Currently, here are few of the skits I thought of I'm looking for...
Gone With the Wind-a Monsterpiece Theater production featuring Kermit
Blue-nosed Herry searches for a triangle (I think the beginning of the skit I have on #3148 is missing)
Cookie Monster from 1970-71 helps to settle an argument between two Anything Muppet kids-a blue-headed muppet boy and a tall orange muppet girl, who were fighting over a plate with one cookie by declaring that the smallest person could get the cookie but Cookie suddenly began to shrink into pint-size so he could get the cookie
The Fabulous Flea Circus (Letter F), a fantastic way to learn about the function of that fun letter, F
Animated: Ants carry the huge letter Q to the top of the hill
Jazzy Spies#9
Jazzy Spies#10
Mad Painter#2
Mad Painter#5
Mad Painter#6
Mad Painter#11
Beat the Time game show with The Count
Any of you have these skits?