Yeah, I was wondering if any other "nightmare fuel" segments were included, like some of Etienne Delessert's really bizarre cartoons (such as the ogre face on a hill with the Irish music, the mutant rabbit chasing kids to fast rock music, or the "face morph" ones), the Crack Master (though given it appeared in Episode 0848, I kind of doubted it), the freakier first-season Muppet monster skits (like Kermit's "More or Less" lecture, the "B Sound" lecture, "In the Box," etc.), Count von Count and Waiter Grover, Bob and Luis and the Train of Doom, that weird "Bird" cartoon, or maybe even something we haven't been able to obtain a clip of yet, like the "12" sketch with David as a snake charmer!
And hey, good timing at getting a rundown of this episode, since next month will be October!