Grail...first to you
Please don't invoke the tired ploy of citing what I've said and asking me to apologise to others, in an effort to paint me as a reckless ogre. Longtime forum members have been through it all before; it isn't fooling anyone.
Cripes, I didn't say anything that bad, anyway
As for the rest of it, I was expecting it: it's all poor Snoop's environment.
He's in his thirties, now–not nineties. We're not talking about the 1800s here.
I'm poor myself. I've lived on welfare before. I've got a ton of ideas for web movies but I just can't put together enough money for the equipment I need.
Furthermore, I can forgive the destruction and/or theft of material things, but I've got no patience for those who commit crimes of violence, up to and including murder.
If Snoop was writing some foul-mouthed things about the way he grew up, I could deal with that, but he was a real, genuine...FOR REAL gang member.
His filthy, stinking comrades KILL PEOPLE FOR THE HELLL OF IT!
I tried to wrestle with what others have to say, and if Snoop would renounce what he did and if he hadn't already been in the porno, then I could accept him on the special.
But he has NOT renounced his Crips participation, and he continues to enjoy, exploit, and trade off the gangsta mystique. That is wrong, and I haven't encountered anyone yet who even has the guts to address the reality of what the Crips and Bloods are all about.
What shall we tolerate next?
An impoverished, European neo-Nazi skinhead who likes to beat the daylights out of homosexuals and Jews FOR NO REASON? But then he comes up with some rhymes and all is forgiven? Welcome to the Muppets, skinhead?
COME ON! Gimme a break
I'm all for anyone's freedom of expression, no matter what they have to say, but if you are a member of an organization that murders people, you're kinda carrying out an ultimate censorship on them by KILLING THEM, correct?
If you join a gang of murderers, then it's GAME OVER.
Do what you like, but you are NOT welcome to participate in the good things of the world.
Go make another porno if you want, but stay the HELLL away from Jim Henson.
Your star power running dry, Snoop? Wanna expand the ol' market share? Not with Henson, NOT EVER!
Patty probably did play a part in the decision. We all know that Henson employees frequent this website. Muppet Central has the highest concentration of hardcore Muppet fans in the world. I only wish I could've posted before the decision, so I could take some credit too, but I can't. But I will do my bit to ensure Snoop never has a dAm-N thing to do with the Muppets again.
Some of the last part of this post was directed at Snoop himself (as if he'd ever come here).
I don't understand why the reality of a gang of murderers isn't sinking in around here.
What would Jim do?
"Hey Jim, we want a rapper in the next special. Here's one shopping himself for cheap, but, ummm..."
"Umm, what? What are you trying not to say?"
"He was in with the Crips. A bunch of killers. And he made a porno video last year."
"Hmmm. I see. Keep looking for another one."
Does anybody else imagine it being any different?
I'm waiting again...