Football is certainly NOT one of my interests, but I enjoy the Superbowl. We always have a house full of spare boys yelling in the living room - though that is not different from any time there is a football game on; it's just louder and more energy-packed. It is the only time I am domestic-girly... for whatever reason, I enjoy making food for the Superbowl party. There is always more than enough for that aforementioned living room full of boys, and I actually enjoy doing it! I also love to see the commercials - especially when they've included Muppets in the past.
This year I hope the Colts win. It would probably be cooler for the Saints first Superbowl trip if they took it, but I am more of a Colts fan. (and to add to that Superbowl-girliness that comes out of me this time of year, that Peyton Manning is a looker too!)