Sesame Street Unpaved Episodes


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Oct 29, 2002
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I've got one more episode from '69 to add to the Unpaved guide:

#83-Big Bird Moves Birdseed
Original Airdate: 1969
Sponsored by: A, H, T, 10

83A:Big Bird has trouble putting all of his bags of birdseed to his nest, Mr. Hooper helps him putting them in the box
Cartoon: "This is an H" (ending with hole and help)
Cartoon: H-Hole
83B: Susan ties a jump rope to Big Bird's box, Big Bird couldn't pull box with birdseed and rope, Bob adds wheels for him, Big Bird waits for Bob by counting up to ten
Film/Song: Baker#10 (toes, triangles, bowling pins, little Indians, toys, chocolate layer cakes)
83C: Bob builds a wagon for Big Bird to pull his birdseed easily
Cartoon: Jazzy Triangle
Muppets/Song: Everyone Likes Ice Cream! (weird-looking AM's and different voiced Cookie Monster)
83D: Susan and kids figure out what tails and heads are in the right different animals
Film: Animals have tails
83E: Bob and the kids feed the baby black piglet milk
Muppets: Ernie's 'A' Machine
Live-Action: Bob and Mr. Hooper build an 'A'
Muppets: Monsters look up at 'A'
83F: Mr. Hooper and kid-A
Cartoon: A-Ape (Man Hides Away From Ape Playing Ukulele)
Cartoon: A for alligator
83G: Mr. Hooper lets kid learn the alphabet from James Earl Jones
Live-Action: James Earl Jones recites alphabet
83H: Mr. Hooper lets kid watch a film about in, over, and around
Muppets: Kermit & Fuzzyface (the early Whatnot Monster before Grover)-In the Box featuring Fred the Dragon inside the box
Cartoon: 'T' sketch ending with "Trash" and "Ticket"
Live-Action: Buddy & Jim-Shoes in different boxes
Cartoon: Bear counts bees
Live-Action: James Earl Jones counts to 10
Muppets: Ernie & Bert: Fast Cleanup Before Lunchtime
Cartoon: T for television
83I: Susan and kid-food
Film: Girl picks food from garden
Muppets: Bert's Newspaper
Live-Action/Song: One Of These Things-silverware/One Of These Things-vegetables with Susan
83J: Closing-Bob and kids talk about the hedgehog


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2002
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There's a few more I know...

Here are some episodes I can think of...

#1037-Buffy's New Baby Cody
Original Airdate: 1977
Sponsored by: E, F, 3

1037A: Buffy & the kids talk about Buffy's new baby Cody
Cartoon: Kid names his own body parts
Muppets: Ernie's Own Chocolate Ice Cream (with Oscar, Season 2)
Muppets: Cookie Monster: E-Egg
1037B/Song: Right In the Middle Of the Face (with Bob & the kids)
Muppets: Cookie Dresses Up Like Ernie (Season 2)
Live-Action: Animal Guessing Game#1 (lions)
Film: Lions
Cartoon: F-finished
Live-Action: Animal Guessing Games#2 (turtle)
1037C: Big Bird draws a picture of his friends from Sesame Street including Buffy/Big Bird is jealous because he wanted Buffy to see the picture but Buffy is too busy with Cody!
Cartoon: The Dog & the Bone
1037D: Buffy cheers Big Bird up by singing "Different Ways"/Big Bird creates the final touch for his drawing
Cartoon/Song: Three (sung by a cartoon fiddler)
Film: Mad Painter#3
Muppets: Ernie & Bert-More & Less (Grape Juice & Pizza) (Season 2)
Cartoon/Song: Pinball Number Count#3
Muppets: Adventures of Super Grover-Boys Fight Over an Apple
1037E: Big Bird watches Cody talking a bath
Cartoon: Casa
Live-Action: Animal Guessing Games#3 (giraffe)
Cartoon: Translation-broken glass insert
Muppets: Grover & Herbert Birdsfoot count to 20
Film: Milk! (From Farm To Market To House)
Live-Action: Animal Guessing Games#4 (fish)
1037F: Closing-Big Bird watches his friends and Buffy taking care of Cody

Next time I'll do 1041, 796, 8 and a couple...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2002
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Now here's a couple...

