Originally posted by Don'tLiveonMoon
Fifteen years?!!
I figured maybe a couple seasons. I had no idea there was so much time in between. Of course, that was a little before my time.
Poor Big Bird! To have everybody thinking he was making it up all that time... My mom tells me that's what she used to hate about Sesame Street
Yeah Erin, isn't that
terrible?! 15 freakin' years!! I remember when I was a kid and saw SS and the humans always JUUUUUUUUUST missed seein' Snuffy, it almost drove me
mad! I wanted 'em to see him
sooooooo bad! (Hey, a rhyme) Literally, I couldn't stand it (it took a lot outta me as a kid). I was 7 when Snuffy was finally unveiled to the street, and it was
such a relief. I remember my mommy tellin' me it was comin' up, just like when she showed me an article in the paper about Maria and Luis gettin' married.
Anyway, the whole reason that Snuffy was finally seen by all was that, in the early '80s, child abuse had really taken a rise, and the people behind SS were afraid that kids might take the whole Snuffy/not real thing as meanin' that adults wouldn't believe 'em if they told 'em stuff.
Hence, the SS people thought that, should some kids be gettin' abused, they would think, "Why bother tellin' my parents (or another adult), they just won't believe me. Look at SS, nobody believes Big Bird about Snuffy, and
he's real."
So everyone
finally saw Snuffy---and apologized to Big Bird.
By the way, I got all this info from the book "SS Unpaved", and you should really get it---lotsa great classic memories in it, and it's so colorful and fun! Heck, I wrote an Epinion on the thing, maybe you saw it! LOL!
Hope I was able to give ya some more info, Erin and ngirl23.