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Six Ball Merengue

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Good, this first part made me happy. Thanks for closing my ficness night on a highnote. Now post the other part when you can please.
Good night everybody, and we'll see you on another installment of the Six Ball!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Ugh, the internets has been slow all morning!

Hello, Muppet party people! So, when you has three fics going on at the same time, you get three ideas coming at you from every side! Technically, I wanted to get this up for you last night, but apparently Microsoft is compelled to ensure that just about everything that should work with it doesn't, unless you're spending more money.

I will tolerate you until I get a Roku, then I will tolerate you no more. Except for movies, cause you are good at that. usually.

Anyway, here's an extra long continuation of part three!

Howie deposited them in front of Tres Delight with plenty of time to spare to make their reservation, even though most of the staff was familiar with the usual trio who normally came in. As trained by his company, the driver quickly hopped out to open the backdoor for the ladies; even if he hadn’t been trained to do so, he would have for these three ladies and had always done so.

Not only were they beautiful, but they never treated him the way some of his other fares had, with a side of contempt and a heaping of impatience should he be a second late in opening the door for them. “Merci, Howie,” Piggy replied, allowing the younger man hold her hand to help her out, just as he did with all four.

“You’re always welcome, Miss Piggy,” he said, saucily, winking at the quartet. “I’ll pick you lovely ladies back up in about an hour, alright?”

“Magnifique, Howie my love.”

“Enjoy your lunch, lovies.”

“Sweet guy,” the Whatnot commented, as he drove off.

“Oh yeah,” Janice nodded. “Helps when he’s in love with us.”

The restaurant was a bit busier today than normal, but not by much. The host greeted them happily and led them to their favorite table, a rounded booth that was a combination of being center stage and yet kept in the shadows at the same time.

“How long have you gals been coming here?”

“Like years,” Janice replied, not bothering to look at her menu. “This is totally our booth, you know?”

“There is a certain amount of prestige that is given to certain…people within the industry,” Piggy replied, smiling at their waiter who had come by to deliver their waters.

“The usual, ladies?” he asked.

“Amanda dear,” the diva said, nodding to the waiter on his assessment. “Why don’t you try what I’m having?”

“Which is?”

“The sole meuniere.”

“Sure,” she said, smiling at the waiter. “I’ll have what she’s having.”

The waiter smiled, before heading off to the kitchen to get their orders in.

“I would’ve thought there’d be more stars here.”

“What,” the guitarist giggled. “You don’t like the ones you’re with?”

Amanda chuckled at that. “Hardly,” she said. “I’m sure you three would be the only ones I could turn to if the paparazzi hit.”

“Let’s hope they don’t,” replied Piggy. “That’s the last thing we’d want to happen.”

“No worries on that,” Janice laughed. “Amanda and I will do all the hiding and you and Camilla can do what you do best!”

Camilla puffed up in pride, remarking that there was so much she and Piggy did well, it would be hard to narrow it down; that of course caused the entire table to laugh. Amanda knew she would be in good hands should the restaurant come under siege by hungry reporters wanting to know who was inside and doing what in the place.

But even as talk moved on to different things, the Whatnot’s thoughts couldn’t help but return to Scooter. She had lowered her shock and initial disappointment in him by the time they had arrived, but she couldn’t help wonder what girl in their right mind wouldn’t want to date him; sure, he was well beyond being financially stable, but he was also intelligent, kind, caring, ridiculously sexy…


“Told you.”

During her musings, Amanda had missed a question that had been asked by Camilla, which had prompted Piggy to state that the redhead was obviously thinking about Scooter, which of course she was.

“Camilla wanted to know how business was,” Piggy explained. “And of course when you didn’t answer and got that far away look…”

“What far away look?”

“That look that one gets when thinking of their special someone,” the diva continued. “I may have gotten it once or twice.”

“Once or twice, she says,” the blonde murmured to the chicken, making both of them giggle.

“As have my cackling counterparts here.”

“Hey,” Janice placated. “Like you’ll get no argument from me. Believe it or not, my man can pull out some major charm points.”

“So she says,” Piggy muttered. “Personally, I think he’s put her under a spell.”

“And a groovy one at that.”

“Alright, you caught me,” the red head replied. “I was thinking about Scooter. I mean, his behavior earlier and not, you know, anything else.”

“For that, Miss Amanda,” Piggy said. “We apologize. Andrew is quite right when he…alluded to the fact that we have not…treated his past love interests very kindly.”

“We’ve given them the ole heave ho, you know?”

“What exactly did they do?” asked Amanda. “So I can avoid the same fate.”