#1041-Cripple Creek
Original Airdate: 1977
Sponsored by: K, Z, & 7

1041A: Buffy and Fred the Horse sing "Cripple Creek"
Cartoon: Pink Panther Karate-Chops the Letter 'K'
Muppets: 'K' Cheerleaders (Version 1)
Film: Kids watch movie about 'DANGER' with man on movie screen
Muppets/Song: Danger, by Little Jerry & the Monotones
Cartoon/Song: Pinball Number Count#7
Muppets: Newsflash-Hey, Diddle, Diddle
Film: Sea diver-on, into, around, through
Cartoon: The Typewriter Guy-K, Key
1041B: Oscar's grouch club (Oscar and kids talk about being angry)
Muppets: Ernie Cleans the Apartment Part 1 (Season 1, Ernie wears a pink-and-purple striped shirt)
Cartoon: K-kick
Muppets: Ernie Cleans the Apartment Part 2 (Season 1)
Film/Song: Take A Breath (early)
Live-Action: Bob and Luis build a train tunnel
Muppets: Cookie Monster At the Library
Film: Adding and subtracting acrobats
Cartoon: Magical Herman's Adding Trick
Film: 1-20 Ice Skaters
Muppets: The Addition Game with Guy Smiley and Herry
Cartoon: Kent Gets Kicked Out Of the Forest (K)
1041C: Big Bird sings "He's Smaller Than Me" to Cody
Cartoon: Triangles
Muppets: Imagining Shapes (The hipster was voiced by Northern Calloway, who played David)
Cartoon: Z for zebra and zoo
Film: Peacock
Cartoon/Song: The Alligator King
1041D: Big Bird watches Buffy holding Cody
Cartoon: "I am crying"
Film: The Telephone Wire
Cartoon: Numbers 1-20 say the names, some of them didn't listen to '0' (like #17 is snoring!)
Muppets: Ernie Eats Cookies In Bed
Cartoon: Letter 'Z' Drawing
Muppets: Kermit & Joey count to 20
Film: A Day at the Indian school
1041E: Closing-Oscar's grouch club repeat the closing lines of this show

#8-Letter 'B' Treasure Hunt
Original Airdate: 1969
Sponsored by: A, B, X, 4, 5

8A: Gordon and Sally go on the alphabet treasure hunt/Gordon and Sally found a blue ball and a bat/Mr. Hooper doesn't know what he's holding
Film: Kids paint pictures beginning with 'B'
8B: Mr. Hooper found Big Bird and Mr. Hooper finally knows he has a banana
Film/Song: 'B' Is For Bubble
8C: Susan bought bread for sandwiches
Live-Action: Buddy & Jim-Peanut Butter-and-Jelly Sandwiches
Muppets: Ernie Studies Drawing X's
8D: Susan and the kids sing "If You're Happy And You Know It"
Muppets: Unnamed Cookie Monster Eats Bert's Bacon and Ernie's Very Own 'X'
Cartoon: Egg on Boy's Knee Alphabet Poem
Muppets: Ernie erases X's
Cartoon: Little boy's erasing counting poem
Muppets: Ernie lets Cookie see the counting poem cartoon again
Cartoon: Little boy's erasing counting poem (AGAIN)
Muppets: Ernie erases Cookie
8E: Mr. Hooper shows Gordon and Sally a chair-it's not complete yet
Cartoon/Song: Jazzy Spies#4
8F: Mr. Hooper now shows Gordon and Sally the complete chair/Mr. Hooper shows them the almost-complete wagon
Cartoon/Song: Jazzy Spies#4 (AGAIN)
8G: Mr. Hooper now shows Gordon and Sally the complete wagon/Mr. Hooper throws an apple to Gordon
Cartoon: A for alligator
8H: Gordon & the kids feed a rabbit
Film: A bear scratches its four legs
8I: Susan and Arianna-sounds in kitchen
Film: Noises
Live-Action/Song: Five Fingers In My Left Hand with Bob
Cartoon/Song: Jazzy Spies#5
Muppets/Song: Five People In My Family
8J: Big Bird, Susan, & Sally-Short & Tall
Film: Sad flower
Muppets: Gordon, Ernie, & Cookie Monster-4 objects in 4 boxes
Cartoon: B for bicycle, bear, bump, branch, bee
8K: Gordon and Steve pretend to drive in different kinds of transportation
Film: Transportation
8L: Closing-Bob shows Gordon and the kids the lamb "Sesame"

And now, the ever-hard-to-find one you all have been waiting for...

