Since you asked... And brotha, sistah, whatever.

You called?
I thought you were in lockdown at the MMN studios?

Yeah, about that, I still haven't gotten those haggas mints.
Here's an overdue and first truly MC fic review.
Posted by Kris: "Part Eight"
Oh I love eight, yes eight is great, eight is the number I do not...
Wait! We've got a whole chapter to start on.
Posted by

"Kermit scanned the list of acts for the night, doing his best to ignore the chaos behind and around him with the curtain set to open in ten minutes.
“Hey, has anybody seen the galoshes for my rubber chicken?”
“Boss, the band is refusing to play the Barry Manilow song for the intermezzo piece; they want to substitute a jazz version of Metallica’s ‘Enter Sandman’ instead…”
“—and stay away from my feather boa rack, you mutt! Those are not de-boned chew toys!” (slam!)
“Horn der sween du bork du zuppa!”
Kermit looked up briefly, noted that Muppy had escaped from Piggy’s dressing room more or less unkicked; Fozzie had enlisted Beau’s help in searching for the rubber chicken’s rubber rainboots; the penguins were enthusiastically tossing sandbags to persuade Scooter to allow the musical change by the band while Floyd and Dr. Teeth waited, chortling; and the turkey fleeing for its neck from the Chef did not, in fact, appear contagious. Just another Friday night."
Ah, Muppety chaos prepping for another episode of the Muppet Show! Yayyyy!
Posted by Man: "Hunching over his desk, he sighed and massaged his temples briefly. “Scooter!” he yelled, and within seconds his trusty second materialized at his elbow. “Yeah, Chief? What do you want me to tell the band?" Kermit waved a flipper absently. “Whatever, as long as it doesn’t mean a scenery change from what we already had for the song!"
Scooter's ever-present diligence shines through yet again.
Posted by Fan: "Have you seen Gonzo? He’s supposed to be singing in the opening number!" “Uh, remember Gonzo told us about that reality show he was auditioning for?” Scooter reminded Kermit, and gave a discreet thumbs-up to the band; Floyd and Dr. Teeth grinned at one another and laid some felt on the penguins with jive handshakes. Kermit scrunched his face a moment. “Well, can you find out when he intends to rejoin us, if not tonight? Who’m I going to put in his place?” Frustrated, he flipped through the various papers on his desk; the night’s sign-in roster was in here somewhere, he was almost positive…"
Yeah, about that Kermit... Like I think that reality show's got somewhat of a temporary relocation claim on your resident—if he can be called that for much longer—daredevil.
Posted by Fan of Man of News: "Hmm,” Scooter mused, quickly glancing over the exact sheet Kermit was looking for. “That song really needs a bass to round it out…what if Fozzie and I took the back-up parts, and the Newsman takes lead?” “What?” Kermit stared at his theatrical lieutenant as if the younger Muppet had just said Why NOT let the aliens suck our brains out through a straw? The frog’s brain took a precious few seconds to find where exactly the gear was which had slipped and start the wheels rolling again. “He can sing?”
Mmm... You get points for the reference to a Grim Adventures classic about the alien sucking our brains out through a straw.
*Cues Voltaire's song sung by the Brain-Eating Meteor.
*BTW: I need an MP3 of that if anyone has it.
Posted by

, a Fan of Man: “Better than you’d think,” Scooter nodded. “I, uh, overheard him in his dressing-room earlier this week. He knows the words." “If you think it’ll work,” Kermit said, shrugging. “Sheesh.” He met Scooter’s amused gaze, and broke into a chuckle. “I guess domestic life agrees with all of us former bachelors.” “No argument here,” Scooter grinned, and ran to find the Newsman.
Hee, nice subtle reference to Newsie's current sitch developed in your fic series, as well as the hint to Kermit's and Scooter's lives in our fave aunt's ongoing opus.
Posted by

?: "Camilla was only vaguely listening to, and barely participating in, a discussion among the chorus girls, pigs, and chickens about what they wanted to dress up as for Fozzie’s Halloween party. She blinked slowly at her image in the ladies’ dressing-room mirror, patted the glittery earrings clipped to her feathers to make sure they wouldn’t come loose while she was dancing, and sighed. Gonzo hadn’t shown up again tonight; she hoped that meant his audition had gone well. She’d checked her voicemail twice already. Nothing…not a peep from her estranged performance artiste. Not that she was worried. He could handle himself. Why, he did outrageously dangerous, ridiculous, slim-chance-of-surviving-without-at-least-losing-a-limb acts all the time here…as much as Kermit would allow, anyway… Camilla dug her purse from her locker and checked her phone just once more."

