This was on IMDB this morning:
"Mission: Impossible III director J.J. Abrams has signed on to direct the next installment of the Star Trek feature franchise after months of speculation. Star Trek XI will focus on a young James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock and chronicles their first meeting at Starfleet Academy and their first mission in space. Sources tell the Hollywood Reporter Abrams finalized the deal late last month. Abrams has been developing the project through his Paramount Pictures-based production company as a producer and writer, before deciding to also sign on as the director."
My excitment just went down three it's confirmed that the stor will be about Kirk and Spock...uch...
Although, JJ is renounced for flashbacks in his maybe we'll get some Next Gen, Voyager, DS9 or Enterprise cameos...who knows...or at the very least, maybe we'll get the orignal Bones and Uhura to cameo.