JDriller said:
I have gleaned from several different puppet patterns and even the Foam Book, but I cannot seem to "get" sewing the mouth. What I mean is, right now I create the head from 2 foam pieces glued together down the middle. I create a mouth plate using foamcore covered with felt or muslin. I then glue the foam to the mouthplate. I cover the head with fleece and simply fold over teh fleece at the mouth and glue. It works, but I want to "up" the quality of my craftsmanship. I know there is a way to sew the fleece rather than glue, but I'm lost. Can anyone shed some light on this technique? Or is there an altogether better way?
Jennifer Driller
ok , first suggestion, dont use Foam core its thick, and bacicly just paper , and it breaks down quickly, go to a craft or hobby store and buy some aircraft ply wood, its very thin, and very strong,
use gaffers tape to make your mouth hinge,
use contact cemet, NOT HOT GLUE!!!!
cover the mouthplate with thin fabric what ever color you may need, i use a thin velor type material, (most fabric shops sell stuff like that)
then after i have sewn the puppet skin togother i fit it over the skull, and lineup my skin seems with the foam seems,
for the mouth edge i glue, not sew, use contact cemet, NOT HOT GLUE!!!!
i paint a 1/4 inch line around the mouth just inside the dge of the mouth plate, , then a coresponding line on the skin around the mouth edge, then i work from the center points out,and ease the skin around the mouth , , i dont sew any thing (normally) to the mouth, thats pretty much how every puppet i have built is done (at least when they have a skin like that, )