johnny! Sabrina! Clifford! Skeeter!"

The three couples came into the kitchen, rubbing their eyes. They’d all apparently woken up a short time before.

“What’s up, green stuff?" Floyd asked, yawning.

“Yeah, we just rolled out of bed," Clifford added.

Kermit turned the newspaper to face the six of them. “Would you guys like to explain this?"

The six couples gasped. There, on the front cover, was a story about the city being saved, and above it was a picture of them.

Skeeter nervously fanned herself with her nightgown collar. “Ha, funny story, really," she told the frog.
“Seriously, you’re going to laugh when you hear it," Johnny added.

Rizzo grabbed the paper. “Now, what’s this all about?" he asked. His jaw dropped as he read the news story. He looked up at the six heroes. “You guys saved the city from a giant robot?"

“Well, like, yeah," Janice said. “I guess we did.”

Ashley stood on her chair. “That is….AWESOME!" she cried. To Ramona, she said “Imagine: six real-life superheroes who happen to be our friends! Wait till we tell the guys at school!"

Ramona shook her head. “Ashley, this is serious," she told her friend.

Kermit nodded. “She’s right," he said. “I told you guys that you shouldn’t use your powers in public. And now it’s in the news!"

Sabrina shrugged. “The city was in danger," she said. “We were just trying to help.”

“Well, yes, but…” Kermit stopped and realized that Sabrina was right. “Well, I guess that using them was justified to save the city. Good job, guys.”

Piggy looked at the paper. “If I had been there, I could have taken that robot down myself," she bragged.

Ashley rolled her eyes. “Doubt it," she said.

Piggy cast the tiny girl a glare. “Watch it, pipsqueak," she snapped.

Later that day, the gang was just hanging out around the house when the doorbell rang.

Sam went to answer the door, and standing behind it were a lobster, a goat, and a green blob. The three were dressed in overalls and had a toolbox and a plunger with them. (You know who….)

“May I help you gentlemen?" Sam asked.

“We’re here to fix a plumbing problem," Polly said.

“Yeah, where is it?" Clueless asked, right before Polly elbowed him in the stomach.

Sam looked confused. “I don’t believe we called plumbers.”

“That’s okay," Polly assured him, “We’ll just look for it.” The three “plumbers” entered the house and went up the stairs to the second floor.

Sam scratched his head, but just went back into the living room.

Once they were upstairs, the three evil henchmen huddled together so that they were out of earshot.

“Okay, here’s the plan," Polly began. “We’ll sneak around and see if anyone else in this house has any superpowers. Monty, you search this floor, I’ll check Floor One, and Clueless, you check outside.”

“Got it," Monty said.

“Got it, but what about the plumbing problem?" Clueless asked.

Polly smacked him. “We’re not really plumbers, stupid," snapped. “Now let’s go!"

The three split up to go to their assigned spots.

Monty looked around into each bedroom on the second floor, until he came across a room that had occupants in it. The Electric Mayhem’s practice room, to be precise, where the band held another jam session.

“Okay," Dr. Teeth said. “Floyd, you’ve got the first verse, and Janice…Janice?"

Janice appeared (literally) out of nowhere. “Like, second verse?"

Monty’s eyes bugged in shock as he watched this from outside the room.

“Yeah," Dr. Teeth told Janice. He then turned to Zoot. “And Zoot, you…hey, man, pay attention!"

Zoot was levitating the pieces on the checkers table. “Yeah, yeah, right," he stammered. “Hey, maybe I could learn to play checkers in the air.”

“ZOOT!" Dr. Teeth shouted, unintentionally letting out a sonic scream. His bandmates, and Monty outside the room, covered their ears, and the checkers pieces cluttered onto the table.

Monty used his fingers to clear the noise out of his ears. ”Okay, I’ll move on," he thought to himself.

He moved on to the next room, where he saw Johnny and Sal. Johnny was practicing singing in front of a mirror, and he turned to Sal. “Sal, did you pick up my suit from the cleaners?

Sal nodded. “Don’t worry, Johnny. I’ve got someone right on that.”

Just then, a duplicate of Sal entered the room with a clean suit on a wire hanger. The duplicate handed the suit to the original Sal.