, you remembered the rhinestone bunny ears for the chickens' act that Liberaci was going to add to his own Vegas show.
And aw, I'm glad you included a showing of true worry from this little henny-penny.
Posted by Fan of the Newsman: "The Newsman blinked at Scooter several times, one hand clinging to the doorframe of his tiny closet of a dressing-room. “You want…me…opening…sing?” he gulped. Scooter grinned. “Careful, you’re starting to sound like a monster with that grammar! Come on, get one of those old fedoras from the costume rack and get up there! It’s only a minute to opening!” Both terrified and elated, Newsie sprang up the stairs, hustling to wardrobe to grab the first dark fedora he could find; luckily he was already clothed in a dark brown gabardine suit tonight. Even more luckily, the suit had been only minimally stained by the result of his earlier Muppet News report at KRAK, when several gallons of fairly hot black tea had rained down on him after he mentioned alleged Antimuppetist comments made by one of the Presidential hopefuls aligned with the Tea Party. His closing remark, that the politician in question “would neither confirm nor deny having made any such comments,” seemed somewhat ironic to him while he was wringing the liquid from his coat on-camera."
Somehow that joke with the tea could've gone over better.
But hey, Newsie, you're gonna get your big brake soon! And it's even bigger than the fact you showed up in the Mindset's detailed review of the new movie's second trailer sporting a snazzy new scarf.
Posted by Gypsy Lover: "He skidded to a halt just offstage right, where Scooter and Fozzie were waiting, already in costume as Gilded Age paperboys. As the main theme ended and the curtains opened to respectable applause, Newsie swallowed as much of his fear as he could stomach and hurried onstage. Scooter ran ahead of him in knickers and a round cap, waving a newspaper at the audience. “Extra! Extra! Read all about it!” Newsie remembered noticing in the rehearsal earlier in the week that the performers had decided not to do the entire song; he hoped he wouldn’t be expected to dance. He’d seen the film often enough to know the choreography by heart…he just didn’t believe he could do it. Oh, good grief! There she is! His eyes immediately found Gina in the audience, and saw hers widen in astonishment…but then she smiled, and he gulped again, and took his cue from Fozzie’s line: “Dere ain’t nothin’ exciting enough to sell papers today! Nobody’s gonna wanna read this boring stuff!”

at Gina being able to snag a ticket for herself to attend this latest performance. Methinks she'll get her money's worth. And Newsie will probably benefit from it later as well.
Also, you get a second point for using the iconic image of Scooter as a paperboy with his doughboy cap. I say it's "iconic" beceause there's a real-life story of Richard Hunt being a paperboy when he was young that everyone in or associated with the RHLC knows about. Ask Muppet Newsgirl about it, she'd probably give you a better account of it than I can at the moment.

