*Waits patiently for this thread's inevitable closure*
I wouldn't go so far as to say that moderation around here is fascist... it's certainly not nearly as bad as how fascist YouTube has been with it's members ever since Google took over, but then again that's to be expected, because Google is a big corporation, and big corporations don't care about the little people.
Now, I really don't want to add more fuel to this fire, but I have admit something I've shared with friends, and now I'm going public with it - I've not been impressed with moderation around here for a while now; like this Robot Chicken issue with Jamie, back last fall with the issue with the Obama thread was a final straw for me, because we had those who supported him celebrating in the thread, then we had ONE member who shall remain nameless ruining the celebration with Doom's Day talk about "oh well, there's always next election", and "as long as there's two parties, nobody really wins", and such... said member was asked by others to please refrain from posting such things if he/she didn't support Obama, then don't ruin it for those who did... who won? Said member, and all posts asking him/her to refrain from the Doom's Day talk were deleted.
I've said it before, YES Muppets are for ALL ages, and as such, we DO have youngens here, but in all honesty, most members here are grown-up, and as such, we really don't need to be treated like little kids when it comes to "heated" subjects; that's not saying MC hasn't had its share of heated topics, but for the most part, we're certainly mature and well-disciplined enough to behave ourselves, and draw our own lines at going too far in a debate or even an argument.
When everybody kept begging me to return to MC, I was hoping things had changed, and it looked for a while they did, but it seems like as of late, things are going right back down hill like they were for a while before I initially left last fall.
Having administrative and moderative experiences under my belt from other forums, I can tell you that constantly deleting topics and closing them isn't exactly a smart idea... truth be told, I would much rather suggest that a private board for members over a certain age can post in for more mature conversations without having to worry about the threat of thread closures and such... though granted, it still wouldn't hurt to keep these sorts of conversations civilized.
Anyshoe, just my half a cent's worth.