The Count said:
Rexcrk, what's this Muppet Classic Theater you speak of? And am I to understand that there's one of these specials where the Muppets performed classic Greco-Roman myths? If they had Gonzo as "The Goat" as you say, then would he have been seen as half himself (humanlike) and half goat with the horns, hooves and lower body of a goat? Then that, my fiend, is what we in the monster business call a "satyr". Hope this helps and have a pleasant morrow.
Muppet Classic Theater was a direct to video release and included 6 classic tales retold by the muppets. They included (in no particular order):
1. The Three Little Pigs where Piggy and her 2 brothers (Andy and Randy) build house and keep a Wolf away.
2. King Midas. Kermit plays the King and Piggy is his queen. They meet Gonzo (a satyr) who is napping in the flower garden and to escape death grants the king one wish. Kermit wants world peace but Piggy steps in and wants gold. It goes on from there.
3. The Emperor's New Clothes. Emperor Fozzie meets up with Rizzo and his band of rats. Rizzo offers to make the Emperor a set of spectacular clothes that only the very smart and noble can see. Of course there are no clothes and Fozzie is caught in his boxers.
4. The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Gonzo is a shepard who is easily excited. A sheep spits water on him and he runs into town yelling tidal wave. A rock falls from a pile and he yells earth quake. Eventually a wolf really shows up and no one believes him. He tries various ways to prove the wolf is there, like painting a picture of the wolf and taking a phototgraph, but no one believes him. Finally, the sheep (who realize the wolf will eat them) call Norman, a giant sheep, who sits on the wolf. Mayor Kermit gives Gonzo a medal and all are happy.
5. Rumpelstiltskin (don't make fun of my spelling

). King Kermit is looking for a wife. Piggy and her father show up and Piggy's father says Piggy can spin straw into gold. Of course thats not ture, so Piggy gts help from Gonzo aka Rumpelstiltskin. First he takes her ring, but the king's helper wants Piggy to spin straw into gold again, so Piggy has to give Gonzo her first born. Years later the pig and frog have a kid and Gonzo shows up to collect. Yada yada yada, Piggy guesses his name by looking in his under wear and they are all happy.
6. Elvis and the Shoemaker. Its the story of the Elves and the Shoemaker, but Rizzo gets excited that it's Elivis and the 3 Elvis people show up. Kermit and Robin are shoemakers that make really ugly shoes. The Elvis elves make blue suede shoes. Kermit and Robin get money and save the shop. To thank the Elvis elves Rizzo says they should make them some jump suits and the Elvis elves go to vegas and the tape ends with a song.
Wow, that's a lot. Hope that helps Count. It's a pretty good tape.