holds up cue card with RHLC! ! ! on it.
Posted by

"Singing slowly and roughly at first, then smoothing out a little as the words all popped into his head, Newsie responded, “We need a good assassin-ation!..
We need an earthquake or a war!”
“How ‘bout a crooked politician?” Scooter piped up, playing the minor of the paperboy trio for the song.
Fozzie and Newsie turned on him in scorn: “Hey stupid, THAT ain’t news no more!”
The audience laughed. Blushing, glancing out into the house again, Newsie saw Gina smiling broadly. She nodded proudly at him, and he swallowed hard and continued solo a couple of lines.
“Uptown to Grand Central Station…down to City Hall.
We improves the circulation…”
Fozzie and Scooter stepped up to him on either side, linking arms briefly and shouting with him for the next line: “Walkin’ til we fall!”
Newsie sang through the chorus and the second verse, more than content to stay mostly center stage and let the other two do some fancy footwork around and in front of him. He’d been a chorus member on rare occasions in the show or in the movies, but he’d never, ever had a prominent piece like this. By the end of the song, the bear and the gofer had forcibly persuaded him to dance in step with them before the music faded, and then one by one they wandered offstage, stacks of papers in their arms, looking dejected. On impulse, Newsie paused at the edge of the stage at the last possible instant, and hopefully offered a paper to a couple in the front row: “Hey, wanna buy a copy? It’s an exclusive!”
The curtain dropped to much applause. Flushed, the Newsman barely noticed as the stagepigs jostled him aside, hurrying to move in the scenery for Piggy’s
ingénue act with Rowlf. He stood alone backstage, panting, dazed until Kermit clapped him on the shoulder. “Nice job!” “Er…thanks,” Newsie gulped. He reluctantly removed the fedora. “I…I guess I should get this back to wardrobe…” His boss smiled. “You know what? Keep it. It suits you.” “R-really? Thanks!” As Newsie wandered off, still looking winded and astonished, Kermit stopped Scooter, running by on his way to change out of his costume. “Good call there; I would never have guessed he knew any musical numbers at all!” Scooter laughed. “Well, I wasn’t surprised he knew that one! It’s from ‘Newsies!’”
*Applauds at Newsie's first good musical act on the show. Thought you would have gone with "Zeros" from You're Fired/Hired Part 1, but this suited our journalist much better since it deals directly with the promotion of periodical papers.
And hey, he even got to take home a fedora from wardrobe! That'll certainly help should he decide to go undercover whenever the time comes that he finds out about his cousin's whereabouts and has to manage a personal rescue mission.
Posted by This is a Muppet News Flash!: "Kermit did a double-take, then began snickering. Maybe tonight will be one of the good ones, he thought hopefully."
There's always a first time for everything frog.
Posted by These stories get more ridiculous every day: "Then came the sounds of Piggy exclaiming in dismay and growing fury from onstage, followed by bucketfuls of Key limes bouncing all over the place, followed by an angry diva in a green-stained low-cut dress storming off to her dressing-room, followed by the puzzled janitor apologizing to Kermit, explaining he could have sworn the song was “as limes go by…” “Oh,” Beauregard mumbled when told the actual title of the classic tune. “Uh, should I have dropped a bunch of clocks on her instead?” Sighing, Kermit turned over the stage manager’s desk to Fozzie and went to calm down Piggy."
Now this was a more cleverly executed joke what with Cyndi Lauper's hit single.
Posted by Art's boss: "Camilla walked listlessly through the green room, reminding herself to keep her head up; her earrings jingled softly, the delicate feather headdress rising above her red comb floated divinely, and every time she happened to catch her reflection in a mirror she could see she’d put her eyeshadow and mascara on perfectly, but she didn’t feel like much of a pro tonight. Nonsense, she thought; it certainly made no difference at all that Gonzo wasn’t here to see her. None whatsoever. Theme music blared out of the little TV Beau had somehow rigged in a corner of the room. Annoyed, Camilla wondered why anyone would have what sounded like a talent show playing right now, when they were all preparing to go onstage themselves. Maybe some of her castmates actually still had so much stage fright that watching total amateurs fumble their way through a performance gave them courage? Shaking her head, she was about to trot upstairs where if there was noise and chaos, at least it was their noise and chaos, not someone else’s…when the other chickens all began clucking and crying out. Gonzo? What? She hurried to the corner and stuck her beak up to the flickering screen. “Baawwwwkk!” she gasped. Resplendent in the pink jumpsuit Camilla loved, there on the TV a blue Muppet daredevil bounced upon an invisible high wire, juggling wobbling handfuls of tiny jellyfish. An announcer shouted over the music: “And here’s the most death-defying version of ‘Down by the Sea’ we’ve ever witnessed! I was astounded that anyone remembered the actual words to that old classic anymore!” While an off-screen crowd roared and clapped and held their breaths, Gonzo seemed about to tip into the swaying mass of eels below him, then regained his balance, never pausing in his throwing rhythm. The screen cut to a shot of the judges’ panel: two large monsters stared up slack-jawed in admiration. A smaller monster poked his head out of the tan one’s mouth, his own tiny jaw open wide as well. “Well, he certainly seems to be impressing the judges! Let’s see if he can make it through his entire act – unlike the unfortunate motorcyclist earlier! Some people just aren’t cut out for superstardom, I guess, but hey, those are the breaks! This is Snookie Blyer; come back after the break to see if the Great Gonzo makes it onto the show! We’ll be right back!” From a brief image of a smiling, yellow-felted Muppet in a bad sportscoat, the station changed to a commercial."
Oh... We finally get a glimpse of Gonzo's act all put together. Well, his opening audition act anyway. At least it's better than having those talentless hacks on another variety contest show mangle your favorite song. Yeah, I'm looking at you Kelly Clarkson!

