>>>"Hmm...Cory, aka beaker...eh...Request: Denied. Wocka Wocka!!"<<<
Hey, Im no sidekick...im a leader homelsice!

hehehehe. Its good to know that should I ever get in a Cantus war, I've got someone who shops at the Pottery Barn watchin' my sides. <<<
Shop? No buddy, I work there!(Just got off a grueling shift an hour ago) But yeah...you, Dr Tooth...you are definately good comarades!
>>>I'm proud and excited to say that now the ONLY scene with the Electric Mayheim will be cut to show a freaking add for Scrubs.. No, not a commercial. The #$$%^ cross over! Veternarians hospital was more realistic!!<<<
Tooth, you are fricking kidding me...the one scene with Electric Mayhem got cut???????????
Lastly, I wish someone had complained about Hulk Hogan in MFS befor eit ewas released...he virtually hands down ruins what semblence of cool the film has left with his unwatchably horrid cameo.