Smirking, the diva went on, stating, “The love interests that our dear, sweet Andrew has attracted in the past usually fall into two categories – those that love him because he’s surrounded by celebrities all day or those who have tried their best to keep him away from celebrities all week.”

“I don’t get it.”

“Well, you’ve hung around us long enough,” Janice began. “Like, you’ve seen that we’re totally…uh…”


“Whoa,” the guitarist breathed. “I was totally going to say rowdy…”

“I would’ve gone with insane,” the diva interrupted. “But exuberant makes it sound a little better. Anyway, as anyone will tell you, you don’t exactly just date one Muppet, you’re dating the entire troupe and the prospect of trying to get away from us can be daunting. Believe me, I know.”

“Sure, I could get that,” the Whatnot nodded, in argument. “But I don’t see what the big deal is. I like you guys; if I didn’t, I wouldn’t keep coming back to see the show on Sundays.”

“And I’m sure you would’ve kicked us out of your dad’s bar,” Janice added.

“See, I told you,” Piggy replied. Gesturing to Janice and Camilla, she said, “They didn’t believe me when I said you were perfectly fine with us.” Leaning closer, she whispered, “They’re the troublemakers, not me.”

Amanda managed to keep the smile that threatened to reveal itself from actually revealing itself, especially in light of the way Janice and Camilla glanced at the diva. “I could see that.”


Idiot didn’t convey the stupidity in which Scooter felt and had acted.

From the time he had watched his girlfriend leave with three of the Muppets’ leading ladies, he knew he acted shamefully and in front of the group at large. And while he didn’t think Amanda was terribly upset with him, he couldn’t help feeling that he had crossed the ultimate line and that things were over.

“Stop worrying,” Kermit replied, hearing the telltale sigh that accompanied his assistant for the last twenty minutes of conversation. “If I know Piggy – and I know Piggy – she’ll make sure that Amanda isn’t too mad at you when they come back.”

If they come back,” the page muttered. “Probably doesn’t want to see me again after the way I acted.”

“Well, you were kinda in your rights,” Gonzo piped up. “Those three are an unholy trinity of evil. They’re the ones we call when we need to break someone up; ironically, they’re also the people we call when we haven’t gotten paid. Coincidence, I think not.”

“They don’t really break relationships up, do they!?” Scooter asked, anxiousness lacing his tone.

“Good going, Gonzo.”

“Not the…couples they like!” the weirdo amended. He probably shouldn’t have said anything and now he knew he certainly couldn’t let Scooter in on their ultimate mission of keeping certain Muppets away from other Muppets or other people. “And they like Amanda! Piggy’s practically planning your wedding!”

“Please,” the younger Muppet huffed. “She’s too busy planning hers and Kermit’s wedding.”

Ignoring the look that Kermit threw his assistant, Gonzo continued with, “Well, it’s on her list anyway.”

“Don’t you have something to do?” asked the frog.

“No,” the stuntman replied, sticking his tongue out. “Because a certain someone thought my juggling sword act was dangerous.”

“Do you not remember Fozzie’s attempt to do the same thing in ’82?”

“Okay, first of all,” Gonzo interrupted. “Fozzie is not a trained sword juggler. Secondly, I clearly remember us banning the bear from any sharp instruments years before that, so…”

“Do you think I should call her?”

“You’re wrong, Gonzo,” Kermit said. “We banned you from sharp instruments and I believe a certain petting zoo that same year.”

“And for the last time, it wasn’t me, it was the monkeys who did that! Do I look like the kind of guy who’d…cause I’m not! And certainly not in public!”

“Maybe I should call Piggy instead…”

“Those hippos said different.”

“You’re gonna trust the word of some gossipy hippos over that of your best friend?” Gonzo asked, flabbergasted at the very thought. “I’m hurt, Kermit. Really hurt.”

“Maybe I should just drive down there,” Scooter continued, heedless of the secondary conversation that was happening around him. “You know, I think that’s a good idea. For all I know, they’re torturing her for information or something equally horrible. I can’t let that happen. I knew I should’ve stopped her from going!”

“Look,” Gonzo continued. “All I’m saying is there was circumstantial evidence. Was I in the chicken coop? Possibly, and… I may have goosed that goose, but as far as those monkeys are concerned…”

“Excuse me, Gonzo,” Kermit said, holding up a hand to stop whatever other excuse the weirdo was going to come up with for that day. “Hey Doc! Get him will you?”

A minute later, Dr. Teeth – leader and most excellent of keyboardists for the Electric Mayhem – walked over to the desk where Kermit and Gonzo were discussing the petting zoo incident of ’78, pulling along with him a protesting Scooter.