Who's Kelly Clarkson?
Posted by And now you vill listen to a word from our sponsor: "I’m William Conrad for First Alert! Has this ever happened to you? You stash your entire Thanksgiving dinner in the ’fridge and leave just to run down to the liquor store…and then!” A large purple-furred monster with big yellow eyes and ears reminding Camilla of a Mr Potatohead broke into the spokeman’s ’fridge and eagerly began gulping down everything inside it. “Don’t let ravenous monsters happen to you! With First Alert’s new ‘Monster Alert’ service, any kitchen can go from a gorgon-attracting heap to a safe, secure, sandwich-friendly environment!” Suddenly, an alarm sounde , and lasers fried the purple monster. In an instant, a blackened, smoking pile of ashes with wide yellow eyes blinked astonished at the camera. “Call First Alert right away…smack, slurp…and you too…gobble, gulp…ca’ haff uh frish all moo urfelf!” The spokesman waved a turkey leg at the camera, his arms and mouth full of the rescued food."

here. *Happy for an excuse to get a monster blown up, now that's good ol' fashioned comedy.
Sorry Gorgon Heap, looks like it's time for your bath, it is Saturday night after all.
*Leaves undead rubber duckie we got from Halloween Town for Christmas last year.
Posted by All the

that's fit to print: "Impatiently Camilla waited through another two ads and a station logo flash for MMN before the program resumed. “Welcome back to ‘Break a Leg,’ America’s most dangerous talent show, where auditions are going on for the most daring, most original, least safety-conscious performers still alive! Right now, former Muppet Show actor, singer, and all around daredevil the Great Gonzo is strutting his stuff for our expert panel…or maybe that should be bouncing his stuff! Just take a look at this!” Camilla stared in utter terror as Gonzo, onscreen, began leaping into the air, catching the wire with his toes as he fell, then immediately bouncing back up and flipping himself midair to hook the wire with his nose again…over and over…while still juggling…and singing the last line with enormous gusto: “Aaaand my love and I…we’ll…go…saaaaiilling!” When he finished, the jellies plopping onto his head one after another like a series of caps, the host looked to the monsters seated at the long table, which seemed now to be draped with colorful banners."
*Cues circus calliope music underscoring the lunacy of Gonzo's act. Better this than head bowling huh?
Posted by Yes all you cats and kitties!: “Amazing! Well, let’s hear from the judges! Hem Sterling! Will the Great Gonzo be making the audition cut?” The tan-furred monster with the round teeth tapped a wide finger against his lower jaw, thinking, brows furrowed. “Hmm. Well, I think this is really one of the best acts we’ve seen all night, Snookie, so – yeah! I vote claws up!” “Fantastic! Now to B.D. Cooper. B.D., will Gonzo be earning your vote for a competition spot as well?” “Ahhh, I guess so,” grumbled the flat-headed blue monster, shrugging. “Frankly, I think he needs better song choices, if he’s gonna make singing a part of his act. I really liked the bug guy better.” “Well, Weevil Kneivel was impressive, but he disqualified himself by perishing before completing his stunt!” Snookie laughed. “So let’s turn to the last judge, Shakey Sanchez-Campbell! Shakey, were you as awestruck as I was by –“ Snookie paused, seeing the tan monster wiping his lips. “Uh, Hem, doesn’t Shakey get a vote?” “Oh, I can speak for him,” Hem assured the host. “Don’t count on it!” a muffled high voice came from within Hem’s throat. The monster slapped his windpipe and belched. “He votes claws up,” Hem said. “I don’t even have claws!” protested the swallowed creature. Snookie turned back to the camera, chuckling. “Well, it seems like our judges want to see more of the blue barnstormer’s antics! Let’s see what Gonzo has to say!”
Yay, the blue whatever's into the competition! *Like we didn't know that already from the previous chapters what with the network head's schemings.
Posted by Check out the fabulous 15!: “Hey chickens! Chickens, you’re on!” Scooter yelled. Reluctantly, Camilla turned from the screen with her fellow dancers, but she looked over her wing as she left the green room, watching Gonzo talking with the loud host. One of the other chickens clucked impatiently at her, and she finally blew out a breath and hurried up to the stage to strut through the “White Feather Rag” which the Mayhem turned from a simple, Joplinesque piece into a full-blown “Nola” orgy of wailing sax and blaring trumpet. Though Camilla knew she and the girls were there for eye candy, she still found it difficult to focus on the steps they’d learned, and twice almost tripped Mitzi Clucker. She knew the girls were wondering what had come over her, but she wasn’t willing to bawk about it yet. Not yet. She had too many thoughts cluttering her head, like a granary full of yellow and blue corn all jumbled together…"
And just like that you show you've learned aat the foot of other authors' postings in how to pull a reader's heartstrings. Poor Camilla, not wanting to talk about it, but needing to talk about it to sort out that pile of cornmeal in her head.
Posted by No news tonight...: "Fozzie yanked Scooter’s jacket sleeve. “Hey, Scooter, look! Isn’t dat Gonzo?” “Huh! Yeah, guess so! Wow, he’s really making the big time,” Scooter remarked, looking at the TV only a few seconds before he had to corral a handful of odd creatures raptly watching the Chef cooking octopus pancakes on the griddle. Every time he flipped a tentacled flapjack, one of the feathery, red-scaled little creatures would gurble happily and dart forward to catch it and devour it before it hit the hot pan again. “Heey! Stoppen der chompy-chompen un my ooctocaken!” “Fazoobs! Fazoobs up next for the Koozebane trick-or-treat number!” Scooter announced. “Dey ulreddy habben der trick und der treetens!” Chef complained. Fozzie watched the end of the interview with Gonzo. He saw how the Whatever’s eyes lit up when the host asked what other acts he had planned. “Oh, Gonzo,” Fozzie muttered. “I guess dis is better for you after all.” He started to lift a paw to the screen, but when it cut back to the host saying goodnight, the bear’s hand dropped again, dispirited. He heaved a low sigh, and trudged off to find his rubber chicken, now that he’d located the boots for it."
Mmm, octocakes. Hopefully they actually turn out better than the guy who attempted it on Chopped the other day. If there are any octocakes left from the Fazoob feeding frenzy. Still not sure if I'll end up adding them to my own haul, I kinda know how to label each of them, but I wonder what Fazoob was which Mopatop character since the Muppet Wiki isn't exactly clear on that.
Posted by And now a

