mikebennidict said:
a boy spills some milk, don't know if it was on purpose or not but the mom asks how it happened and he says, a machine of some sort did it, a baseball knocked it over, a herd of elephants, and possibly something else. finally he admits he did it.)
The boy knocked it over, sort in a spaced-out, not-knowing-what-he-was-doing mode. When the kid's mother asks how it happened, the boy said one thing after another, with a film clip to match:
-- "A robber". We see a crook with a mask knock over the glass, steal a sandwich, then disappear under the table.
-- "A big machine". We see a wrecking ball knock over the glass of milk as well as trash the rest of the kitchen. [Didn't ja get the evacuation notice, lady? Eminent domain
says we can build this freeway bypass.]
-- "A gorilla". I actually don't remember this one, though someone else mentioned it. Did he come in through a closet?
-- "A baseball player". When he said that, I thought a slugger was going to come in and knock the glass over with a bat. Instead, we saw footage of a real baseball game, possible Major League. A loooong home run was hit, and we watch a uniformed player wander through the house to catch the ball. Oh yeah, the baseball knocks the glass over before it lands in his mitt. ["But you're not too close to the ball park!" he said. Last time I trust that real-estate agent."]
-- "Elephants". We see a trumpeting, thundering herd of elephants running alongside a woods. Cut to the kitchen, where the mini-earthquake produced by the pachyderms rattles the table enough to topple the glass.
Finally, the kid admits the spill was his own doing. Mom says she knew it all along, and tells the kid to clean up, then kisses him.