That's cool. Never saw The Electric Company when I was growing up, but I've seen some of it in recent years. (I've got an episode taped from Noggin that includes a Spider-Man sketch - one of the main reasons I wanted to see the show, being a superhero fan)
I used to watch 321 Contact all the time!!! That show was awesome! I still remember the theme song! It rocks!
And of course, I was all over Sesame Street! And I do remember reading the Sesame Street magazine some when I was a kid.
By the way, today I picked up those 3 Sesame Street magazines I saw at the antique store some months ago. And for the record, I've now got the April 1971 issue, October 1971, and January 1972. The April 1971 issue is identified as Volume 1, issue 4. So I guess that means the magazine started in January 1971- about a year and a half after Sesame Street started.