I tried scanning them, but it just isn't working out. They are too huge and fragile.
First issue covers shows #1-24 (odd that it doesn't finish the week).
Well...we know which segment of show #1 was considered the most important. (Funny, I recently watched the DVD and fast forwarded through the cow film. I would have flunked! You mean they're not gonna ask what color Oscar is?)
teaches THE LETTER W (in a weird story of Wanda the Witch) -- THE NUMBER 2 -- the words OVER, THROUGH, and AROUND -- and
where milk comes from
(a good look at the warm and friendly cow that gives us the milk we drink).
Talk more about cows. "What sound does a cow make?" "What do cows eat?" "Where do cows live?" Help the children use the information that they have learned about cows to answer more difficult questions such as, "Why do cows live in the country instead of in the city?" You may have to help them start to reason by asking a few questions that give hints: "Let's think. What was it that cows eat?" "Is there much grass in the city? In the country?"
Ask the children to draw pictures of cows. Add grass for them to eat and maybe the barn where they are milked.
Make butter. It's easy to do and as dramatic and exciting as a magic show. It's fun to have the children guess what will happen before you begin. Pour heavy cream into a mixing bowl and beat with an eggbeater (past the whipped cream stage) until flakes of butter form. Pour off the milk (it's buttermilk) and work the butter together with a spoon. Rinse it with cold water and taste. It's sweet butter. Add a little salt and taste again.
Talk about other things made from milk: cream, butter, whipped cream, ice cream, cottage cheese. Look through magazines for pictures of milk products.