Sesame Street's New Season thoughts
Hmmmmm, Gina adopting a baby, will it be a boy or a girl? Do you even think that she knows how to care for a baby? I often found it hard to cope with the Elmo's world segments, except when he talks about families, and bells.
And the Journey to Ernie is ok, but it's pretty much been the same. However I did enjoy the scene where you heard Big Bird doing his "BPLH BPLH BPLH" sound as he sleeps in his nest. It does cut out the 30 minutes that the show used to air. Now to make the show more interesting, there should be a restruant, where the people would have to line up and look at the lit up menus on display. And the restruant would have a special on foods that would begin with a letter of the day. i.e. "Todays Special is the letter B, so today we're serving foods that begin with the letter B, like Bagels, Beans, Bacon, Bananas, Broccoli."
And Maybe they should have more of an interactive thing, so kids won't just sit on the couch and watch the show, they would learn by doing. Even if the muppets or people ask kids watching the tv show a question, they won't hear what the kids say, but they just assume what the kids say and get their answers that way.