#796-Headline Howie Gets A Scoop On Snuffy
Original Airdate: 1975
Sponsored by: P & 2

796A: Snuffy counts his friends who didn't see him (including Cookie Monster busy eating cookies)
Muppets: Bert Tries To Dream About Ice-Skating Before He Goes To Sleep At Night (in Bert's dream, you can see the person in full-body Bert costume ice-skating in an live arena show!)
Film/Song: I'm A Hard Workin' Dog (Cow Dog)
Muppets: Harvey Kneeslapper#2 (pogo stick trick, Season 3)
Cartoon: P for painting
Cartoon: P-Pillow (Boy hits brother with pillow, brother smacks him with giant pillow)
Cartoon: Two men make the volume of their radios louder
Muppets: Professor Grover Talks About the 'Head' with Maria
Film: Kids and adults do jobs
796B: Headline Howie gets a scoop on Snuffy, making Big Bird so furious
Cartoon: Pat the Pilot (P)
Cartoon: Orange guy falls off the wall with the ball
Muppets: Roosevelt Franklin Elementary School-Loud & Soft
Cartoon: Kids in bus spell "BUS"
Film/Song: Pockets (that's the song you're all talking about!)
Cartoon: Kids in bench wait for the bus
Muppets: Newsflash-Humpty Dumpty
796C/Song: "I Just Got the Postcard From Amy" with Grover & his friends
Cartoon: There's A Zoo In Me!
Muppets/Song: Fishermen Song with Judy Collins
Muppets: Herry & John John-Loud & Soft
Cartoon: Five colored lines make a circle
Muppets: Ernie & Bert At the Emotional Movie
Live-Action: In, Under, & On with Bob & friends
Film/Song: Baker#2
Cartoon: Hand draws telephone booth with pencil
Muppets: Bert & Ingrid count backwards from 10-1 (Season 3)
Cartoon: Magical Herman's Adding Trick
Muppets/Song: Numerical Corresponse with Link Hoghtrob-voiced Guy Smiley-like Whatnot Muppet
Cartoon: The Typewriter Guy-P, Pencil
Cartoon: P for picnic (ants carry foods beginning with 'P')
796D: Maria gives David the typewriter as his birthday present
Muppets/Song: P-My Favorite Letter by the Cowboy Muppets (Season 3)
796E: Closing with Mr. Macintosh, Maria, Big Bird, and Herry

I hope this guide to 796 makes you wish for getting it...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2002
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Here are the guides to all of the episodes of Big Bird At Echo Rock Camp:


#1706-Day 1: Big Bird Leaves Sesame Street (14th Season Premiere)
Original Airdate: 1982
Brought to you by: D & 2

1706A: Big Bird sings "I'm Going To Camp" with all of his adult friends
Cartoon: Sand D/d
Muppets: Ernie & Bert At the Egyptian Pyramid
Cartoon: 2 Farmers
1706B: Big Bird is so sad that he will miss Snuffy
Muppets: Baby Honker Hatches, Learns To Honk Like all of the Honkers
Film/Song: All By Myself, Well, Why Not?
1706C: Big Bird & Snuffy play the guessing game, the bus arrives to pick up Big Bird for camp, but the bus is stuck
Muppets/Song: The Coconut Counting Man with The Count and Harry Belafonte
Cartoon: 2 Giraffes (Swedish Animation)
Film: Sounds Around the House with Violin (DEBUT of the series)
Cartoon: Madrigal Alphabet
1706D: The bus is finally not stuck, Big Bird meets Rusty, the lavendar-colored Anything Muppet boy
Cartoon: Boys read "BUS"
Film: Man lets girl in bus read names of places and things outside the bus
Muppets: Ernie & Bert-Bert's It!
Cartoon: The Typewriter Guy-D, Daisy
1706E: Big Bird, Rusty & the kids ride on the bus to Camp Echo Rock (this was the special opening theme for 1707-10)
Cartoon: Toothpaste on Parade
Muppets: Two-Headed Monster Share Pillow
Cartoon: Consonaut Sound Limerick-D, Dog
Film/Song: I Have A Chair
Cartoon/Song: Pinball Number Count#2
Muppets: Woodsman muppet sings about nature
1706F: Closing-Big Bird arrives at Camp Echo Rock and goes to Cabin 10

