Something Up My Sleeve...


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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(Hey, that's a pretty good title for something Muppet related isn't it?)

As many of you may know (and probably the majority may not know since my postings here go through peaks and valleys - with "real life" often keeping me from being more active on the forum), i've been involved in the online (and offline) Muppet fan community since getting on the world wide web around 1996. I've contributed in various ways to many different sites, forums, zines, and endeavors.

But one thing i haven't yet done is put something out on the web that was of my own making - mainly because i don't like duplicating efforts and most of the Major Muppet fan sites do what they do so well. Why reinvent the wheel? I wouldn't want to do something unless it served a unique function, filled a void, or was different than anything else. (Of course there's also the fact that i am a total novice as far as all the tech stuff goes and too poverty stricken to invest in lots of gadgetry - heck, i even still access the internet at home via a webtv!)

But until recently, i've not yet thought of something that i could or would want to do that both was unique to my abilities and talents and that was of enough value to persue (actually there is one thing i've had in mind for a long time which i may get around to someday...but it would be better as a section of Muppetcentral or something like that than a standalone project but i digress). However a couple weeks ago, the lightbulb went up over the noggin and i've been exploring whether it would be doable and worthwhile...

Well tonight i finally started putting stuff officially together and if all goes well after doing some testing and playing around for the next week or so, i hope to announce something special for Muppet fans (particularly those who find my occasional posts here on the forum and the site as well as other places insightful, fun, worth reading, or any combination thereof!) I will say it won't be anything as earthshattering as being THE place for Muppet fans or even an "essential, every-Muppet-fan-must-check-this-out" project and in fact not even ultimately for everybody - but i think those who do like it will find it worth bookmarking and visiting on a regular basis.

That's all i want to reveal now since like i say, i'm still in the testing/putting things together phase...and it could very well turn out that after a week it doesn't really work too well and nothing further happens so that's why i don't want to say much more, post any links, or make any official announcement. But crossing my fingers that within the next week or so, some Muppet/Henson fans may have yet another place to check out on a regular basis.

So in the meantime, til the official announcement does (or doesn't) come, i'd be interested in hearing anyone's thoughts on what kind of Muppet/Henson thing they'd like to see on the net that doesn't really exist yet or any guesses as to what might be forthcoming...and besides just being fun to see if anyone comes close, but also if someone hits upon something that i may actually be able to incorporate into what i'm doing, that's always cool too!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
Reaction score
Hey Dw!

Always great to see your smiling face pop up here! Not want to take any guesses at what you're working on cause anything I can think of is stuff I keep saying "one day I'm going to put this together" but I know whatever you do will be quality stuff and I'm really excited to see what it is. Good luck!
