Aw DrTooth, what do you have against urban vinyl/hong kong styled designer toys?
I just hate the heck out of them. It's like pretend mechanical produced wimzy. I do like the Gary baseman stuff, since I'm a fan of his work. But all and all, just gimme an action figure or PVC or even a plush. I'm old school.
Wow, wasn't looking to make an enemy by voicing my opinion on this public message board. To quote Kermit..."sheesh".
Sorry to be so snarky about it. You have to understand something action figure collecting vs Muppet colletcing. There will always be an action figure series going. As for Muppet Merchandise, after the Palisades line ended, there was a huge void. Granted, some people were able to fill the void with the master replicas, but I find them too pricey and too big for a colletcible type deal. Other than that and the season set DVD's, this is the most exciting thing that we've got since then.
of course, no one from Disney told us they were going to copy the Palisades style to make these, unlike a certain toy company that I swear to God cursed the Sesame Street toy line. 4fun4kids or whatever the whatever it was. They're doing their own thing, and they're making pretty much a classic style PVC set... which frankly looks a million times better than half the other PVC's we've seen. And that includes Schliech. Sorry guys...
It would be cool if they made full sized action figures with the same detail, but the ship has sailed on that.
We've been in a Muppet Merchandise dry spell, not just so much since Disney, but after the Palisades line was over. this isn't 2002, when the fans can be choosy, since there are billions of different products out there. I'd kill for that. You couldn't punt a football without hitting a Gonzo letter opener, or a Kermit the Frog Macaroni sculpture.
So basically you get the gist. I doubt we'd see Palisades quality on any muppet product ever again.
And by giant ugly bunnies, I of course mean the Dunnies, going back to my previous thing about hating vynal designer figures. Designers ruin everything. They're still made in the same Chinese workshop that Happy meal toys are made from.