Beauregard said:
New questian!
What happens in Windmills of my Mind?
And doies anyone have an MP3 of this I can trade for?
What is We've Got Us from, and what are the words that Floyd sings? When was it sung? And is that Annie sue Pig I hear throughout the song?
Windmills of Your Mind began with an intro by a green bird-like creature with large pupils talking about how calm he is. When the song begins, the camera zooms into his eyes, and then the scene dissolves into the creature (whose pupils are a bit smaller) running past a moving landscape, with his three legs rotating like a wheel and his hair billowing in the wind. As the song gets faster the wind gets stronger and his legs spin faster! At the end of the song he crashes into a windmill (knocking the blades off).
When we go back to the bird after the song, his pupils are tiny, then he ends up running out and screaming!
We Got Us--Dom sings to Piggy after her plans of getting Kermit to notice her fails (it's the last number of the show). On the show, the Muppets around Dom were Fozzie, Kermit, Piggy, Gonzo, Scooter, Floyd, Janice, and a flower-delivery Whatnot. The album version is a re-recorded version, but with the same music.
On the album Floyd sings:
Why sing a melody
As a soliloquy
When it's more fun to be
All: Harmonizing...