So, tell me a little more about the PVC's...

Stryder Wolfe

Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2002
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I dont' know exactly what a PVC is, it seems...I thought I did, but now I'm not so can someone explain the whole concept to me and also give a little info about what they'll be like specifically muppet related? I'm not sure if I'll want to buy these or not, but am considering it...

wow, that's a demanding question...sorry guys...


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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If you look here :-

It will show you the Muppet Show Shelich PVC's from the 70's so you can see what they generally look like, though the Palisades ones will be more detailed and of higher quality.

Basically they are mini painted statues/figurines of the characters but on a much smaller unarticulated scale. You get quite a few in a set and they are fairly cheap so always a good addition to a collection.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2002
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Plus, because they are unarticulated, they can be made in more dynamic poses that can't work with an action figure.

The best thing, though, is since they are cheaper and can be sold in a pack, it will allow for the inclusion of some lesser-known and obscure muppet figures for the fans. Also, it will allow for some theme sets with variations of regular figures that wouldn't work as well in an Action Figure line.

For example, recently the Simpsons line released two sets of themed mini-figs (similar to PVC, but articulated) based on episodes Deep Space Homer and Homer At Bat. The astronaut pack had Homer & Barney, but also had a Monkey, a NASA scientist, and Buzz Aldrin. I don't know many people lining up to buy a Simpsons version of a monkey or a NASA scientist, but put them all together in a themed pack and it works much better.

In other words, expect to see things like Penguins and other random Muppet figures that don't have enough strength to be sold on their own but add character to the Muppets in general.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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So, tell me more about the PVC's...
Sigh... tell me more about my eyes..... I couldn't resist!

Yeah! I was drooling over the Homer at the Bat collection (by drooling, I mean it metaphorically. I never drool, unless I'm asleep! But only because I have trouble breathing through my nose) mainly because I skipped Lenny and Carl.

I wounder which PVC's will be made. I hope some nice Muppets Tonight characters. I'd love to see Pepe, Johnny Fiama, Sal, and Bobo!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Yeah i am actually very excited about these upcoming PVC's - probably just as much or more so than the regular action figures.

There are so many possibilities and also for someone who isn't a hardcore merchandise collector like me, i'll be able to get them all rather than just picking and choosing the main figures because of their expense (they are more expensive in the UK). They also take up less display space which is a bonus when you have a cluttered up room like me.

As for the characters and poses, yes it's totally true that we should see a good mix of well known characters but also a lot of the background ones. Often times on the Muppet productions it's the background characters that have had the quirkier and more fun & funky designs.

I'm also quite interested in how these will be able to be displayed - there has been a lot of talk about them coming with Muppet show arches, and also talk (although by the fans) if there is to be a 'Muppet Caper' themed set of you being able to get the mini packing crates marked 'Frog', 'Bear', 'Whatever' etc that they could stand on top of or come inside.


Staff member
Apr 11, 2002
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Currently, the plan is for the arches to be sold via Palisades Web site and the PVC's sold in stores. Anything can change though. Ken talked about the arches in the Palisades FAQ.

Here's the specific question...

Will the PVC's come with accessories or displays?

Some of the figures may be posed holding an accessory, but there will not be separate PVC accessories with these figures. In 2003, we may sell arch display units (replicating the arches of the opening sequence of The Muppet Show) on our web site at Arch display bases would come in varying sizes or be customizable. They would hook together allowing fans to create one large PVC display that can stand on a table top or be hung on the wall. This is currently only in the early stages of conceptualization, and we aren't sure if we will be doing the arches yet or not.

Stryder Wolfe

Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2002
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0 are these going to be available at the same places as the regular muppet action figures? I'll certainly buy at least one package to check em out if I see em...


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2002
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Originally posted by Stryder Wolfe are these going to be available at the same places as the regular muppet action figures? I'll certainly buy at least one package to check em out if I see em...
Actually, that's another element to making the PVCs. Since they are a separate line from the Action Figures, they will be marketed to different stores. The hope is that the PVCs will generate interest from stores that might normally stay away from Action Figures, but sell other collectibles. Other stores that normally carry the Action Figures may skip the PVCs as a result of not wanting to compete the lines against each other.

So the answer to your question is they may possibly be at the same places, but they could be in more places and not in other places. Is that vague enough?

Stryder Wolfe

Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2002
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well, I GUESS it's vague enough :wink:

hopefully these will be readily available in Canada as well....the only other PVC's that I know of, Heroes of Cybertron (transformers) are one here has ever even heard of them...

the Mad Moose

Active Member
Aug 28, 2002
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I'm looking forward to the PVCs, almost as much as the main figures!!

My computer monitor(s) need decorating...:big_grin: