Let the Games begin (with a new review!)
Sesame Street video- "Slimey's World Games" (1996 video- 30 minutes run time)
(Back of VHS cover has a "Sesame Street Games" logo on it, featuring Big Bird, Elmo and Cookie Monster. And it's nice to see Oscar and Slimey prominent on the VHS cover. In fact, there's a nice big picture of Slimey on the back.)
Video starts with commercial for then current videos, and then has that little clip with Katie Couric hailing a taxi cab and saying, "Sesame Street and step on it please." Then comes the classic blue letters Children's Television Workshop logo and the cartoon Cookie Monster eating the "My Sesame Street Home Video" sign. Then we have a colorful title screen logo for "Slimey's World Games." I thought it was interesting that we seem to have a congruent of two different formats on this video for the logos and all. Perhaps it was a transitional stage.
Plot- Announcer (portrayed by Tim McCarver), wearing his "Worm TV" shirt, says it's time for "Slimey's World Games"- where Slimey's competing in the Worm Summer Games. Slimey and Oscar (his coach) are there with other worms and grouch coaches in Wiggly City, GA. The human announcer does it up just like the Olympics, announcing the Parade of Worms to start things off. He announces the worm from France, the worm from Kenya, the worm from Italy, the worm from China, and the worm from Sesame Street- Slimey! (Slimey is mentioned as the only one to compete in both Winter and Summer Games- but he lost all the events in the Winter games and got gold medal for falling down the most.
(The stadium was pretty neat- even had the advertisements all over the place- like "Pupas 'R' Us")
The Sesame Street gang is seen cheering Slimey on, as they watch on TV at Hooper's Store. (Mr. Hanford, Luis, Selina, Big Bird, Telly and a boy and girl are all there.)
Oscar berates the announcer for talkinga bout Slimey losing, but he says it's part of his job. Oscar says he's proud of Slimey and Slimey's proud of himself. And announcer announces commercial break.
Song- Get On Up (Everybody Move) - (live action- both kids and adults moving around, dancing and jumping.)
Back to the Games- Big Bird asks the TV where Wiggly City is and of course the announcer replies with "Why, just north of Atlanta, GA, Big Bird." The Goodworm Blimp gives us an overhead view. (The Games are said to consist of Track and Field, Diving and Gymnastics events.)
Track's up first-
1st. event- 1 yard dash - Slimey starts out dead last, but manages to pull ahead and come in first!
Live action clip- Girl explains how her handicapped father races in a wheelchair and a wheelchair race is held- pretty much everyone ties!
Back at the Games, it's the Over, Around, Under and Through Hurdles Race- Slimey gets a good lead and gets first (and maybe even sets a new world record!)
Oscar gets interviewed about the race- but he keeps getting upset when the announcer mentions Slimey's previous losses. Then the announcer informs us that the Circle Throwing Event is next after these messages.
Song- Around and Around (live action kids run over, under, around and through while adults nap.)
Cartoon- Dog chases cat around and through and over and even under a dog house.
Song- Simple Pleasures (live action girl tries to throw a frisbee for a dog to catch at the beach, but doesn't work well. Finally succeeds with a ball though. All this is done to the tune of what I initially decided was Bobby McFerrin-like whistling and singing...and then I noticed his name in the credits, so I'm guessing I was right!

Back at the Games- it's the Circle Throwing Event (Slimey vs. Worm from Kenya- I noted that the other countries' worms don't all have names except for when the coaches cheer them on and sometimes the announcer names them.) Big Bird questions the announcer twice and again he answers Big Bird directly. Slimey beats the Kenya worm (though he throws himself along with the circle.) Oscar gets upset when the announcer says he must be a happy grouch after Slimey's win. Then the announcer says they'll be back after this...
Song- I'm in Great Shape (live action kids jumping and dancing around with red, green, yellow and blue foam shapes (triangle, circle, square, rectangle, etc.)
Mr. Hanford doles out lemonade as the Games start back up.
Balance Beam event- Slimey goes first (and doesn't make a mistake!) - Perfect score! 5 fives!
The announcer keeps trying to get Oscar to admit he's happy and of course he won't- though the Sesame Street gang is as we see them cheering.
Song- Reach Your Hand Up High (live action kids reaching up for things with their hands. If I'm not mistaken, I believe you can hear Olivia's (Alaina Reed's) voice singing this song.)
Cartoon- white and black spotted dog and a girl in half blue and half yellow leotard and an alligator dance on a red background and a black ground.
At the Games- it's time for the Diving Event! Lo Mein (the Chinese worm) goes first and tries to make a capital letter L. (But doesn't quite succeed) Slimey tries to dive and look like a lower case l. Slimey does well and winds up splashing the announcer with water.
Song- You Can Get Right Up (live action kids and adults helping themselves and each other up.)
At Hooper's Store, Telly asks how many medals Slimey won in all. They tune back to the Games for the closing ceremonies to find out. (Slimey won all the medals!) Slimey gets 5 gold medals in all- but can't hold them all on his neck! (Poor Slimey! ;-))
Back at Hooper's Store, the gang is now chanting "Sesame Street!"
At the Games, Oscar gives a nice speech about "believing in yourself, keep trying and never give up. Now scram!"

(as he tells the announcer)- Sesame Street gang again cheers at Oscar's speech.
"Get on Up (Everbody Move)" plays as credits roll over clips from video. And then there's a special offer for Sesame Street magazine and Sesame Street Parents magazine!
Concluding Thoughts- This is a pretty fun video. The Olympics games are always fun and a Sesame Street version is neat. It doesn't seem like the guys on Sesame Street were utilized much, but I guess they couldn't do much more than watch the TV and cheer on Slimey. Oscar and Slimey get to star in a big way, so that's pretty neat. And there are a few memorable songs on here- mainly the "Simple Pleasures" and "Reach Your Hand Up High" songs. And the "Around and Around" song- that was one of my favorites when I was younger. It's still a lot of fun now that I identify some with the older people wanting to take a nap! (But these kind of songs keep me young and keep my energy flowing!)
There could have been some more exercise-themed stuff on here- like that 80s favorite "Let's All Exercise" (that song's running through my head now that I mentioned it) or Grover doing pull ups or something- but it seems that this video was more focused on different ways to move and it did pretty good on covering that theme.