Sid's voice


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I can't believe i never noticed this til now (over a year since the show debuted!)

I've always been a huge Calvin & Hobbes fan. I used to love to read the comic anthologies to my nephews doing different voices for the characters (at one point i thought i may want to someday go into cartoon voices). It just recently hit me that Sid the Science Kid sounds pretty much exactly like i always imagined Calvin would sound like and how i voiced him!

It's actually kind of interesting how much they have in common - active imaginations, love of stuffed animals, has a particular toy he's rarely seen without. (Sid's affinity for his microphone with built in applause reminds me of the strips where Calvin goes around with a cardboard cutout frame of a tv set around his face putting on his own television shows or when he approaches his mother in the kitchen: "Bum de de dum dum - Hi Mom - WHAT"S COOKING? Bwa ha ha ha! (I decided my life would be much better with a music score and laugh track)"

None of the other characters sound like any of the other voices i always associated with the C&H world. I always did the father with a very stoic Frank Oz businessman type voice - Hobbes was also kind of Frank of those gruff type voices - like one of his monsters with a bit more intelligece and refinement than usual) As for Susie Derkins, i can't think of any voice from a Muppet or cartoon character that comes close - i had a very unique voice for her (and she was always my favorite to "do") which went from sweet to hugely and loudly annoyed.

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Whenever I tried to voice Calvin and Hobbes, Calvin always had a scratchy kids voice, while for some reason Hobbes was always a high-pitched New Yorker. Kind of like Mickey, but tough. Actually, nothing like Mickey, but that's about the closest voice I can describe.

Anyhoo, perhaps Drew Massey should voice Calvin in some future cartoon project? The D.A.V.E.G.O.E.L.Z. strikes again!

Baby Gonzo

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2007
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I hope there's never a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon. It's not that it wouldn't be fun to see, but Bill Watterson has said that he doesn't want one done, and I really hope his wishes are taken into account.

I sort of imagine Calvin with a real child's voice. Like how Super Scooter described him with the scratchy voice. Sid just sounds too old to be Calvin. Though I guess the beauty of comics is that we can all come up with different voices for the characters in our imaginations as we read along.