I have something awful to confess that I've been meaning to get off my chest for a while now. While I was really little, wait for it.........I didn't like Shrek

Okay, in my defense it wasn't just Shrek but I had an aversion to CGI in general back then. I was used to the classic Disney style animation and wasn't a big fan of CGI for that reason. But because Shrek was the first CGI film I remember seeing, I specifically remember disliking the film when it first came out. It wasn't until I was in 2nd Grade that I finally watched the film all the way through (if anything so I could understand the multitude of Shrek quotes my family and friends would constantly throw out) and after I got done watching it my reaction was much akin to Peter Griffin after drinking his first redbull,
Just kidding but it was a definite,
"That movie was amazing!" reaction. So from then on, I didn't judge a movie just because it was CGI and began to warm up to that medium of animation I once despised.