Sesame Street


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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Anyone elce here mad at the state of Sesame Street now? trying to make it "more educational" by taking out the funny parts, the #1 thing that made Sesame Street so popular and run for so long was Jim Hensons brilliant idea, make it educational to little kids, but make it have hidden humor in it so the parents enjoy it too, it was the smartest thing ever! and all of his work reflects that. This is also why Pokemon and Yogi-Oh can never make it in the movie theater, kids want to go, but parents DON'T.

And while Im on the subject, ELMO IS DESTROYING SESAME STREET! dont get me wrong, I love Kevin Clash (or is it Klash, oh well) but Elmos world takes up 1/2 of the show, and its mindless stuff, (ok ok, they SOMETIMES include humor) but I think the ultimate goal is to not make it Tellietubbies! (I HATE that show, you learn nothing, its just.... Stupid!!!!!!! AHHHHHH)

Ok Im done, probably sounds worse than I wanted it to but, yeah....


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2002
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I'd say this kind of thread belongs in the Sesame Street section of the forum. Am I right, Phillip?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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In my opinion, Crazed:

Sesame Street has been changing every year since it started way back in '69. Ever since then, characters have been added, dropped, the format has changed...and that's a good thing. I think the last year or two has been an improvement on the years before that, but there are always those who will say that it's just continually going downhill and the plug should be pulled.

Personally, I think that we would all draw lines at certain points, and we'll disagree with others--and who knows what lies ahead? With the "recasting" of certain key characters, like Grover, Cookie Monster, Bert and Ernie, we could soon see a second "Golden Age" of Sesame Street for people like me, as they regain their prominence and Elmo and some of the newer characters assume a more balanced role.

But then, where do you draw the line? Are "new" characters since 1995? 1990? 1985? 1980? 1975? 1970? There are probably people on this site who would name characters from each of these years as their favorites. And when you're dealing with a television series that's been on the air for more than 30 years, and has been so incredibly's difficult to draw that line and say "THIS was the best time of Sesame Street...and after that it sucked."

Although I do it all the time.

That's it.



Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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Sorry About that

Im sorry I put this under the wrong catagory, I feel bad now... :frown:

I do like the "Journey To Ernie" part where they show classic clips of the show. I also think the Cookie monster and the letter of the day cookie is a great idea.

But anyway, Im not saying that it bad now, but they are trying to take out the humor and make it more educational, and thats what I dont lik. They used to combine the two and make it more fun


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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This gets so tiresome.

SS is *still* funny. The humor is there... I watch it everyday, and this last season has been one of the best in ages. The old characters are not "out" just because some fresh faces are appearing more often.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2003
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I just think the Jokes have changed. We grew up with Ernie with a banana in his ear....or I did... but the new jokes are good too. I think its good to remember that the education of our kids is the most important thing, and that the ss style of "edutainment" is as sucsessful as always. We can always look to our muppets and new movies and specials for our entertainment, and relish in the occasional laugh we get with our kids.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Originally posted by Krazedmuppet

And while Im on the subject, ELMO IS DESTROYING SESAME STREET! dont get me wrong, I love Kevin Clash (or is it Klash, oh well) but Elmos world takes up 1/2 of the show, and its mindless stuff, (ok ok, they SOMETIMES include humor) but I think the ultimate goal is to not make it Tellietubbies! (I HATE that show, you learn nothing, its just.... Stupid!!!!!!! AHHHHHH)
I can agree and disagree on the same matter. I also think that Elmo's world is pretty long, and takes up a good portion of the show. I personally think that it should be an alternating feature (i.e. Mondays, wedsndays and friedays, JTE TUesdays and thursdays) or, better still it's own show (what would PBS rather put on insteaad? Jay Jay the LAME plane?). But all that aside, I find the reason why a lot of viewers are disgusted with Elmpo is that he's the most popular, tied with Big bird. But that is quite simple... kids can relate to Elmo more than any other character (I'd hate to meet those who can relate with Cookie Monster). I mean, Elmo is a great character, it's just that hard core adult fans just can't relate to him, or remember him. I mean, we can relate with Grover (he tries really hard, and gets flustered sometimes) Telly (worrying, overly emotional... well... me anyway) or Oscar (constantly grouchy, but still a softy), or have better memories of them.

Keep in mind, Elmo has been around since the early eighties, while Henson was on it. In fact, Henosn liked the character, and was well aware of his popularity. But I can feel your pain. I mean, we lost characters like Guy Smiley, Sherlock Hemlock, and even recent ones like Benny Rabbit and Sherry Netherland.

that's all I have toime to say right now...


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2003
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I think there's still a lot of "grown-up" jokes this season. I watch both the current season and the re-runs on Noggin every day, (ends up being 3 - 5 SS eps a day, too much even for me sometimes - but the kid never tires of it!) and see just as many good jokes.

Robert DeNiro guest spot for example. Only adults would get the bit about him pretending to be a taxi driver, a boxer, or a cabbage! (I'm a good source of riboflavin!)

Even Monster Clubhouse has its moments - "Mel says hooray for Euclidian Geometry!" My kid doesn't even know what a triangle is, never mind Euclid!

And if you listen to the end of the TV segment on Elmo's world, a lot of those are geared for adults (can't think of any off hand)

IMHO, anyway.....