flash, as the reporter reaches up to Gina's jacket before she slaps his hand away and the Benny Hill chase music ensues: "Behind him, Clifford plunked himself down on a beat-up sofa, and glared at the commercials filling the TV screen. “Aw, man, why do we have to put up with this jive nonsense here? Seems like every place you go these days, you get ads thrown at you!” he complained to Rizzo. “Eh, I know whatcha mean,” Rizzo said, and found the remote. He flicked through the channels until he located the Flimsy Negligee Mystery network. “Hey! Dat’s ‘Panty Death Raid’! I missed da end of dat last time dey showed it!” “Yo, turn the sound down, bro,” Clifford advised, glancing around the now mostly-empty green room. “It’s more cultural that way.” “Oh yeah,” Rizzo snickered, muting the sound. Sam the Eagle poked his head around the corner. “What? Did I hear something about actual cultural films being shown?” “Uh…sure, Baldy,” Clifford said, beginning to grin. “Have a seat, take a load off the talons.” “Thank you, that’s very kind,” Sam muttered, settling himself on the sofa. He frowned at the TV. “Uh…how exactly is this morally enlightening?” he asked, as two girls on the screen engaged in a pillowfight in their underwear while a masked killer crept through the hall past their dorm room. “Can’tcha see the stars on her panties, and the stripes on da other one’s?” Rizzo demanded. “It’s, ah, like a metaphor or somethin’…” “The eternal struggle of war-guilt versus peace-love in our national consciousness,” Clifford supplied blithely, and Rizzo stifled a chortle. “Oh, yes! Yes, I see! Mm. Of course,” Sam exclaimed, and watched the silly movie in silence a minute longer. He blinked, startled. “Uh…what does the chocolate pudding represent?” Rizzo fumbled, at a loss, but Clifford didn’t miss a beat. With a savvy nod at Sam, he murmured, “Man, that’s the dark side of the collective unconsciousness!... Haven’t you ever read Jung?”
Thank you and good night! Is very much reminded of when