“Dang it, Doc!” was his protest. “My girlfriend could be in mortal peril!”

“Mellow son, mellow,” the keyboardist replied, depositing the younger Muppet at the desk and patting him on the head. “Your brain waves are heavy in the air. What you need is something soothing for your soul. Hey Walter! Come over here and lay down some smooth tracks for our manager friend.”

Walter, the newest member of the Muppets, happily complied with the request, taking Dr. Teeth’s place at the backstage desk. “Hey guys!” he said, cheerfully. Glancing at Kermit and Gonzo, he asked Scooter, “What’s going on?”

“Oh nothing,” the stage manager growled. “Only that the Axis of Evil has taken my girlfriend hostage and they’re too busy reminiscing about that petting zoo incident from ’78.”

“What petting zoo incident?”

“Not for young ears, Walter,” Kermit replied, kindly.

“Oh!” Scooter exclaimed. “He gets not for young ears and yet, there was no where I could go without having to hear about it play by play.”

“First of all,” Gonzo said. “We all agreed you were gonna be corrupted anyway, so we decided not to spare you anymore. Especially after hearing about that Mayhem trip…”

“What Mayhem trip?” asked both Walter and Kermit.

Scooter glared at the weirdo. No one outside of said trip was supposed to know what happened and an innocent slip by the stage manager himself had let the weirdo in the know. But that was supposed to be it!

“You mean that Mayhem trip you weren’t supposed to mention ever again!?”

Gonzo hastily rolled up his sleeve and looked at his wrist, despite the fact that he never wore a watch. “Gosh, will you look at the time?” he said. “I gotta go!”

“What Mayhem trip?”

“I don’t know what he’s talking about,” Scooter replied. He and the frog stared at each other for a moment before he asked, “Think I should call Janice?”

“Maybe I should call Janice,” Kermit countered. “And maybe she can tell me about this Mayhem trip that I don’t know about. Or, you can stop worrying and help me with the lunatics back here. Not you, Walter!” he amended, remembering the young Muppet standing in their area. “You’re…you’re relatively sane.”

“For now.”

“Don’t scare the boy!”

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Is a good addition... But I wanted to stay with the ladies at the restaurant longer.
Funny how you have Scooter off in his own little conversation while frog and weirdo talk about the '78 Problem at the Petting Zoo.
And why would Fozzie want to juggle swords in the first place? Was he being threatened by hecklers again?
Oh hi Walter. No, they're not going to tell us about that incident, so let's just go back to plotting how we're going to take over the world tonight. Oh sorry, you weren't supposed to know that.
*Dashes off... Hey Gonzo! Wait for me!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Is a good addition... But I wanted to stay with the ladies at the restaurant longer.
Yeah, initially, you wouldn't have seen the theater gang until the very end, but that's where my mind wondered today.

Funny how you have Scooter off in his own little conversation while frog and weirdo talk about the '78 Problem at the Petting Zoo.
Again, conversation just came to me. I had planned on focusing on Scooter in the fact that he's getting more and more agitated with what could be possibly happening at the restaurant and then the conversation between Kermit and Gonzo took center stage.

I think I like the fact that Kermit still managed to stop Scooter from leaving, with only a small pause during that whole thing.

And why would Fozzie want to juggle swords in the first place? Was he being threatened by hecklers again?
It's one of those scenes from a story that doesn't have a story. I think it's supposed to revolve around how much the Muppets care about each other, but I really have no idea actually. It came to me and I said, "Ha ha. Have to put that in something."

Still looking for that something.

Oh hi Walter. No, they're not going to tell us about that incident, so let's just go back to plotting how we're going to take over the world tonight. Oh sorry, you weren't supposed to know that.
*Dashes off... Hey Gonzo! Wait for me!
Just know that some monkeys did something that got blamed on Gonzo, thanks to some nosy hippos. He of course sorta admits that he may have been in the chicken coop (doing who knows what) and he did admit to goosing a goose. There are many a noodle incident that I may explain (noticed I brought back that unfortunate incident between the newsies and the Muppets in Motocross?)

Now that 6 Ball has been updated, think it's time for a little Monday, right? Right?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yes yes, more Monday. Especially since today is, you know, a Monday. *Hears a cat being splutted by a cream pie somewhere. Yep, it's definitely a Monday.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Yes yes, more Monday. Especially since today is, you know, a Monday. *Hears a cat being splutted by a cream pie somewhere. Yep, it's definitely a Monday.
Yeah, sorry about that. I had plans on doing like two things for you all today (both Monday and Motocross), but I had to reformat my laptop, which I did at work and then I was working on my boss' new laptop as well.

