Mild Brian Spaz, that is. If I use too many !'s, I feel it brings the point across this way...But wouldn't you much rather say that with multiple exclamation points to stress the point and emphasis of your brain spasm?
SHEEEYYEEEEIIIIII! (I don't expect anyone to get that reference at all. it's so obscure even I can't explain it well)
But on topic:
I can see that, and it does make sense. But now more than ever, when we screwed up the budget (For or against it, it doesn't matter... but if your fighting a war tax cuts aren't such a good idea, as war comes out of education and job training and creation). So, if the funding goes anywhere, it will just shrink a little bit, and we'll have to sit through an extra commercial per sitting of these PBS shows.I won't get into the policitcs of it all, but this keeps coming back because the funding lasts so long and Congress has to vote again for funding....which is a good thing to make sure programs are still worthwhile. So, take a deep breath, it always gets funded. Politicans don't want little kids and mommies mad at them because Elmo is gone.