had to explain the lyrics of Mack the Knife to

Sam: "I don't fully grasp it, but I'm sure it's a lovely sentiment."
Posted by Who You Gonna' Call!: "Beaker scanned the front of the crumbling edifice nervously. So far, the quiet beeps of the mobile psychokinetic energy detector hadn’t indicated anything supernatural in the old hotel past the normal background levels common to any large city. However, he was keyed up enough to leap six inches into the air when Bunsen touched his elbow. “Meeeep!” “Oh, for heaven’s sake, Beaker! It isn’t really haunted, you know!”
For shame Bunsen... Of corpse it's really haunted. Why else did you insist on bringing the PKE meter? Oh, and the ecto-goggles.
Posted by 1, a nice house, that's haunted so there's lots of company: “Mee meep?” Beaker wondered, his head swiveling to read a KEEP OUT CONDEMNED BUILDING FORMER MASS MURDER SITE sign posted on the front door as Bunsen pushed it open and trotted right in, oblivious. “Of course not, you sillyfoam! The organizers just thought it would be more fun to have the walk in an old, spooky building on Halloween! It will surely draw lots of viewers – and lots of sponsors!” Smiling, Honeydew looked around the lobby of the once-grand hotel, now home to massive spiderwebs and peeling wallpaper. “They certainly picked a good site to film in, don’t you think?” Beaker shrugged nervously, peering around but sticking close to his lab partner as they moved farther into the room. He jumped again at the slam of the door."
Now why couldn't we have filmed the Happiness Hotel scenes here?

What a dump!

