I do agree we are developing a false sense of morality. I just think it's coming from both liberal and conservative politicans. Just in different ways. We're getting both fanatical secular and fanatical religious. From my point of view, it's best to side with neither group and think for ourselves, hehe. Everything in moderation.
I love both fanatical groups. They both help to make everyone one either side look like morons. But Most of my anger is the conservative politicians, and their religious groups. God hates X and X is not a true religion get me steamed up. That is not what Christ (or Mohammed, or anyone else) was talking about and they know it. but fear helps to control people, and gets them to vote for whomever they want them to vote for. I know people all have opinions, but sometimes it's best to keep them to themselves and find a way to compromise.
But that said, I just can't help thinking that the entire push the true problems away is the true reason why SS isn't as relevant. I mean, I see them do great things from time to time, like rerunning the hurricane episode, and then releasing it to DVD when Katrina hit (more than the government did, but I'm not going into that). And then the episode with Big Bird's racist (or species-ist) friend visits, and tells him not to hang out with anyone but Birds.
Heck, even the one where Elmo falls in love with Gina had a pretty powerful message behind it. But I see that less and less, because of that, and the fact they have to keep shoving in everything else they feel they need to teach.
That's why I refuse to say it's dumbed down, BTW. Dumbed down means taking things out. They're putting so many things in, it's getting cluttered, and everything's running together. They have to teach world culture, nutrition, Letters, numbers, social interactions, reading and writing, different languages, and more and still have 10-15 minutes of Elmo talking about feet (insert foot fetish joke here). In a 50 minute show (the show is technically 50 minutes now, not an hour) to have all these things bookended in makes it too cluttered to begin with, and with nutricion and reading so far, they shopwed that they have to be anything but subtle with the subject matter, meaning less room for the other things. And who wants to bet season 39 will deal with environmental problems? So, add to that, way too much.
If only they went back to the old days of one episode focusing on X subject and not to the, lets see how much we can cram into about 35 minutes.