Spammers at MC...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Just hope the banned party stays banned this time... Unless they come back under another name...
BTW: If the link doesn't work, usually means it's been taken care of, found out bout that one meself a few times.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Kevin... Is someone considered a "spammer" if all they post are these short posts that say very little regarding the topic at hand, or sometimes just leave you wondering what they were attempting to say with such a short message in their posts?
If so, then I got a candidate in mind, but I'll wait till hearing back from you.

Kimp the Shrimp

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2004
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The Count said:
Hey Kevin... Is someone considered a "spammer" if all they post are these short posts that say very little regarding the topic at hand, or sometimes just leave you wondering what they were attempting to say with such a short message in their posts?
If so, then I got a candidate in mind, but I'll wait till hearing back from you.
i think we are thinking of the same person i PM 'd him and the Mods

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yeah... Same person Kimp. Good to know someone else already alerted the mods.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Not really, and here's why. Folks like me have a lot to say while others only respond. I know lots of people who are responders and not initiators when it comes to conversation.

Same goes with punctuation: Someone can end a sentence in "..." or "!!!" and that's okay; however, if they do a line or two of punctuation then that's bad.

Spam, in every sense of the word, is when someone comes on the boards and posts "Nickel watches for a dime, click here" and posts links to a website that nobody wants to visit anyhow. They join the boards, do their number of posts (10, I think) and then post a thread or million about things that nobody cares about. You usually can tell those folks because they'll be new members and post replies like, "Great job!!" or "Love that" and it IS totally off topic.

In some cases, though, you have to be careful because someone might post something in the boards that you just feel irked by--sometimes things irk me, too--but, at the same time, you have to consider the sources and try to be a bit more open-minded. I can't be open-minded, though, because the air leaks out of my head.

PM me, though, if you have further questions "by name."

The Count said:
Hey Kevin... Is someone considered a "spammer" if all they post are these short posts that say very little regarding the topic at hand, or sometimes just leave you wondering what they were attempting to say with such a short message in their posts?
If so, then I got a candidate in mind, but I'll wait till hearing back from you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2005
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And then there's that fake spam that I posted a while back and got scolded by Philip for. I'm not sure why there were complaints about it, I just meant for it to be funny, but since not everybody appreciated the humor I apologize and will not be posting anymore of it.