Very, very nice. And I like the parts about how the Disney kids (Hannah Montana, High School Musical, Sweet Life, etc) are the new, hip stars.
But let's look back at the REAL celebrities that the Muppets have worked with. Celebrities that earned their status, and aren't just young, good-looking singers who got lucky at an audition. Let's look at Bob Hope, Steve Martin, Caroll Burnett, Michael Caine and others. Are these the only people left who wanna with the Muppets? In the words of the Joker, "I mean, what happened? Did your &#*! fall off?" I know that's puttin it pretty roughly, and I seem like the biggest Muppet hater right now. So I'm sorry for offending people and working up an entire mob of Muppet fans against me. I'm not one who always has to be right, but this is one of those times where the points are all too obvious. I DO love the Muppets, and even some of their current performers. I just think things slowly got worse and worse. I worry that the day will come when the only way we'll see new Muppet stuff is online. And that sucks royally. I'm not sayin they need to be nasty and crass like Family Guy or SNL, but they found a way to bridge all the gaps back then, why couldn't they have kept that up?
I'm going to reiterate what I wrote at the end of my post once again...
No, guys... the performance was NOT top notch. The Muppets have performed way better. Yes, I am sorry for confusing Disney with Henson. But I'm talkng about the Muppet performers themselves. Doesn't matter if it's 'meet and greet' or another sad ABC movie; they're just for the younger audience now. And I don't need to watch Zack and Cody on a daily basis to see that the guy playing Mosby is an annoying and untalented actor.
And Beau... this truly has nothing to do with Disney fans seeing Muppets on their shows. It wouldn't matter what station the Muppets were on if this is all that's left of their talent. I may not care for the Disney 'stars' but that's not the point. Although I will say they didn't help the cause.
Again, I'm sorry for offending every last one of you. But we do deserve better Muppets, and we don't deserve to have our intelligence insulted. As I stated earlier, I'm not this huge hardcore fan that I've made myself out to be that's just insane about Muppets. I'm just an average fan; a fan who probably wouldn't say much of anything if it wasn't this bad. I'm just ticked at what I see now.