For the record, as a Christian, I do support anti-bullying efforts. Certainly no one should be bullied for any reason. I definitely don't want to see kids feel and/or get harassed, be alienated, get beat up and attempt suicide and possibly even succeed in that effort. That is incredibly sad to see. And that is definitely wrong- just as wrong as homosexuality and any other sin. Of course, I would tell people it gets eternally better with Jesus because He loves you as you are and He died on the cross to pay for every sin ever committed, or being committed or will be committed. And He rose again to prove He's God. And when we trust Him as Savior, we are rescued from a descent into Hades and instead have an eternal home with Him in Heaven.
As I said earlier, temptation comes to everyone and we all deal with it on some level. But Christ's grace is sufficient for us even in our weakness.
Right...but I must ask, as I do of all Christians I converse with who believe homosexuality is a sin... is it the sexual aspect that gets the spotlight? There's a lot of things written as scripture both new and old testament I recall that noone in the modern world would even bother adhering too. See I get the sleeping around thing.
A lot of people have this idea that gay people are meeting up at parties and hooking up, and living a very hedonistic permiscuous lifestyle. That would bug me too, as it does when I hear about it in the straight world. I think many people would agree that a life style of sleeping around is bad regardless if one lives life according to scripture or not.
But I often think...would a loving God truly consider two longterm for life gay or lesbian people as sinners? There's so many mundane, boring, deeply faithful and good gay men and lesbian women who seem like they would be considered exemplary in a gameplan God would want. What sin are they committing, other than petty squabbles and the usual couply things? Meanwhile America's divorce rate is over 50% with straight couples.
Also what sort of sin are we talking here? I don't believe in sin, other than the bad karma people create by doing harm to others. But if one believes in sin, I wonder where this "homosexual lifestyle"(ie: faithful committed gay couple) is placed.
Leviticus also says owning slaves is ok, but certain meats are bad to eat. It also says
sexual relations with your wife around "that time" is punishable from being cut off from family. Also if I remember something about mixing seeds during a crop and mixing different fabrics together.