Should Celebrities Use Kickstarter?

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
I wonder what would happen if somebody did a parody of Kickstarter. Like a major studio saying, "we have enough money to fund the movie we want to make, but we want fans to donate more to make it better".

Well, I made a parody of Kick Starter. Though the main character isn't an impression of any real filmmakers (big name or not), it is supposed to be the same idea, using Kick Starter for more money despite having a huge budget already.

Yeah, I know that most people who donate a certain amount get many of the same incentives as if they'd pledged less. While that's not really mentioned here much, I didn't feel like bringing up past incentives in addition to other incentives. But you can see if as those being included as well but the filmmaker is too ignorant to mention that.