And tonight I have GOT to get started on this freelancing assignment...

Tell you what...I had a whole scene planned for WBM, so I'll write that tonight and work on assignment tomorrow morning (or later tonight) K? And I'll do a new scene for Motocross too.

Let's hope I haven't forgotten them...


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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*Le sigh* So I was gonna update Motocross today, but as is the case between my slower desktop and speedier laptop, I do not have the updated Word version of it. Why? Cause it's on my desktop (which of course makes no sense as the last time I updated it, I swear it was on my laptop).

So instead of Motocross, you're gonna get 6 Ball today instead. As I was telling Count Eddington, the two additional members of our '6 ball' come into flavors - two at the restaurant where our four divas are or two Muppets currently stuck at the theater. Take your pick.

Our fifth comes along at the restaurant, while back on Muppet ranch, there's only so much Kermit can take.

Chapter IV

“I knew they served great pork chops, but I didn’t think they’d give them a table.”

When dining out a restaurant that catered to the stars, there was always a chance in which one would run into said star. On that Wednesday, as Amanda Cosgrove sat with three of the Muppets’ leading ladies, she would have her chance to meet one of those stars.

“Don’t you have to make trouble on that talk show of yours?”

“Every now and then they actually let me take a break.”

“Certainly not when Barbara’s there.”

“Girl, you don’t know the half of it.”

As luck would have it, just as their lunches had arrived, who should happen by their table but comedienne and current co-host of the popular daytime show The View, Whoopi Goldberg. The actress had been a longtime collaborator and friend to all of the Muppets, but of course enjoyed the banter she got with Miss Piggy. Goldberg had been leaving the restaurant when she had spotted the usual group, plus one.

“Speaking of,” Whoopi said. “When you coming back on the show?”

“When are you inviting me back on the show?” the diva countered.

The comedienne smirked. “You know you and the others can come on any time. You just show up on set and we’ll make a show around you.”

“Barbara said I couldn’t do that anymore.”

“Then come on a day when Barbara isn’t there,” Goldberg replied. “I’ll text you; I know her schedule. We’ll sneak you in the way we do Griffin. Oooh! Girl, you need to call me; stuff is going down on the set.”

“Like what?” asked Janice.

“What did I just say?” Whoopi asked, giving the guitarist a look. “I said you need to call me. I can’t talk about it here.”

Piggy mentally placed in her mind’s calendar to give the co-host a call, when she turned to Amanda. “Oh!” she exclaimed, nearly forgetting the girl was sitting next to her. “Whoopi, have you met Amanda?”

“The new girl?”

“Moi's manners are absolutely atrocious today.”

“Like you were raised in a barn or something.”

“Oh,” the diva replied, doing a customary fake laugh. “Clever. No wonder you stopped doing standup. Anyway, Amanda Cosgrove, Whoopi; Whoopi, Amanda.”

The two shook hands and Amanda had to remember to keep her professionalism together, despite the fact that her inner fan wanted to jump up and scream in happiness. “It’s an honor to meet you, Ms. Goldberg,” the Whatnot replied.

“Please,” she said. “You call me Whoopi. If you’re friends with the Muppets, you call me Whoopi, though I’m almost afraid to ask how you managed to get in with these three troublemakers.”

“Troublemakers?” Janice asked.

“Us?” asked Piggy.

“Heaven forbid,” Whoopi concluded.

“Miss Amanda is our guest for lunch today,” Piggy responded to the previous statement.

“That’s Scooter’s girlfriend,” Janice stated, in a conspiratorial whisper.

“Scooter!?” Whoopi hissed, leaning closer to the table as to not announce that fact; she was well aware of what happened when things were said a little too loudly in a public place. “Little Scooter?”

“He’s not that little anymore,” Janice giggled.

“Where’ve you been?” Piggy asked. “Scooter’s been making the rounds on that science/tech forum and he worked for Google.”

“Still works for Google,” Amanda added. “He consults over there.”


“Well, I didn’t know,” the actress huffed. “Probably cause someone doesn’t call me or come on my talk show anymore.”

“Next week,” the diva countered. “I’m showing up. And I’m not telling you what day either.”

“Well, as long as it’s Tuesday or Thursday,” Whoopi added. “Ladies, I gotta go cause I was only supposed to be gone an hour and it’s way past an hour. Piggy, you call me! And get Scooter to come by cause I want the skinny on him!”

“You know he’s not gonna stop by.”

“Well then call me and I’ll get from you!”

Amanda sat back against the booth. Whoopi Goldberg, actress of stage and screen, had just stopped by for a chat. She had just met, formerly introduced, to Whoopi Goldberg. Turning to look at Piggy, she said in awe, “I just met Whoopi Goldberg.”