#1707-Day 2: Big Bird Learns To Play Baseball
Original Airdate: 1982
Brought to you by: C, V, & 3

1707A: Big Bird & the kids get up early for breakfast, Rusty doesn't want to go to breakfast, he wants to sleep!
Muppets/Song: Frazzle! with Frazzle & the Frazzletones (one of the members is Maurice Monster)
Cartoon: Consonaut Sound Limerick-V, Violin
Live-Action: Unknown celebrity talks to himself
Cartoon: 'V' In Space
1707B: Big Bird learns to play baseball
Muppets/Song: Full Body of Rhythm by Little Jerry & the Monotones
Film/Song: I'm A Hard Workin' Dog (Cow Dog)
1707C: Big Bird gets rest period, Big Bird writes a letter to Maria and sings "I Am Fine, How Are You?"
Film: Bicycles (Raposo)
Cartoon: C-cap (Cap Is Too Big For Man)
Film: Insects
Muppets: Ernie Yells "Hey, Fishy, Fishy, Fishy!" to the Fish
Cartoon: C Is For Cake
Muppets: Herry & John John-Loud & Soft
1707D: Big Bird eats new foods for dinner-hamburgers, mashed potatoes, and peas
Cartoon/Song: Pinball Number Count#3
Film: 1-2-3 Orange Ball Roller-Coaster (original powder version)
Muppets/Song: I'm So Lonely
Cartoon: 3 Mice (Swedish Animation)
Film: People jump
Cartoon: Rocks aren't alive
1707E: Big Bird is crying about missing Sesame Street
Film: Mad Painter#3
Muppets/Song: Dance Myself To Sleep by Ernie interrupted by Bert
Cartoon: #'s 1-20 jump into the boat
1707F: Closing-Big Bird sleeps in Cabin 10

#1708-Day 3: Big Bird Learns To Swim
Original Airdate: 1982
Brought to you by: H, Y, & 8

1708A: Big Bird & the kids fix their beds neatly, Big Bird and his counselar Mickey help Rusty to fix his bed neatly
Muppets/Song: Proud by early Little Jerry & the Monotones
Live-Action: Kids running
Muppets: Ernie & Bert Fix Beds
1708B: Telly tells Oscar that he misses Big Bird so much
Film/Song: We All Sing With the Same Voice
Cartoon: Boy talks about his pet letter 'Y', Yetta
Muppets: Sinister Sam Wants To Know 'Y'
Cartoon: The post office
1708C: Big Bird gets a huge postcard from Snuffy
Cartoon: Boy learns to put his mom's letter in the mailbox all by himself
Cartoon: 8 Bats (Swedish Animation)
Muppets/Song: Eight Beautiful Notes by the Count
1708D: Big Bird gets his free period looking around in the whole camp
Cartoon: Truck Carries the Number Eight
Muppets: Ernie's Imaginary Baseball Game
Film: Boy learns to ride on the pony
1708E: Big Bird learns to paddle in the canoe
Cartoon: H for hola (Spanish soundtrack)
Muppets: Grover's Restaurants: Menu Only Contains Milk
Cartoon: H for hello (voice of Gary Owens)
1708F: Big Bird and Rusty learn to swim!
Film: Kids take swimming lessons in the pool
Cartoon: Peacock 1-20
Film: Water, Water Everywhere
1708G: Closing-Big Bird & the kids head back to Cabin 10

#1709-Day 4: Big Bird Hikes Up the Echo Rock Mountain
Original Airdate: 1982
Brought to you by: J, Y, & 4