: If that's the Happiness Hotel, I'd hate to see the sad one.
Posted by 2, a nice ghost who's friendly and can come to tea: “Mee! Mee mee mee meep mee!” he pointed shakily at the closed door in the darkened lobby. Bunsen shook and snapped a glo-stick into eerie green light and handed it to him. “Just the wind! Now come on! Let’s see where we should set up the command post for the surveillance equipment and the broadcast servers, shall we?” Undaunted by the gloom and the layers of dust, Bunsen snapped a glo-stick of his own and moved around curiously, shining the stick into the high corners of the place; the light didn’t travel very far up the curving, unsafe-looking staircase. Shaking his head, Beaker sighed, and slowly walked through the lobby, avoiding the largest webs. A spider dropped abruptly from one of them, and Beaker shrieked, dropping his glo stick."
Did you hear something shriek just now? Must have been nothing.
Posted by 3, a fat spider spinning in the gloom: "Bunsen snapped over his shoulder, “Beaker! Stop scaring the spiders! We’ll need them to stick around for the charity walk – they’re wonderful window dressing!” Beaker stared at him, then at the green-furred spider glaring at him. Muttering curses, it climbed back up into its web spanning the entry to the old dining room."
Spiders... Yep, the first line of defense found within This Old Haunted House.
Posted by 4, a lovely cobweb to decorate the room: "Catching his breath, Beaker bent to pick up the glo-stick, and saw footprints in the dust. Some of them had claws and more than four toes, and the tracks seemed to go every which way. One set of prints had been made by small shoes. Perplexed, Beaker looked at the size of the shoeprints, comparing them to his own size nines. Then he set his foot next to one of the clawed, splay-toed tracks, and noticed how much bigger the other tracks were… “Mee! Meep mee mee!” “Tracks? Well, I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if this old hotel had a few nonpaying rodent guests still hanging around – tsst, tsst! Not to worry, Beakie; all part of the spoooooky atmosphere!” Honeydew proclaimed, wiggling his fingers in the air before Beaker’s nose. Beaker tried to draw Bunsen’s attention to the prints in the thick dust, but the scientist pointed at the crumbling staircase. “Let’s go upstairs and see if there’s a room available which will hold all our equipment, shall we? Go on, Beaker! Make sure the stairs will hold the weight of the network servers!”
*Finds it comically cute to have Bunsen do the "spoooky" finger-waggling gesture. Now c'mon Beaker, we're moving past the lobby and upstairs to the next floor.
Posted by 5, a flight of stairs that creak in the night, even when there's noone going up and down: "Reluctantly, Beaker placed a foot on the bottom step of the formerly-elegant wooden staircase. It creaked terribly, but held. Carefully grabbing hold of the railing, then muttering under his breath and wiping his cobweb-coated fingers on his orange windbreaker, Beaker advanced up the stairs. Although they groaned and shifted worrisomely, he reached the first landing without incident. Turning to call back to Bunsen, he gestured up, about to inform his colleague of the rather large and sticky web right ahead of him blocking further progress. “Meep meep—“ The landing completely collapsed with a sickening crunch. Squealing, Beaker windmilled his arms and grabbed hold of the banister, which prevented his fall. Panting, he wiped the dust from his forehead and leaned to peer into the hole. The banister creaked loudly and suddenly fell in the opposite direction, taking a startled Beaker with it. Approaching his partner, Honeydew shook his head, frowning. “Beaker! Don’t you know this is an historic landmark? Chinese gangsters used to have wars over their opium trade in the street right outside! There’s a secret tunnel that used to be used for smuggling under the building! We were only granted access because of the charity cause, so don’t go around destroying any more architectural artifacts!”
And here we have to give a third point. Sure, you could have easily employed the signature gag about the stairs flattening against themselves, causing Beaker to slide back down to the main floor, only to pop back out afterwards... But this sets up for an even better encounter with another Muppet critter.
Also... So that's how to access the entrance to MMN, via the underground tunnel originally built by the gangsters who used this hotel for their hideout. *Makes note of that for future Bugs Bunnyish tactics in spooking the spooks that Newsie might find useful.
Posted by 6, a quiet castle on a rainy night, when there's noone else around: "Coughing, covered in dust and dustier spiderwebs, Beaker tried to pick himself off the floor next to the stairs. Eight yellow eyes blinked down at him just behind him as an enormous shadow rose out of the darkness behind the staircase. “I thought I heard company!” Phil Van Neuter exclaimed, bobbing out of the dining room and throwing his arms wide for Bunsen. “Bunnie! So glad you could make it!” “Oh, Dr. Van Neuter! Yes, we’re here! Beaker, you remember our biologist comrade, don’t you?” Sighing, Beaker halfheartedly waved, still brushing grey plaster from his jacket. A shifting, scratching sound right behind him made him freeze. “I keep telling you, just Phil, please! We’re all mad scientists here!” Van Neuter chuckled, warmly embracing a somewhat discomfited Bunsen Honeydew. “So! What technological wonders did you bring us?” “Oh, well, Beaker and I have been working on a supradermal tracking system, which works on the principle that frightened people tend to put out more heat.” Bunsen fished a prototype tracker out of a pocket; it appeared to be a tiny metal and plastic spider. “We’ll issue one of these to every participant, and when your ‘haunted house’ really gets cracking, voila! Body heat goes up, and the actual fear levels can be tracked in realtime by our custom-designed software and, by use of our specially configured servers, streamed live to the walk’s sponsors and the entire webcast audience!” Beaker turned around slowly, shaking, to see a spider taller and fatter by far than Sweetums rising up on eight thick furry legs, disturbed by the crash of the stair-landing and clearly not at all happy. “Mee…meep?” Beaker asked it timidly. It leaned over, opening jaws full of slavering fangs, breathing a foul air down in his face. Beaker gulped, and offered it his glo-stick with trembling fingers. “Muh…meep?”
