something happend to me tonight..


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2004
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and I'm not ashamed to say it...I watched all my muppet time life dvd's with friends and they asked tuns of questions.
It sort of got to me talking about Richard Hunt having aids and Jim dying of what they say was a cold..ahem wont get into that but yeah I start to cry I hid it from my friends though.
But I'm not ashamed to admit I cry over them when I watch the muppet's and how stupid it is not to have them in the world anymore.
*sigh* sorry if this is sad but I'm sad right now because of thinking that the muppet's are not the same anymore and just everything's gone or going.
Does anyone else get like this from time to time..or am I just some big sappy lug?:smirk: :frown: :cry:


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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No, I don't believe you're alone. I get like that sometimes too, especially when I watch A Muppet Family Christmas. Everytime they say something that reminds me of the fact that we never see all those characters together anymore as a family. I think that if Jim Henson were still around, the Fraggles, Muppets and Sesame gang might have appeared more together. Then I think about how that is what makes A Muppet Family Christmas so special though. Some of the lines that get me choked up are...
Robin: Boy, there sure are a lot of us here.
Kermit: Whole family's starting to come together.
Robin: We always come together at Christmas.
Kermit: Yeah. Life would just pass in a blur if it weren't for times like this.


Piggy: (singing) Through the years we all will be together, if the fates allow...

I guess the fates haven't allowed it in the long run, huh? That makes me sad. I miss Jim Henson every day, but I am also so greatful for what he brought to this world and his spirit still lives on in my heart. I wish to pass on the things I learned from him to others.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2004
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It's definitely not you. The Muppets are both a source of great happiness and sadness for me these days. I still frequently watch the older movies and love them, but it's always bittersweet as I can't help but think that the Muppets will almost certainly never be as they once were. And it's especially bothersome when I watch the newer features and hear the different voices and experience the somewhat altered personalities and especially when I see Muppets like The EM who were once considered main characters but are now relegated to literally being little more than background noise.

Jim Henson should be proud of his creations. Years after he and other original Muppeteers have passed on, many of us still remember those original characters so fondly, and in fact none of them have ever really been replaced in our hearts.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Well, I guess the answer is are just some big sappy are we all around here. I must have cried at Scooter lines a million times knowing that Richard isn't here any more. The Peace Carol gets me every time. And I regularly cry at Saying Goodbye...or Rainbow Connection...or Love Led Us Here...