1709A: Big Bird & the kids got everything to pack for the overnight trip on the mountain
Muppets: Ernie & Bert-Follow the Arrow Game
Film: Flowers in Tree
Cartoon/Song: Willie Wimple-Land Pollution
Film/Song: There's A Bird On Me
Muppets: Orange girl reads "hug" with Herry
Cartoon/Song: Pinball Number Count#4
1709B: Big Bird follows the arrows to the top of the mountain
Muppets: Grover's Counting Echo
Cartoon: 4 Carpenters
Live-Action: Bill Cosby counts four kids
Muppets: The Boy Who Cried Monster
Cartoon: Sand J/j
Muppets: Bert & John John-Emotions
1709C: Telly is upset that Big Bird isn't his friend anymore
Cartoon: Boy discovers worm under rock and baby birds in nest
Muppets: Camp Wannagohome-the Tree
Film: Kids/adults do jobs
Cartoon: J-Jam (Season 1)
Muppets/Song: This Is My J by Biff
1709D: Big Bird and Mickey cook hot dogs
Muppets: The Rhymies Go Camping
Cartoon: J Under Man's Hat
Film: Animals with homes
Muppets: Grover's Restaurants: Before & After (Soup and Ham Sandwich)
1709E: Big Bird & the kids sing the "Echo Rock Rock" song at night
Cartoon: The Yellow Yahoo (Y)
Film/Song: Flying (Raposo)
Muppets: Two-Headed Monster Share Headphones
1709F: Closing-Big Bird & Rusty sleep in the tent

#1710-Day 5: Big Bird's Last Day
Original Airdate: 1982
Brought to you by: V, W, & 5

1710A: Big Bird & the kids take themselves their photograph
Muppets/Song: Big Kids Cry
Cartoon: Five tall things
Film: Buffalos
Cartoon: 5 Worms In An Apple (Swedish Animation)
Muppets: Newsflash-The Three Little Pigs
Cartoon: I've Got A Mind (Season 2)
1710B: Big Bird wins the swimming award at the award assembly
Cartoon/Song: Pinball Number Count#5
Muppets: Adventures of Super Grover-The Barber of Sesame Street
Live-Action: Maria as Charlie Champlin-Long, Longer, Longest
1710C: Big Bird sings "Good-bye Country" before he does his final Echo Rock Handshake
Cartoon: W-wallpaper (Wallpaper Covers Man)
Muppets/Song: The National Association of W Lovers by Bert
Cartoon: Gloria talks about 'W'
Film/Song: What Are Kids Called (Raposo)
Cartoon: White man tries to recite the alphabet
Muppets: Grover & kid-scratching tummy and hugging
Cartoon: Walk Tall
Muppets: Grover & Stevie Wonder-Long & Short Notes (street insert from #514)
Film: Long/Short Automobile
Cartoon: The Vase Villain In the Panama Hat (V)
1710D: Bob, David, Maria, & Luis plan to create the WELCOME HOME BIG BIRD to Big Bird, Snuffy already decorated the sign to Big Bird!
Cartoon/Song: Willie Wimple-Water Pollution
Film: Whales
Cartoon: The Typewriter Guy-W, Wall
1710E: Big Bird is back from Camp Echo Rock
Film: Agua
Muppets: The Count vs. Cookie Monster (The Count & Cookie Cooperate)
Cartoon: What would happen (balloon popping)
1710F: Snuffy finally knows that the answer Big Bird went to camp is 'bus'
Cartoon: Spanish Shapes Snake
Muppets: Ernie & Bert-Ernie's Guess What I Am Game (ends with Bert Acting Like A Train)
Cartoon: Sand W/w
1710G: Closing-Big Bird talks to Snuffy about his days at Echo Rock Camp


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Does anyone know the frist episode that aired on August 19, 1981?

I would love to have that episode since its the first one that aired when I was born.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2002
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It was a rerun. Seasons began in November/December and ended around May/June.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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Wow, that's very interesting you have that birthday. That's the exact same as Christopher Cerf. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Now that neat to have the same birthday as his. ssetta would you be able to cheak what episode ran that day? I would love to have it even if it is a reran episode. Thanks for telling me about the b-day thing. Thanks.