And here's that critter I was spooking of. The Giant Spider from the song "Baby It's Me" from the Racquel Welch episode of The Muppet Show!
Aw, and Beaker's making the opening move of offering it a glo-stick treat, how lovely. Now play nice you two. *Goes off to continue reviewing.
Posted by 7, a doggie howling at the yellow moon: “Oh, that sounds positively spiffy, Bunnie! How soon can you have it in place for a test run?” Van Neuter asked eagerly, dancing in place with excitement. Beaker screamed, fleeing through the lobby into the decrepit dining room, the giant spider lolloping along the ceiling after him, snarling and spitting, claws scrabbling loudly along the damaged woodwork. “Well, as soon as we can get our equipment set up – Beaker! That china cabinet is probably an antique!” CRASH. CRUNCH. Tinkle tink. “Meeeeeeeee!” “Oh, of course! Why don’t you two set up in the old manager’s office? It should be big enough for all that, and there’s a little less dust,” Van Neuter offered, showing Bunsen the papered-over panel hiding the door to the old office. “See? It’s already kind of hidden, so you should be able to monitor the walk from in there without anyone disturbing you!” “Oh, yes! This should be more than adequate!” Bunsen beamed, looking into the office; a roost of sleepy bats began blinking at him from the low-ceiling rafters. Beaker ran shrieking past them, the monstrous spider bounding after him, taking swipes with its forelegs which Beaker ducked by yanking his head into his collar. Bunsen shook his head and planted his fists on his waist. “Honestly, Beaker! Save that silliness for Halloween night! We have work to do!”
You know, I agree with Bunsen. But seeing as how that giant spider's more of a general housepet, he's often left off of his leash. Still, a little romp would do before getting ready for the scares on Halloween night.
Posted by 8, cold shivers on a sunny summer afternoon: “Well, have to get back to my own preparations, but it’s so nice working with you again! Toodles!” Van Neuter chirped, waving happily before trotting back behind the staircase. He almost tripped over Thatch McGurk, who’d been eavesdropping. “What are you doing up here? Get back downstairs!” Van Neuter snapped crossly. “Garabba frazza buh!” the monster said, gesturing over at Bunsen, who was rummaging in his coat pockets for something. “They’re supposed to be here! Didn’t you read the last memo? Oh, honestly, you’re the worst receptionist I’ve ever had, and that is saying a lot! Now get back down there and let them work in peace!” Grumbling, McGurk trudged belowstairs. Shaking his head, Van Neuter followed. “Isn’t it just like Mulch to win the lottery and take off for Jamaica right when I need a professional flunky! Honestly!” He sniffled briefly. “And…and Composta at least could have stayed with me for the holiday instead of insisting on taking cliffdiving lessons in the Shetland Islands…” McGurk patted his arm sympathetically. “Awwwr. Bagaagga zab.” Jerking away huffily, Van Neuter snapped, “No I do not need a fluffy stinkbug! I gave up sleeping with stuffies when I was twenty! Uh…now…now you just get back to work, and don’t let me hear any more nonsense about intruders!” “Huhf!” McGurk snorted, turned his back, and stomped through the underground corridor. It was nearly time for second suppers, anyway.
Okay, fourth point of the evening awarded for showing Phil's tender side, pining for Composta. Besides, don't knock sleeping with a plushie—which he probably does still do though he wants noone to know about it—they work like dream dolls. Or worry men. It depends on which version of that concept from Batman you run with.
Posted by 9 black bats hanging on the door: “Aha! Found it!” Bunsen exclaimed. When Beaker came ducking and hurtling through the lobby once more, Bunsen sprayed him and the spider both in day-glo orange sticky string. “Meeep!” Beaker cried, tripping as his limbs became entangled in the fast-hardening string. The spider halted as though poleaxed, blinked at the orange strands lacing its face, shook its head, sneezed, and disgustedly retreated to the top of the stairs, where it cast a sulky look back at them before melting into the shadows. Bunsen sighed. “If you’re done playing around, would you go fetch the server racks?” He turned away, not noticing Beaker’s struggles to stand upright with the cocoon of silly string wrapped completely around him. “Now, I think we should be able to receive the tracker signals all over the hotel from this room…it seems to have a vent going up through the ceiling, which should facilitate the satellite bounce…” Beaker stumbled into the cleverly hidden office, straining to pull the string off his arms and hands. He stumbled right into the nest of bats just as Bunsen turned away, musing thoughtfully at the staircase: “And perhaps we ought to mount a signal booster at the far end of the third- or fourth-floor hall, just to make absolutely certain the signals are free and unencumbered!”
*Loves the nest of bats in the manager's office.
Posted by 10 hobgoblins, pussycats, and more...: "The bats squeaked and fluttered, Beaker screamed, several of them snagged in the sticky string in Beaker’s upstanding hair and tried to tug themselves loose by flapping wildly, and when he staggered half-blind around the room and accidentally tripped into the old fireplace with its cracked air-flue, the panicked bats tried to pull him up it with them. “Meee! Meeeeeeeee!”
Oh Beaker, if you wanted to keep playing with our pets all you had to do was say so. But please, no roughhousing, I tend to think a bit highly of the bats.
Posted by And that's what counts to The Count when I count!: "Honeydew turned around to find his assistant halfway up the rusted flue, his skinny legs kicking, hands braced against the bottom edge of the flue, head stuck inside so that his cries echoed and shook down dust. “Beaker! Those bats are a protected species! Leave them alone and come help me with the server racks! You know I can’t carry them myself!”
And there you have it... The tradition continues.
Hope this helps and have a pleasant fright.