Her'e a list of them.
Looks for triangles at an abandoned storefront which has those whatever you call those triangualer things you see cover vacant stores.
A door knob.
A brick wall with a rectangualer sign and of course the bricks are all rectangles.
A fruit market with round fruit. Can't remember what kind it was.
1 side note, I think when these were first made they were probably shown all at 1 time because 1 of those you'd hear David say '' I got another 1 for you."
Also there were 3 segments where he would have us looking for shapes on SS. He'd be off camera saying, ''Hey. It's time to play the shape game.
The 3 would be look for shapes in the area near BB's nest, the play area, and The Fix-it Shop. Then he's says what would all these shape looks like without SS? Them the scenery would disappear and we's see the shapes that were traced by themselves.