“Here you go, pal," he/it said.

‘Thanks, pal," Sal said. “Now go get me a banana smoothie, and Johnny a martini.”

“Sure thing.” The duplicate ran out the door and down the steps.

Johnny nodded his head in admiration. “You trained your duplicate to do chores?"

Sal nodded. “I always wondered what it would be like to have one of me for myself.”

“What did you say?" Johnny scratched his head.

“I don’t know," Sal said shrugging.

Monty turned to the wall. “I’d better write everything down," he said to himself, writing some notes in a notepad before moving on.

Meanwhile, Polly investigated down on the first floor. He peeked into the living room, where he saw Gonzo, Rizzo, Ashley, Ramona, and Pepe lounging around watching TV.

Rizzo yawned and stretched. “Gonzo, why don’t you go to the kitchen and get some-“ Gonzo bolted to the kitchen at breakneck speed before his friend could finish, and was back in seconds with five canned sodas on a tray.

“…Sodas,"Rizzo finished, grabbing a soda off of the tray., Instead of opening the drink, he used his now super-teeth to bite through the top of the can.

Ramona sat next to Pepe on the couch.

Pepe yawned and stretched, reaching his four arms out to an absurd length. “I’m beat, okay," he said, “unintentionally” putting one of his super-long arms around Ramona’s shoulder.

Ramona just rolled her eyes and pushed the prawn’s arm off of herself.

Unknown to the five of them, Polly was standing right in the hallway, taking notes.

“The boss will love to hear about this!" he whispered joyfully to himself.

“You must be the plumber!" a voice from behind said cheerfully. Polly turned around to see the frog of the house.

“Um, uh, yes, yes I am," Polly stuttered.

“Well, all of our plumbing is working fine at the moment," Kermit said. “so you can get the other plumbers and you guys can just go on home. But thanks for checking it out anyway.” He turned and went to the kitchen.

Rats! Polly thought. He then said aloud, “Well, we should have all the information we need.” He hopped up the stairs to find Monty. He found his blobby coworker looking into the bathroom, where Lew Zealand filled up the bathtub with water from his hands, and placed all of his fish inside of it.

Monty turned to Polly. “This house is full of super-powered weirdness!" he whispered.

Polly nodded. “Wait until Mr. Walters hears about all of it!" The two of them went downstairs and out the door to get Clueless.

They found the goat outside, trying to get a monarch butterfly off of his nose with the toilet plunger he was holding.

“Clueless!" Polly shouted.

“Just…a…minute…” Clueless said. He held the plunger away from his face, and slammed himself in the nose with it, not noticing that the butterfly had already flown away. “Ouch!" He held his nose. “Is it bleeding?"

“Would you just come on?" Polly said impatiently. “We have to show everything we saw to the boss.” With that, the three evil henchmen left the boarding house property.

Back at the office, they showed what they saw to Walters.

“Hmmm, very interesting, boys," the boss said to Polly and Monty. He turned to Clueless. “And did you see anything, Mr. Morgan?"

Clueless thought for a moment. “Well, I saw a bunny rabbit grow his fingernails really fast, but that’s about it.”

Walters rubbed his temples in annoyance, but then lifted his head. “No matter," he said. “The other robots are completed I plan to release them tomorrow evening. I don’t want those mutants getting in my way."

“What can you do to make sure that they don’t?" Polly asked.

Walters pressed his fingertips together and thought for a moment. “I’ve got it!" he exclaimed suddenly. “The three of you are to capture one of them to use as bait to keep the others away.”

“How will you do that?" Monty inquired.

Walters grinned evilly. “We’ll let them know that if they do anything to get in my way, their friend will be killed.”

“So which one should we get?" Polly asked.

Walters pulled the community newspaper out of his briefcase. He flipped to the weekend section of it. “Ah! Here we are!" He showed his employees an article that showed an ad for a small concert that the Electric Mayhem was performing at a coffeehouse that night. “Get one of them when their concert is over. Bring the freak here, and don’t harm them!"

“Yes sir!" The three henchmen saluted their boss once more.

Walters pressed his fingertips together once more “Marvelous!" he said evilly, before cackling sinisterly. His three employees just slowly exited the room, uncomfortable about that laughing habit of his.