“Yes you did.”

“That was awesome!”

“Stick with us, kid,” the diva replied. “You’ll go places.”


Back at Muppet Ranch, the normal chaos continued, with the previous acts who had been turned down back again in order to get their hopeful approval for the show. Walter had literally been shanghaied by a passing Fozzie Bear, who caught up the younger Muppet in some comedic joke fest, while Gonzo was equally trying to get him to agree to being the musical accompaniment for his piano handstand routine.

Kermit and Scooter stood at the customary desk that the frog had long since kept as a quick stopping station for everything they needed to manage the insanity that was usually going on. In most cases, the director and captain of this ship of insanity could count on his first mate to back him up when it came to controlling the chaos, but today it was very clear that Scooter’s mind was elsewhere; more specifically, it was at whatever restaurant the girls had gone to. The persistent huffs and sighs were starting to get on Kermit’s nerves, added to the fact that he could only remember having one cup of coffee and he hadn’t eaten lunch was making it worse.

So on Scooter’s seventieth sigh, the frog said, “Alright, Scooter, that’s it. You and I both need to eat and I don’t think we’ve had nearly enough caffeine in our systems.”

“I’m not hungry, Kermit.”

“Yes you are,” the frog said, taking the assistant by the arm and heading for the backdoor. “And we’re going to go get lunch away from here because if I have to hear you sigh one more time, I don’t know what I’ll do. Fozzie, Gonzo, we’re headed to lunch! Please don’t burn down the building!”

As the two left, Kermit swore he heard Fozzie mumble, “One fire and now he gets all paranoid.”

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yeah well, who was the one that started that fire huh bear?

Are the frog and gofer going down to that coffee shop by the theater? Sometimes it's a Starbucks, other times it's a Le Snowths Café where they get doughnuts, and yet others it's Jim's Coffee House. But don't ask about what's on the hidden underground floor, you'll get no answers from the staff.

Nice that Whoopi dropped by. Yes, she's a friend to all Muppets, both the ones from Kermit's theater troop and/or the Sesame gang as she used to babysit for the cast back then.
And now Amanda can say she's met Whoopi Goldberg. Her first Star Trek personality. Scooter would be so proud of her.
BTW: Is that meant to be Kathy Griffin who was referenced?
:halo: Wo-Man! Wo-man!
*Chases after his old flame.

Er yeah... So, about this fic. Thanks for posting, look forward to the next segment.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Yeah well, who was the one that started that fire huh bear?
Did Fozzie start that fire? I just remember...Gonzo or Scooter telling him there was a fire and him trying to put it out while the Firemen were performing on stage.

Are the frog and gofer going down to that coffee shop by the theater? Sometimes it's a Starbucks, other times it's a Le Snowths Café where they get doughnuts, and yet others it's Jim's Coffee House. But don't ask about what's on the hidden underground floor, you'll get no answers from the staff.
Um...I think it's a Starbucks or something. I don't remember, but yeah, it's that place.

Nice that Whoopi dropped by. Yes, she's a friend to all Muppets, both the ones from Kermit's theater troop and/or the Sesame gang as she used to babysit for the cast back then.
And now Amanda can say she's met Whoopi Goldberg. Her first Star Trek personality. Scooter would be so proud of her.
BTW: Is that meant to be Kathy Griffin who was referenced?
I love Whoopi and am always saddened when she doesn't appear in a Muppet movie. Maybe she'll be in this upcoming one (crosses fingers)

Whoopi babysat for Sesame Street? When was this??

Scooter will be proud. Once he's stopped panicking.

And yes, that was a Kathy Griffin reference. From her stand up, it seems like Kathy is always getting into trouble whenever she's on the View; she has some sort of celebrity feud with both Barbara and Hesslebeck and from what I've gathered, it sounds as though the others (Whoopi, Joy, and probably Star) look for ways to get her on just to pick up a slow day or for a good laugh.

I could seriously see that actually.

Okay, so I need to copy Motocross from here and get to work on that freelancing assignment that's due today that I've barely started....

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yes, Whoopi did babysit for the SST cast, I think it was back in the 80's/90's, Kevin Clash refers to it in a few retrospective specials I've seen like 20 Years and Still Counting!
Er, she did show up as herself at the Muppet telethon you know.
If you say so, I never watch that show, especially when I can avoid it. And I've avoided it pretty much since ever. Except for the parody sketches on SNL back when Sheri O'Teri played Barbara and Ana Gasstier(SP?) played Meredith. Or the clipped mockings on The Soup.

*Sits back and lets Gina work on fic quietly.