Sesame Street Protos


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2007
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Just a reminder (and a *bump*) that if anyone has or knows of any SS protos that I am more than interested. Anyone? Maybe Count is ready to sell his protos? :wink:

By the way, anyone know of the whereabouts of the proposed series 2 protos like the Count, Elmo, Cookie or Bert? How about the Big Bird proto? Anyone?


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2007
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Sesame Street protos by Palisades? Anyone? I only need Guy Smiley from the proposed series 1 and the playset. Also, any of the other protos like Cookie, Bert or others would be awesome.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I'm just not used to my stuff getting moved around like this. The point of my first SS proto thread was to inform people that I wanted more protos, so I put it in the "buy sell trade" forum where I thought it belonged. The purpose of the second thread that got moved here was to show off my collection in the "action figures" forum. I've just never been a part of a message board that was policed like this one. I was looking for maximum traffic while the moderator was looking to cut down on threads. Oh well. I guess I'll have to get used to it. Nothing personal, just seemed strange to me. No hard feelings.
It can get a little confusing around here, with 27 different (and in some cases, similar) forum sections - it seems like sometimes even the mods find it hard and the positioning can be a bit of a brainteaser. I'm in favor of obviously wrong threads being moved and duplicates being combined, but if you wanted one thread for your collection pictures and one for a bst advert it would have made more sense to leave it. Maybe one day things will get simplified - we oughta see just the main brands on the main page and then sub forums when you click them.

Oh by the way, i don't have any. I think Ken still has some stuff he might take offers on though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2007
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I really wish there was a way to get rid of those couple posts that make me sound like an a** :big_grin: I do agree that it is confusing here. In the words of Steve Winwood, that's just the way it is...

I am constantly watching Ken's autcions on e-Bay. We are in contact about certain protos. He knows what I want. It's all a money issue. I'm just trying to plant the seeds around here. Maybe some members or guests will want to get rid of their protos and I want to be the first person they go to. Thanks for the heads-up, though.